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Author Topic: Sharing THIS letter with 1000's of my industry contacts on Social...  (Read 4145 times)

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« on: June 01, 2020, 21:53 »
As a Content Creator and Ad Agency content buyer....
This is what I will be sharing with my followers on FB, IG, TWITTER and LinkedIn ... feel free to do the same!


Hello Friends, clients and followers!

As many of you know, Ive been a photographer for most of my adult life. I had the pleasure of sharing many of my images (and videos) with you. Quite a few times, I had a chance to work with you on #Photography, #GraphicDesign, and other #CreativeProjects.

Over the years, to subsidize my income, Ive been working with various #StockPhoto agencies selling my work.

A few days ago, one of these #StockPhotography agencies pulled the rug from under me and over a million #creative fellows such as myself. 
On May 26th, #Shutterstock Inc (NYSE: SSTK) notified its contributors of drastic changes to the payout structure, which took effect today (June 1st).
With this new structure #Shutterstock has cut prices and lowered the #royalties it pays to the people who drive their business.
They believe its ok to keep up to 85% of the revenue for our work, our many hours of planning, creating, key-wording and uploading artwork, while continually investing in new gear.

If you agree that pay rates as low as 10 for an image, that we sometimes spend hours creating, are not fair...
I respectfully ask you to follow the thousands of creatives and stock content buyers in showing support for  #ShutterstockBoycott.

Please refrain purchasing from #Shutterstock Inc.
Please share this letter with anyone that is a #Photographer, #Videographer, #GraphicDesigner and/or works in #Advertising or #Marketing industries.

There are many great #StockAgencies out there that offer their content creators a fair and sustainable royalty structure!

You can support me (and many other creatives) by purchasing from and Adobe:

Thank you kindly,


Clair Voyant

« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2020, 21:58 »

Why not use the already trending #boycottshutterstock ? If you want momentum you should stick with momentum.

« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2020, 22:08 »
I used both in my post. I believe that starting hashtag with #shutterstock... the auto complete will bring awareness to people who dont know about the boycott.


Why not use the already trending #boycottshutterstock ? If you want momentum you should stick with momentum.

« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2020, 22:20 »

They believe its ok to keep up to 85% of the revenue for our work, our many hours of planning, creating, key-wording and uploading artwork, while continually investing in new gear.

Only Shutterstock really knows how much they will keep! if you are at level 1 they might keep more than 85%. The 15% is based on a hypothetical client that downloads the maximum amount allowed in the subscription and that is in fact not the norm.

« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2020, 22:45 »
Message from a Creative Manager at a national brand... (see attachment)  8)

« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2020, 22:47 »
It's great that you're getting the word out, but when I tried to find you on twitter I couldn't at first

#shutterstockboycott has three results if you do a search on twitter (your post is one of them and that was the only way I could find it)

#BoycottShutterstock has many hundreds of results and will get anything you say more traction.

I try and use #Shutterstock as well in anything related to this fiasco

« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2020, 22:48 »
Message from a Creative Manager at a national brand...

That's great!

« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2020, 23:24 »
Message from a Creative Manager at a national brand... (see attachment)  8)


« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2020, 05:05 »
Talking about Twitter, I made the mistake of checking out the CEO's likes. Yeesh, he seems to support some pretty scary stuff. Don't think we can expect any sympathy there.


« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2020, 05:35 »
La traduction en franais

Bonjour Amis, clients et followers !

Comme beaucoup d'entre vous le savent, j'ai t photographe pendant la plus grande partie de ma vie d'adulte. J'ai eu le plaisir de partager beaucoup de mes images (et vidos) avec vous. Plusieurs fois, j'ai eu la chance de travailler avec vous sur #Photographie #Infographie #ProjetsCratifs [ #Photography #GraphicDesign et d'autres #CreativeProjects ].

Au fil des ans, pour subventionner mes revenus, j'ai travaill avec diffrentes agences de #StockPhoto qui vendaient mon travail.

Il y a quelques jours, l'une de ces agences de #StockPhotography m'a coup lherbe sous les pieds, ainsi qu' ceux de plus d'un million de #cratifs comme moi. 
Le 26 mai, #Shutterstock Inc (NYSE : SSTK) a notifi ses contributeurs des changements drastiques dans la structure de paiement, qui sont entrs en vigueur aujourd'hui (1er juin).
Avec cette nouvelle structure, #Shutterstock a rduit les prix et les royalties qu'elle verse aux personnes qui alimentent son entreprise.
Ils estiment qu'il est normal de conserver plus de 85 % des recettes de notre travail, de nos nombreuses heures de planification, de cration, de saisie de mots-cls et de tlchargement des travaux artistiques, tout en investissant continuellement dans de nouveaux quipements.

Si vous tes d'accord que des taux de rmunration aussi bas que 10 cents pour une image, que nous passons parfois des heures crer, ne sont pas justes...
Je vous demande respectueusement de bien vouloir vous joindre aux milliers de cratifs et d'acheteurs de contenu photographiques, graphiques et vido qui soutiennent #ShutterstockBoycott.

--- Veuillez vous abstenir d'acheter #Shutterstock Inc.
--- Veuillez partager cette lettre avec toute personne qui est un #Photographe, #Vidographe, #Graphiste et/ou qui travaille dans les industries de la #Publicit ou du #Marketing.

Il existe de nombreuses #StockAgencies qui offrent leurs crateurs de contenus une structure de droits d'auteur quitable et durable !

Vous pouvez me soutenir (ainsi que de nombreux autres cratifs) en achetant sur et Adobe :

Je vous remercie,
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 05:56 by Chichikov »


« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2020, 05:40 »
Also have to point out the upto 85% is incorrect. They will be taking a lot more than that thanks to the way it is calculated. Especially calling it "up to 85% of revenue" which is precisely what it very much isn't.  It it taking a minimum of 85% of revenue from all contributors in January and in reality probably very much more in most cases.

They have made it hard to explain this on purpose to hide what they are doing. See the surprise of many contributors at all those 10c dls.

Anyway, don't mean to be negative, it is great work!


« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2020, 05:48 »
you are giving them free advertising, the clients are only gonna think:

"oh looks like this agency is ripping contributors, so it might be cheaper to buy there than else" ;)

Instead of this angle I chose a better one. I publicly announced to give a period of exclusivity of all fresh images to Adobe Stock. And below that I mentioned the most prestigious publications I ever received along with my scope and vision around stock photography.

0 mentions of Shutterstock. That's a real justice you can do. It will take months to reflect our actions that are planned now.


« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2020, 05:55 »
La versione italiana

Ciao amici, clienti e follower!

Come molti di voi sanno, sono stato un fotografo per la maggior parte della mia vita adulta. Ho avuto il piacere di condividere molte delle mie immagini (e video) con voi. Parecchie volte ho avuto la possibilit di lavorare con voi su #Fotografia, #Grafica, e altri #Progetti Creativi [ #Photography #GraphicDesign et d'autres #CreativeProjects ].

Nel corso degli anni, per sostenere il mio reddito, ho lavorato con varie agenzie #StockPhoto che vendono i miei lavori.

Qualche giorno fa, una di queste agenzie #StockPhotography ha tagliato fuori me e oltre un milione di altre persone creative come me.   
Il 26 maggio, #Shutterstock Inc (NYSE: SSTK) ha notificato ai suoi collaboratori drastici cambiamenti nella struttura dei pagamenti, che sono entrati in vigore oggi (1 giugno).
Con questa nuova struttura, #Shutterstock ha ridotto i prezzi e le royalty che paga alle persone che contribuiscono alla sua attivit.
Essi ritengono che sia giusto trattenere pi dell'85% delle entrate derivanti dal nostro lavoro, dalle nostre molte ore di pianificazione, di creazione, di parole chiave (keyword) e di upload dei lavori, investendo continuamente in nuove attrezzature.

Se siete d'accordo sul fatto che non giusto pagare tariffe fino a 10 centesimi per un'immagine, che a volte passiamo ore a creare...
Vi chiedo rispettosamente di unirvi alle migliaia di creativi e acquirenti di contenuti fotografici, grafici e video che supportano #ShutterstockBoycott.

--- Vi prego di astenervi dall'acquistare da #Shutterstock Inc.
--- Si prega di condividere questa lettera con chiunque sia un #Fotografo, #Videografo, #GraphicDesigner e/o lavori in #Pubblicit o #Marketing.

Ci sono molte grandi #StockAgenzie l fuori che offrono ai loro creatori di contenuti una struttura di royalty equa e sostenibile!

Potete supportare me (e molti altri creativi) acquistando da e Adobe:

Grazie di cuore,
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 05:58 by Chichikov »


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