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Author Topic: no more sell  (Read 16074 times)

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« on: August 19, 2017, 02:39 »
Hi everyone,

I have not more sells from every site 7 days

have Some one the Same problem like me???

let me know plz

thx by advance

« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2017, 02:43 »
Not quite that bad but am experiencing a very poor August...combination of seasonal factors, overall decline, bad luck and less motivation to upload quality new stuff I think. Hoping September will start to look more normal.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2017, 03:07 »
How many sales do you normally get in seven days? If it's 100 or 1000 then that's slightly worrying. If it's like 5 or something, then you could probably chalk it down to it just being August.

« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2017, 03:25 »
How many sales do you normally get in seven days? If it's 100 or 1000 then that's slightly worrying. If it's like 5 or something, then you could probably chalk it down to it just being August.


just sometimes in the potbh 7a21 sells per month
but nog i see 10 days in this motnh no more bells
is that normal in this season ?

Bad Company

« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2017, 08:31 »
How many sales do you normally get in seven days? If it's 100 or 1000 then that's slightly worrying. If it's like 5 or something, then you could probably chalk it down to it just being August.


just sometimes in the potbh 7a21 sells per month
but nog i see 10 days in this motnh no more bells
is that normal in this season ?

July and August typically are the slowest months of the year. Not much we can do- just ride out the storm until the 2nd week of September (After Labor Day holiday).  Just the nature of the business...

« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2017, 11:13 »
Hi everyone,

i have 10 days not more sells from ss

is ss dead or something?
have some one same problem like me?

thx by advance


  • There is a crack in everything

« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2017, 11:16 »
So far I have sold half the amount of images than last month. I wonder if the customers have collected enough RF images over the years and now have no longer need for new images.

« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2017, 12:57 »
So far I have sold half the amount of images than last month. I wonder if the customers have collected enough RF images over the years and now have no longer need for new images.

Sales are horrid.  Seriously and with all honesty and sincerity...unless I get a regular video sale, I am getting 8-15 subs a day and that's about it. Almost no OD sales (a few now and then but not like three months and previous) and pennies to maybe $2.50 on SOD sales.  I am very happy I kept my day job. Going to take everything I make in MS and shove it into investments until the business is dry. I've gone from $3k a month to a little less than $2k a month, almost exclusively because of SS.  I am not presenting any conspiracy. These are just the facts of my situation. 

Bad Company

« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2017, 16:30 »
The flooding of millions of images and allowing any to be a contributor has killed the market. Reminds me of when the Real Estate market was hot and everyone get their licenses to sell. Soon nobody was making any good money do to over volume of salespeople.  SS is still raking in the money but each one of us gets a 'Bread Crumb' instead of a slice of bread like we use to get... :-[


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2017, 16:51 »
You started a thread about not having any sales for seven days. When it got to ten days, you updated that thread to say that you hadn't had any sales for ten days... and then also started a new thread stating that you hadn't had any sales for ten days. When you don't have any sales for thirteen days, will you mention that here and then start a new thread stating that you've not had any sales for thirteen days?

Maybe best to keep it all in the same thread... the relevance of the answers to no sales for seven days is pretty much the same as for ten days, or thirteem!


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2017, 17:12 »
Hi everyone,

i have 10 days not more sells from ss

is ss dead or something?
have some one same problem like me?

thx by advance

Perhaps we can have a look at your portfolio and give you some tips to improve, if you don't mind?

« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2017, 01:06 »
horrible sales for me. I dont know what happening with shutterstock. i'm packing my backpack and go away.

« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2017, 01:13 »
Extremely bad 3/4 of the month for us too. Hoping to pick up some sales till the end of the month :\ It is not easy having almost 12k of video footage and having low sales.

« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2017, 01:15 »
You started a thread about not having any sales for seven days. When it got to ten days, you updated that thread to say that you hadn't had any sales for ten days... and then also started a new thread stating that you hadn't had any sales for ten days. When you don't have any sales for thirteen days, will you mention that here and then start a new thread stating that you've not had any sales for thirteen days?

Maybe best to keep it all in the same thread... the relevance of the answers to no sales for seven days is pretty much the same as for ten days, or thirteem!

I've merged the two threads now

« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2017, 08:40 »
Hi everyone,

i have 10 days not more sells from ss

is ss dead or something?
have some one same problem like me?

thx by advance

i sell 8 pictures  first to 9th august, only 3 since 14th august... i just have 300 pics on SS (since may 2017)

« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2017, 03:28 »
Hello friends!

I am new member. I want to ask about for sell. Can you check my profile? Is there any problem? Can you give me some tips for sell? I sell 4 photos during 20 days. Thanks for everythings.



  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2017, 05:12 »
Hello friends!

I am new member. I want to ask about for sell. Can you check my profile? Is there any problem? Can you give me some tips for sell? I sell 4 photos during 20 days. Thanks for everythings.



From the onset they look good...bright and colourful with interesting topics with the exception of some which look over-processed (see below). Also, birds, flowers and the animals you have shot look like snapshots.

On the positive side, the stair trails and isolated stuff look good.

I think you just need to produce more of these and i'm talking about 2000+ images. As for only 4 photos in 20 days, we're all struggling in these summer months with few downloads...hopefully it's a short term situation. 

You're in turkey, ever thought about taking some editorials as there's lots going on there politically.



  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2017, 05:19 »
Hello friends!

I am new member. I want to ask about for sell. Can you check my profile? Is there any problem? Can you give me some tips for sell? I sell 4 photos during 20 days. Thanks for everythings.


As always, for every subject you are thinking about shooting/uploading, look at what is already on the agencies and ask yourself why someone would buy yours rather than theirs. If you can't think of at least one good reason, don't bother.

« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2017, 05:35 »
Hello friends!

I am new member. I want to ask about for sell. Can you check my profile? Is there any problem? Can you give me some tips for sell? I sell 4 photos during 20 days. Thanks for everythings.



From the onset they look good...bright and colourful with interesting topics with the exception of some which look over-processed (see below). Also, birds, flowers and the animals you have shot look like snapshots.

On the positive side, the stair trails and isolated stuff look good.

I think you just need to produce more of these and i'm talking about 2000+ images. As for only 4 photos in 20 days, we're all struggling in these summer months with few downloads...hopefully it's a short term situation. 

You're in turkey, ever thought about taking some editorials as there's lots going on there politically.


Thanks for your comment Brasilnut, I will consider what you say. I will try to take my photos what you said. hmm i think you wanted to say, i can take some editorial photos? isn't it? it is advantage for me that politically things. Cos of i can find many things for take photos.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2017, 05:40 »
hmm i think you wanted to say, i can take some editorial photos? isn't it? it is advantage for me that politically things. Cos of i can find many things for take photos.

Yes, political situation in Turkey is a hot topic with the refugees / Syria, Erdogan, austerity, conservative vs secular tension. Those topics are in demand, but I would personally submit those images to Alamy not to Microstock.

Must not be easy to be a journalist in Turkey these days though which makes these types of images even more premium.

« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2017, 05:43 »
Hello friends!

I am new member. I want to ask about for sell. Can you check my profile? Is there any problem? Can you give me some tips for sell? I sell 4 photos during 20 days. Thanks for everythings.


As always, for every subject you are thinking about shooting/uploading, look at what is already on the agencies and ask yourself why someone would buy yours rather than theirs. If you can't think of at least one good reason, don't bother.

Thanks for your commets. That's right. We have to find different from the others. at that time buyers will be choice us. I really respect you. thank you so much.

« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2017, 05:50 »
hmm i think you wanted to say, i can take some editorial photos? isn't it? it is advantage for me that politically things. Cos of i can find many things for take photos.

Yes, political situation in Turkey is a hot topic with the refugees / Syria, Erdogan, austerity, conservative vs secular tension. Those topics are in demand, but I would personally submit those images to Alamy not to Microstock.

Must not be easy to be a journalist in Turkey these days though which makes these types of images even more premium.

You're absoultely right. That's really possible things to take like that photos. But i didn't take like that photos before. I worry about of permisson. Cos of i didn't use personally photos before. Can you give me some advices about this topic. by the way how can i see you photos? if it possible sure.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2017, 06:17 »
But i didn't take like that photos before. I worry about of permisson.

These would be editorials so no permission needed. These types of images would be licensed for non-commercial purposes, most likely on newspapers to support a story. Sure, some events you may need to have a press pass but not for street photography editorials such as protests.

Can you give me some advices about this topic.

I've written a series of blog posts on capturing stock editorials:



by the way how can i see you photos?



« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2017, 07:54 »
But i didn't take like that photos before. I worry about of permisson.

These would be editorials so no permission needed. These types of images would be licensed for non-commercial purposes, most likely on newspapers to support a story. Sure, some events you may need to have a press pass but not for street photography editorials such as protests.

Can you give me some advices about this topic.

I've written a series of blog posts on capturing stock editorials:



by the way how can i see you photos?



I am really respect you! I send this photo before shutterstock. They didn't accept it cos of permission. by the way if i send this file for commercial do they agree? i couldn't understand this. if i a take a photo include people. can i send this photo for commercial without permission?


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