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Author Topic: interesting statement by SS  (Read 4481 times)

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« on: May 26, 2009, 10:02 »
Someone from SS posted on their forum yesterday, responding to speculations about their search algorithms.  It was a good post, informative, and seemed sincere but it contained one statement which I thought was very revealing:

"We have a large library but there are still many areas in which we need updated, high quality content."

The implication being: in most areas, we are already well covered and do NOT need updated content, thank you.  So what does this say about the future?  What happens when the remaining "areas" are well covered? 

« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 10:16 »
You are quoting that statement out of the context within which it was written. Because something is not explicitly stated does not mean you can automatically infer something implicitly. Here is the full statement;

The above speculation is almost entirely false:

We do not and never have shown different results or change the order of any returned results depending on if ImagePreviews are turned on or off. If you have seen this occur, please let us know the details and we will investigate it as a bug.

We do not mix or test Newest First search results from one customer search to another for the same criteria -- the results should change only if there were in fact newer images added for that search. Again, if you see otherwise please let us know and we will investigate it as a bug. Keep in mind that we add thousands of new images every day, and also that many submitters change and add keywords after images have been approved.

We have explicitly stated that the goals of all of our recent changes are both to increase downloads and to help our customers find the right image more quickly. We will continue to work toward those goals.

The reason that newer results may not be selling as quickly now is that, as we have explained in our prior posts in this thread, the Most Popular alg now considers a variety of factors beyond just the ratio of total downloads vs total time-available for that image. These new factors we are considering are all image or keyword level factors, and have nothing to do with submitter level data.

We will continue to improve our Most Popular alg when our research indicates we can further improve the quality and relevancy of the returned results. This is a difficult and ongoing project to which we will continue to devote substantial resources. We recognize that if our customers cannot find what they need, and quickly, then our library size is not serving them well.

Submitting high quality images with good keywords always has been the best way for submitters to improve their own earnings. We have a large library but there are still many areas in which we need updated, high quality content.

Thank you for your comments in this thread and please continue to give us detailed feedback that we can incorporate into our ongoing research. I assure you that your feedback is part of our decision making process.



« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2009, 11:21 »
Thanks for posting the whole thing in context Gostwyck. 

I don't interpret that as their not wanting new images in well covered subjects.  If that was the case there would be multiple angry postings all over from people experiencing wholesale rejections and there aren't.  It is just a hint that there are niche areas yet to be filled.  If anyone is fortunate enough to discover those niches they are likely to do quite well!

This also may explain why I have a couple of new series uploaded over the past couple of weeks that haven't received a single sale.  I was really proud of them as they represent a quantum leap forward for me in location lighting technique and I was really very proud of them.  Yet no sales at all.  I have done specific searches and they are showing up, so apparently it was only that they got short shrift in the new uploads section.  Either due to the rumored bug or because they may have gotten lost in a flood of imagery uploaded at the same time.

And yeah, there is always the possibility they are complete crap and nobody wanted them, but stuff I uploaded since that is IMO not nearly as good has managed to get the new-image bump in uploads. 


« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2009, 04:29 »
Thanks for posting the whole thing in context Gostwyck. 

I don't interpret that as their not wanting new images in well covered subjects.  If that was the case there would be multiple angry postings all over from people experiencing wholesale rejections and there aren't.  It is just a hint that there are niche areas yet to be filled.  If anyone is fortunate enough to discover those niches they are likely to do quite well!

This also may explain why I have a couple of new series uploaded over the past couple of weeks that haven't received a single sale.  I was really proud of them as they represent a quantum leap forward for me in location lighting technique and I was really very proud of them.  Yet no sales at all.  I have done specific searches and they are showing up, so apparently it was only that they got short shrift in the new uploads section.  Either due to the rumored bug or because they may have gotten lost in a flood of imagery uploaded at the same time.

And yeah, there is always the possibility they are complete crap and nobody wanted them, but stuff I uploaded since that is IMO not nearly as good has managed to get the new-image bump in uploads. 

Yes Lisafx.
You know that not quality is factor for sales. Needs of buyers and their choices making sales. If you make quality images and have great props and not studio on wheels - most RPI you will get on macro and mid-stock sites.


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