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Author Topic: New algorithm change on Shutterstock  (Read 31346 times)

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« on: January 06, 2018, 13:43 »
It looks like it was changed on Thursday. Based on what I've seen, they seem to be testing different algorithms on the popular tab. One set of results show more new items and another set of results show a mix of new and old content. My downloads were impacted on Thursday, but it made a recovery yesterday. It looks like they're still testing and we probably won't know the full impact of it until next week.

I've seen some of my top images disappear from the search results and seen some move up. I think they're trying to mix it up and show more new content.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2018, 14:21 »
It looks like it was changed on Thursday. Based on what I've seen, they seem to be testing different algorithms on the popular tab. One set of results show more new items and another set of results show a mix of new and old content. My downloads were impacted on Thursday, but it made a recovery yesterday. It looks like they're still testing and we probably won't know the full impact of it until next week.

I've seen some of my top images disappear from the search results and seen some move up. I think they're trying to mix it up and show more new content.

Yeah, looks like this is about a month since the last change. First week in Dec Popular was best selling and recent sales, fairly like what one would expect from true popular. Then it popped into the crazy mix with new and unsold showing on the first page.

Just looked on three browsers, Edge and Chrome which had to load the page, show one sort, Firefox, even with a page reload, shows a different sort. FF I looked from my account, different. Then I tried a page reload, that still different sort is showing. I'm not going to clear the cache but it's highly likely that parts of that page and what shows are saved in the cookies?

Meanwhile, yes it has changed again. I think this isn't tinkering as much as a planned change to show buyers different materials every month and make the site look fresh. I haven't been tracking Popular for most of my images in a search, but when I did, sometimes nothing changed, other times, newer were moved up and then others it would be most sales/recent sales.

One of my best known test searches, the one I use to look for changes, on two different browsers, shows different results. Once I copied the link and refreshed, they are the same. What I mean is, we might not all see the same results for a page, but a new fresh load will show the same. Same would be happening for buyers. Our computers have some sort data stored.

I can't make any claims for what anyone else sees, we've been through this for years.

I've never seen any change in sales, up or down, sales that I can positively attribute to the change in the search because what I sell is generally still on top in the searches that I have good photos that sell more often than the duds.


« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2018, 16:36 »
Whatever there doing....PLEASE keep it up.

« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2018, 22:42 »
Whatever there doing....PLEASE keep it up.

You like being on page 15 instead of first page, because they are promoting unsold and new? When did you decide that?

« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2018, 10:33 »
Whatever there doing....PLEASE keep it up.

You like being on page 15 instead of first page, because they are promoting unsold and new? When did you decide that?

Looks like they are shuffling the popular pages, which gives you new result after some time frame.

I think this a good call on buyer perspective as they are getting fresh content, for contributors we'll have to wait and watch.

« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2018, 11:01 »
They've done something that's for sure... we are seeing very low sales on our side. Sad January this will be.


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2018, 11:43 »
Video is really good this month but I don't see any significant changes with my image downloads ...


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« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2018, 12:01 »
YES!! Please keep this up!  serves me brilliant! best search so far. ;D

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2018, 13:13 »
I don't see any changes either way with any of these versions of the popular sort over the year. At least nothing that I can positively attribute to sort change. Without the change my sales go up and down and when there's a change they still go up and down.  ;D

When I start seeing sold for first time, it makes me wonder if it's the sort, but when the numbers of sales stay the same, I figure it's just different needs from different buyers. Best is last month I had the same image, first time sold, get a sub and then an OD the same day. I guessed the buyer wanted a cheap sample or tested various items and bought mine for the actual project.

« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2018, 13:40 »
Very bad for me. Some months ago I was having 300+ downloads a day, now mere 150. They are destroying hard working peoples motivation. Over 10 years on Shutterstock so it really feels bad.

« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2018, 14:56 »
It looks like things have been changed back.


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« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2018, 12:20 »
Very bad for me. Some months ago I was having 300+ downloads a day, now mere 150. They are destroying hard working peoples motivation. Over 10 years on Shutterstock so it really feels bad.

They cap the earnings for over a year now and thats to give newcomers etc a chance to earn. Ever since the new managemant came into office this is whats happening. Its no conspiracy theory but a fact. I know an ex-employee there and known him for over 15 years and he confirmed it!

Never mind what the ghostbusters will come and say, this is whats happening! I'm just waiting for July-August and if no change I will erase my portfolio there and stick it into Istock -exclusive. I earn more then enough from the Trad-agencies!  It feels crazy supporting an agency that after 13 years just slaughters your work. :)


« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2018, 12:56 »
It looks like things have been changed back.

Not by a long shot. Many of my top earners are still mysteriously buried under some images which should never even have been approved. Insane, it's as though they are being punished for being successful which does indeed translate into an agency imposed earnings cap. I don't know about others, but I'm certainly not in this for anything but the money, so if SS deems I've made enough and turns off the tap then I see no point in continuing with them either. In school I was never a fan of grading on a curve, and now in real life I'm certainly not a fan of this new Gaussian distribution at SS either. I never thought I would be saying this about SS, but I'm hanging on til the end of the first quarter and if there is no reversion then I too am out. It's just not worth it anymore.

« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2018, 13:16 »
Very poor start to the year.  Sales running at only 50% of usual expectations.  Something appears to have changed, as others have pointed out.  Disappointed.


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« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2018, 14:24 »
It looks like things have been changed back.

Not by a long shot. Many of my top earners are still mysteriously buried under some images which should never even have been approved. Insane, it's as though they are being punished for being successful which does indeed translate into an agency imposed earnings cap. I don't know about others, but I'm certainly not in this for anything but the money, so if SS deems I've made enough and turns off the tap then I see no point in continuing with them either. In school I was never a fan of grading on a curve, and now in real life I'm certainly not a fan of this new Gaussian distribution at SS either. I never thought I would be saying this about SS, but I'm hanging on til the end of the first quarter and if there is no reversion then I too am out. It's just not worth it anymore.

Hit the nail on the head!! 110%!

« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2018, 14:50 »
Very bad for me. Some months ago I was having 300+ downloads a day, now mere 150. They are destroying hard working peoples motivation. Over 10 years on Shutterstock so it really feels bad.

They cap the earnings for over a year now and thats to give newcomers etc a chance to earn. Ever since the new managemant came into office this is whats happening. Its no conspiracy theory but a fact. I know an ex-employee there and known him for over 15 years and he confirmed it!

Never mind what the ghostbusters will come and say, this is whats happening! I'm just waiting for July-August and if no change I will erase my portfolio there and stick it into Istock -exclusive. I earn more then enough from the Trad-agencies!  It feels crazy supporting an agency that after 13 years just slaughters your work. :)
and to think only two days ago it was the best search so far


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« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2018, 02:21 »
Very bad for me. Some months ago I was having 300+ downloads a day, now mere 150. They are destroying hard working peoples motivation. Over 10 years on Shutterstock so it really feels bad.

They cap the earnings for over a year now and thats to give newcomers etc a chance to earn. Ever since the new managemant came into office this is whats happening. Its no conspiracy theory but a fact. I know an ex-employee there and known him for over 15 years and he confirmed it!

Never mind what the ghostbusters will come and say, this is whats happening! I'm just waiting for July-August and if no change I will erase my portfolio there and stick it into Istock -exclusive. I earn more then enough from the Trad-agencies!  It feels crazy supporting an agency that after 13 years just slaughters your work. :)
and to think only two days ago it was the best search so far

My dear fellow!!  best search and best sales are two very different things!  you should now that by now you've been doing this long enough!..( I was actually beeing a bit sarcastic about the change)!  even so since you according to yourself dont do this full-time but treat it as a side-earner you have never been in the position to feel nor see the effect of a capped portfolio. Logic isnt it?

As a ghostbuster of conspiracy theories you are one of the very best but in my case although cut in half my actual earnings are still reasonable but it could and should be twice as much as sooooo many other full-time photographers are experiencing. Its not the dollar-amounts its the so obvious 50% down we are complaining about, as would you do if it hit ya! right.
Now you have a good day! :)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 02:35 by derek »

« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2018, 02:48 »
I reach a new low - this week is so low just cant be real. Sales are caped for sure - no point for uploading annymore, i will start delleting. This week i made sales who i made for one day one year beffore. They dont need us old contributors anymore - they need only crap to sell for 0.25c .


« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2018, 03:02 »
Good for me: my best sellers are still on the first page (or the second), and many photos which have never sold before are now selling

« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2018, 03:03 »
I reach a new low - this week is so low just cant be real. Sales are caped for sure - no point for uploading annymore, i will start delleting. This week i made sales who i made for one day one year beffore. They dont need us old contributors anymore - they need only crap to sell for 0.25c .

Agreed - things are starting to become rather unmotivating :(

« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2018, 03:05 »
"best search and best sales are two very different things! " Interesting as the whole premise of the capping idea is that if images are pushed down the search it automatically results in less sales. In fact my definition of a "good" search engine is one that sells my pictures the most  ;D.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 03:13 by Pauws99 »

« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2018, 03:10 »
oh no..... agencies don't cap their sales, don't believe such imaginary stories::)


PS: remember kids, if you aren't in first four results of Google search, you don't exist.


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« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2018, 03:40 »
oh no..... agencies don't cap their sales, don't believe such imaginary stories::)


PS: remember kids, if you aren't in first four results of Google search, you don't exist.

 ;D! good one!    yeah its amazing really after all these years some people STILL think that business is as straight as a die! rather give away royalties when they could save!


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« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2018, 08:14 »
that's something is going on behind the curtain is obvious. they control anything., or do you think that raw spend thousand of dollar in shooting without any warranty that they will earn them back, apart the quality of the work they produce. the same for other big seller.

yesterday i had a 73 dollar sale. as always, and i mean ALWAYS, today is super crap, in the sense of 3 download when often at this time i had 20 25 at least. ALWAYS after a 73 dollar it follows 2 3 days of crap. i could have bet my house that today i won't reach 10 download.

this first 10 days i managed to earn more than last january and slightly less than december. i'm surprised but I?M SWURE that from now till 20 i will experience a slow down  , and then better sale in the last 10 days just to reach a good month plus 10% compared to best month of last year.
i bet my pants., i already imagine the total amount at the end of month.


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2018, 08:25 »
So true! I'm waiting for the "anti-cap-earning" peeps to get angry at us for such talk ...


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