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Author Topic: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?  (Read 3372 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2025, 09:11 »
For the month of December, Getty gave me twice as much income as Shutterstock.
This has never happened before. It means our money is being stolen. Or Shutterstock is being deliberately bankrupted.

Or customers are going elsewhere? A drop in income doesn't mean that anything underhanded is happening and, if you look at the search, there is a lot of very ordinary content at the top of the search, and a lot of AI content. Couple this with the facility to search by 'new' being removed, and perhaps customers have just got fed up with not finding what they need, so they are going elsewhere.

As my RPD is so low on Shutterstock, I'd be much happier if customers went to Adobe or Istock, as the RPD there is more than double Shutterstock's rate.

« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2025, 09:38 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2025, 13:00 »
For the month of December, Getty gave me twice as much income as Shutterstock.
This has never happened before. It means our money is being stolen. Or Shutterstock is being deliberately bankrupted.

Or customers are going elsewhere? A drop in income doesn't mean that anything underhanded is happening and, if you look at the search, there is a lot of very ordinary content at the top of the search, and a lot of AI content. Couple this with the facility to search by 'new' being removed, and perhaps customers have just got fed up with not finding what they need, so they are going elsewhere.

As my RPD is so low on Shutterstock, I'd be much happier if customers went to Adobe or Istock, as the RPD there is more than double Shutterstock's rate.

Their quarterly calls and reports suggest a big collapse of subscription sales.  The TrustPilot seems to suggest the same with mainly angry posts who signed up for 1-2 free images getting charged and nobody wanting the subscriptions.  Also tallies with at least what im seeing where ive gone from a vast majority of subs to being SODs for low value instead (with a corresponding drop in volume).
TrustPilot and elsewhere also suggests angry buyers wading through pages and pages of AI spam and terrible keywording making it impossible to find a legit image or video of what they actually want.

Looking at the customer facing complaints on TP, Twitter and elsewhere it does seem like the lack of quality control of the library combined with their dubious selling practices seems to be switching buyers off and they're going elsewhere.

Its rare to see reviews as uniformly poor, even for stock sites.

« Reply #28 on: January 18, 2025, 13:51 »
I'm genuinely surprised by the low figures from Shutterstock and Pond5 this January. Considering their business practices, I can't help but wonder if they might be manipulating the numbers or hiding salesbut is that even possible?

I'm experiencing a drop of around 70% compared to the same month last year. Is anyone else noticing something similar?

Very easy to do programatically. Its literally a couple lines of code, and yes - that is a risk you have selling on a 3rd party platform.

Easy way to test - get several friends to purchase several of your assets. If you are not credited with ALL the sales, then yes - they are manipulating the numbers.

I believe someone (here) had done that 1-2 years ago with shitterstock (& posted the results), and came to the conclusion that shitterstock was indeed keeping/hiding some sales. You should be able to do a search and find that.

Show me the posted results, and conclusion, I can't find them. You're making the claim, can you back it up?

« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2025, 13:59 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

You started with a leading question and suspicion that Shutterstock is manipulating the numbers, based on your sales being down. Now you are suspicious about Adobestock having company run AI accounts to copy best sellers and your work. But you don't want to start rumors about conspiracy theories, or plots. No you wouldn't want to do that.

« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2025, 14:37 »

Its rare to see reviews as uniformly poor, even for stock sites.

Did a fact check in 10 seconds. Adobe the same negative picture.

and Alamy:

and Ooops, found another one:

« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 14:46 by RalfLiebhold »

« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2025, 14:42 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

You started with a leading question and suspicion that Shutterstock is manipulating the numbers, based on your sales being down. Now you are suspicious about Adobestock having company run AI accounts to copy best sellers and your work. But you don't want to start rumors about conspiracy theories, or plots. No you wouldn't want to do that.

And who said I dont want to start rumors?  ;)

Maybe you should try reading a little slower and focusing more on the subtext of what you're reading.
It helps.

« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2025, 14:51 »

Its rare to see reviews as uniformly poor, even for stock sites.

Did a fact check in 10 seconds. Adobe the same negative picture.

No this can't be true. Adobe is the best company in the world that only spreads love and is only here to support creative people, be it a contributor or customer. They can never have a bad review. That can not exist. You must have visited a fraudelent website or it's just the evil competitors writing all this negative reviews. Must be. C'mon man, it's Adobe we are speaking hereof (I will praise Adobe at all times).

« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2025, 15:06 »

Its rare to see reviews as uniformly poor, even for stock sites.

Did a fact check in 10 seconds. Adobe the same negative picture.

No this can't be true. Adobe is the best company in the world that only spreads love and is only here to support creative people, be it a contributor or customer. They can never have a bad review. That can not exist. You must have visited a fraudelent website or it's just the evil competitors writing all this negative reviews. Must be. C'mon man, it's Adobe we are speaking hereof (I will praise Adobe at all times).

It's all a conspiracy so we can just relax and ignore it.   

« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2025, 15:20 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

there is no conspiracy, alongside what feels like 1 million ai only new accounts are what again feels like one million new producers in all stock groups everywhere and huge followings on certain youtubers.

It is simply real people, sorting agency content by bestsellers and then copying to the tiniest detail with the help of ai.

And they are here to stay.

And all the other agencies currently not taking ai, will take ai at some point, meaning they will all show up there as well.

On some places like shutterstock there is already a massive influx of undeclared ai.

This is the new world of competition we are all living with.

And this is how the old school producers felt when we pierced their sacred bubble and ruined their wonderful life of penthouse party shootings with beautiful models, when we offered great content for 50 cents and debated endlessly if it ethical to raise the price to 1 dollar

« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2025, 15:44 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

You started with a leading question and suspicion that Shutterstock is manipulating the numbers, based on your sales being down. Now you are suspicious about Adobestock having company run AI accounts to copy best sellers and your work. But you don't want to start rumors about conspiracy theories, or plots. No you wouldn't want to do that.

And who said I dont want to start rumors?  ;)

Maybe you should try reading a little slower and focusing more on the subtext of what you're reading.
It helps.

Oh you did come here to start rumors and create suspicion, without any facts or evidence.

Not saying its a fact, but is there some manipulation going on from time to time?

No and Adobe didn't create zombie AI accounts to steal our best sellers. What's next, they are lying about sales and hiding them from our earnings. That one already showed up again, with no proof.

« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2025, 16:06 »

No and Adobe didn't create zombie AI accounts to steal our best sellers.

No conspiracy needed - half of Pakistan is doing that job.  Nothing to do with Adobe.

« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2025, 16:07 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

At this point, I have to agree with you on the whole.
There seem to be accounts that specifically copy bestsellers with the help of AI and fill the entire account with them. In another forum, someone explained how this is technically possible on a large scale.
Maybe he will explain it here.
Because I'm not very good at this sort of thing, I can't reproduce it here.

But it has nothing to do with Adobe.

« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2025, 16:11 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

You started with a leading question and suspicion that Shutterstock is manipulating the numbers, based on your sales being down. Now you are suspicious about Adobestock having company run AI accounts to copy best sellers and your work. But you don't want to start rumors about conspiracy theories, or plots. No you wouldn't want to do that.

And who said I dont want to start rumors?  ;)

Maybe you should try reading a little slower and focusing more on the subtext of what you're reading.
It helps.

Oh you did come here to start rumors and create suspicion, without any facts or evidence.

Not saying its a fact, but is there some manipulation going on from time to time?

No and Adobe didn't create zombie AI accounts to steal our best sellers. What's next, they are lying about sales and hiding them from our earnings. That one already showed up again, with no proof.

Hey, I came here to share my thoughts, concerns, and even my fears with fellow contributors in a microstock forum because I think others might relate to them. Where else am I supposed to do that?
I apologize if I upset you, that wasnt my goal.

« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2025, 16:11 »

No and Adobe didn't create zombie AI accounts to steal our best sellers.

No conspiracy needed - half of Pakistan is doing that job.  Nothing to do with Adobe.

LOL hahahaha.... So true.

« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2025, 16:12 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

At this point, I have to agree with you on the whole.
There seem to be accounts that specifically copy bestsellers with the help of AI and fill the entire account with them. In another forum, someone explained how this is technically possible on a large scale.
Maybe he will explain it here.
Because I'm not very good at this sort of thing, I can't reproduce it here.

But it has nothing to do with Adobe.

Wow! That's interesting...! :-X

« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2025, 16:30 »
I have another theory about whats happening, especially on Adobe. I wont go too deep into it for now since my numbers on Adobe are still growing, but something has caught my attention.

Lately, Ive seen new accounts appearing on Adobe, filled exclusively with AI-generated contentimages and videos that look suspiciously similar to the top-selling ones on the platform.

Of course, last year, we got paid quite a bit because they "trained" their AI using our images. But what really worries me is the possibility that these accounts aren't real people, but rather fake company-run accounts, designed to grab all the earnings from contributors who actually put in the work and figured out what sells.

Through AI, they could be generating almost identical content under these fake profiles to compete with and replace real contributors. If thats the case, they wouldnt just be profiting from AItheyd be cutting us out entirely.

I really hope these accounts belong to independent people who are simply analyzing top-selling content and artificially copying it. Because if they are actually company-run accounts, created to take even more of our earnings, it would be a massive disappointmentespecially coming from Adobe, which so far has been the most contributor-friendly platform.

At this point, I have to agree with you on the whole.
There seem to be accounts that specifically copy bestsellers with the help of AI and fill the entire account with them. In another forum, someone explained how this is technically possible on a large scale.
Maybe he will explain it here.
Because I'm not very good at this sort of thing, I can't reproduce it here.

But it has nothing to do with Adobe.

Wow! That's interesting...! :-X

Hmmm, I think we missed a big business opportunity here. Too late now, I guess?

« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2025, 17:04 »
No, they didn't.
To be honest, I don't understand how people come up with such weird conspiracy theories in the first place. It's becoming a habit here.

Since Elan Musk hasn't completely shot up the Shutterstock headquarters with his lasers from space, downloads are completely normal, revenue in January is expectedly poor.

Lol - why do you call anything you personally don't agree with a "conspiracy theory", and on top of that - not offer ANY intelligent discourse, other than labelling it as such? It would be like someone trying to discredit anything & everything you say by simply saying "Oh, there is ralf again, the left wing nut, yada yada yada, spouting his left wing nut nonsense". ARE you a left wing nut - and do you prefer just name calling? OR... are you capable of intelligent discourse?
He's just a doctor. And all doctors are a little crazy. They live in their own reality, the reality of their hospital. When doctors go out on the street, they don't see people around them, they only see patients, and that's why they diagnose everyone. Doctors also think that they are smarter than everyone else.
I already wrote to him that this forum is not a hospital and there are no patients of his here.
But probably you need to treat a doctor as a person who has specific deviations due to the nature of his work and his environment.

I've only just discovered this stupid post.
I don't work in a hospital.

Should you ever have a heart attack, apoplexy, tumor or an open fracture - in this case it is certainly good if the doctor is smarter than you and thinks of his patients.

I think it's pretty poor that you keep coming back to the personal level without any arguments.

« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2025, 20:44 »
No, they didn't.
To be honest, I don't understand how people come up with such weird conspiracy theories in the first place. It's becoming a habit here.

Since Elan Musk hasn't completely shot up the Shutterstock headquarters with his lasers from space, downloads are completely normal, revenue in January is expectedly poor.

exactly - my income is up, must be the quality of my work.  my income is down - the devil's running te agency & stealing my money.

« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2025, 03:37 »
I don't work in a hospital.
A doctor is already a diagnosis. Therefore, it does not matter where you work.
 ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 03:51 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2025, 03:39 »
So what do I see? I see that the video review and acceptance on Shutterstock has become very long. I have been waiting for a video review for over a week. This has never happened before! It is obvious that the reviewer has been fired or transferred to work at Getty. This is the beginning of the end for Shutterstock.

« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2025, 03:50 »
No, they didn't.
To be honest, I don't understand how people come up with such weird conspiracy theories in the first place. It's becoming a habit here.

Since Elan Musk hasn't completely shot up the Shutterstock headquarters with his lasers from space, downloads are completely normal, revenue in January is expectedly poor.

Lol - why do you call anything you personally don't agree with a "conspiracy theory", and on top of that - not offer ANY intelligent discourse, other than labelling it as such? It would be like someone trying to discredit anything & everything you say by simply saying "Oh, there is ralf again, the left wing nut, yada yada yada, spouting his left wing nut nonsense". ARE you a left wing nut - and do you prefer just name calling? OR... are you capable of intelligent discourse?
He's just a doctor. And all doctors are a little crazy. They live in their own reality, the reality of their hospital. When doctors go out on the street, they don't see people around them, they only see patients, and that's why they diagnose everyone. Doctors also think that they are smarter than everyone else.
I already wrote to him that this forum is not a hospital and there are no patients of his here.
But probably you need to treat a doctor as a person who has specific deviations due to the nature of his work and his environment.
I think it's pretty poor that you keep coming back to the personal level without any arguments.
And where in my post, which was not addressed to you, did you see the transition to your personal level? I didn't even write your nickname!  ;D ;D ;D

« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2025, 07:18 »
So what do I see? I see that the video review and acceptance on Shutterstock has become very long. I have been waiting for a video review for over a week. This has never happened before! It is obvious that the reviewer has been fired or transferred to work at Getty. This is the beginning of the end for Shutterstock.

Or maybe there is a backlog because reviewers were on holiday, while producers used the holidays to upload more?

Review times at istock for video are also much longer...

« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2025, 08:07 »
I have a couple of submissions that have been waiting for a week. However, I uploaded around 200 images over the holiday period and they were all reviewed in 2-3 days. Many of the same images are still in the queue on Adobe.

As to downloads, I'm well ahead of January 2024 on Shutterstock but Adobe is rather slow. The fact that they are high quality commercial images explains why I'm well ahead and also demonstrates that Adobe being slow is clearly down to something nefarious on their part.

« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2025, 17:49 »
So what do I see? I see that the video review and acceptance on Shutterstock has become very long. I have been waiting for a video review for over a week. This has never happened before! It is obvious that the reviewer has been fired or transferred to work at Getty. This is the beginning of the end for Shutterstock.

I was actually wondering if iStock have begun using Shutterstock reviewers with a number of strange rejects on iStock just recently.


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