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Author Topic: Is anybody else getting requests for inteviews?  (Read 6843 times)

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« on: July 23, 2012, 10:44 »
This is the second request I've had for an interview with Shutterstock. This one seems contributor related. The other one was with the Morgan Stanley people. I was wondering if other people were getting these requests or are they just picking me because I'm grouchy and opinionated?  ;D

« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 10:49 »
got 1 too about 5 minutes ago, I was googling him to see if it is real ;D


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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2012, 11:12 »


« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2012, 11:29 »

Just a shot in the dark guess, but Interview translates to Survey???

If not, I agree, totally lost in what's going on.

« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 11:31 »
SS has been doing interviews with submitters for the last few months.  I have talked to a few people they contacted and it is legit.

« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2012, 11:36 »

Just a shot in the dark guess, but Interview translates to Survey???

If not, I agree, totally lost in what's going on.

Yes, but it's a phone survey (in this case skype). So, it might be a bit more organic than just filling in some questions. That's if it's real. Thanks Luis, now I'm all paranoid.  ;)


« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2012, 11:46 »
the BBC-2,  asked me for an interview about six months back, wanted to ask me about the future of micro, etc, I very politely declined,

« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2012, 11:48 »
This is the second request I've had for an interview with Shutterstock. This one seems contributor related. The other one was with the Morgan Stanley people. I was wondering if other people were getting these requests or are they just picking me because I'm grouchy and opinionated?  ;D

If that were the case, I should be getting a billion requests.  :D


« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2012, 12:15 »

I did an interview with them. It's legit. A couple guys from the contributor site team came to my house to see my studio and how I work. I don't think they do that in all cases, I just happen to be local to SS HQ.

If you're asked to do it, I recommend it. It's very insightful, you get to weigh in on some upcoming proposed features and changes to the contributor site, and also voice any concerns or questions you have.

« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2012, 12:40 »

I did an interview with them. It's legit. A couple guys from the contributor site team came to my house to see my studio and how I work. I don't think they do that in all cases, I just happen to be local to SS HQ.

If you're asked to do it, I recommend it. It's very insightful, you get to weigh in on some upcoming proposed features and changes to the contributor site, and also voice any concerns or questions you have.

Sounds interesting. I passed on it though. At this point, my views are probably so different that I really don't think I'd have anything productive to add.

« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2012, 12:44 »
Hi All,

If the request came from Shutterstock internally, there are typically two possibilities.  One is that it's a request for product or policy research, in which we're asking for your input on new initiatives, workflow prototypes, etc...  The second possibility is that we're asking for you to participate in the marketing of your work (for example, we've got a "featured contributor" on the footage homepage and we feature contributors and collections on the blog and in newsletters).  

As always, if you're confused about any communication, it's best to reach out directly to the sender (checking to make sure it came from Shutterstock) or direct your questions to Support at "submit (at) Shutterstock.com."

Best Regards,

VP of Content

Thanks for clearing things up Scott


« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2012, 12:54 »

Sounds interesting. I passed on it though. At this point, my views are probably so different that I really don't think I'd have anything productive to add.

It's not so much about your views on the business, but more about how you work and how knowing more about your workflow can influence future changes and features on the contributor site. The way it was explained to me beforehand was that for years, SS has been developing the contributor site without much insight into what contributors do before they get to the point of upload. I don't want to get into any details, even though I didn't sign an NDA or anything, but suffice to say they have some really great ideas for new features and tools that I think will be very useful to a lot of people, and I thought it was great to be able to get my hands on those things and give some feedback.

The interview is also about your thoughts on the business as well, but I found that the conversation steered more towards how I use the site now and how they could make the site better for me in the future.

And I think the more different your views are, the better probably. They're looking for a broad range of responses and getting varied information is probably just as helpful as getting common responses, if not more so.

« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2012, 13:31 »
It's not so much about your views on the business, but more about how you work and how knowing more about your workflow can influence future changes and features on the contributor site. The way it was explained to me beforehand was that for years, SS has been developing the contributor site without much insight into what contributors do before they get to the point of upload. I don't want to get into any details, even though I didn't sign an NDA or anything, but suffice to say they have some really great ideas for new features and tools that I think will be very useful to a lot of people, and I thought it was great to be able to get my hands on those things and give some feedback.

The interview is also about your thoughts on the business as well, but I found that the conversation steered more towards how I use the site now and how they could make the site better for me in the future.

And I think the more different your views are, the better probably. They're looking for a broad range of responses and getting varied information is probably just as helpful as getting common responses, if not more so.

I don't upload there anymore, so I guess I don't really use the site anymore either. I just check my overall earnings/stats and pop into the forum occasionally. I just don't really expect much from them anymore.


« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2012, 21:42 »
When one of you gets an interview (because I won't I'm too small) please mention that a submit to support for credentials to submit News Editorial takes over a month and gets ignored... I realize they are buried in complaints, some frivolous, and some people write eight times a day and hop up and down, which floods the system. But when someone is asking for certification for their editorial content and it's 32 days, no answer, it does look kind of weak on the support side?

Maybe another mailbox or two to get things into the proper channels and not have everything come in an avalanche to one mailbox for "support". ???

That's my one suggestion. Active and responsive support, maybe segment it so important questions don't get smothered or lost.


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