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Author Topic: Initial Submission, SECOND REJECTION  (Read 5411 times)

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« on: January 10, 2007, 18:02 »
Hello, hope that you all had nice holidays.

I had my second rejection for the initial ten at SS.  Took 10 of my best selling images (images that have been accepted by all other sites I submit to), run them all through NEAT IMAGE at COMPLETE NOISE REMOVAL option (I know its a bit extreme).  Checked them all at 300 percent and got rejection for noise!!!  Hmmmm.... better try next time, I guess.  Waisted an entire day off preparing the submission.  I still dont see any noise.  I have included 4 wildlife shots (no zoos), 2 landscapes, 2 portraits, 1 food shot, 1 flower (I know I shouldnt but its my best seller on istock).   Dont know what I did wrong. 

Greg Boiarsky

« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 18:11 »
The only way we can help you is if you post 100% resolution crops from some of your images.

Once you've posted them, we can comment and help you.

« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2007, 18:21 »
Seriously, your best bet is to post the images you want to submit in the forum for the micro you're trying to get into. 

Keep in mind, SS will reject over-processed images.  If you're shooting correctly, there shouldn't even be a need for noise reduction software.  Also keep in mind that JPG files degrade and will leave artifacts (often mistaken for noise or a dirty lens) EVERY TIME YOU OPEN THEM.. so short of submitting a file created directly from RAW or TIF, you're probably getting nailed for artifacts if they're older images that you've spent a lot of time editing.

I can't tell you how many "how did this get rejected!?" posts you'll see on all of the different forums.  Typically, the people who regularly submit will give you about as accurate of a review of your image as the reviewers will.. without the whole 30 day waiting period for another go at it if you fail.  There are probably enough SS submitters here to give you a quick review.. but we can't do it until we see what you're trying to submit.

As Professorgb said, post some 100% crops, and people here will show you where you went wrong.

« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2007, 19:04 »
Also keep in mind that JPG files degrade and will leave artifacts EVERY TIME YOU OPEN THEM..

It doesn't work that way.

« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2007, 20:03 »
Also keep in mind that JPG files degrade and will leave artifacts (often mistaken for noise or a dirty lens) EVERY TIME YOU OPEN THEM..

It's actually every time you save a JPG that it degrades.  You probably meant that, but I just wanted to clarify...

« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 04:29 »
If you're shooting correctly, there shouldn't even be a need for noise reduction software. 

Actually that is not true.  It depends on what you are shooting.  If you shoot a blue sky for example, even at ISO 100 NO MATTER WHAT you will have noise.  Not very much but it will still be obvious when you look for it and way to obvious when shutterstock looks at it.  It is best to zoom in to 200% and take a look at every image.

« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2007, 19:32 »
Firstly, I have to say how amazed I am at the sales you get at SS from what they accept. I only have 12 images there but the sales are incredible.

Yes, they are very fussy. I have one that is an editor's pick at DT and they have rejected it 3 times. It is not unusual for them to reject 40 photos of mine at a time.

If you want to make it there, you are going to have to become very very critical of your own work.

« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2007, 10:20 »
Ok, I ll make some 100 percent crops to post here.  The problem is, of course, I dont know where the problem areas are.  But, I will give it a try.

« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2007, 10:40 »
look in dark areas or areas with strong color... especially blue.


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