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How Much Total did you get paid for Contributor Fund, from Shutterstock?

Nothing $0
.01 - $1
$1.01 - $3
$3.01 - $6
$6.01 - $10
$10.01 - $15
$15.01 - $20
$20-01 - $25.01
$25.01 - $30.00
$30.01 - 35.00
$35.01 - $40
$40.01 - $45.00
$45.01 - $50.00
$50.01 - $55.00
$55.01 - $60.00
$60.01 - $75
$75.01 - $80
$80.01 - $90
$90.01 - $100
$100.01 - $125
$125.01 - $150
$150.01 - $200
Over $200
I don't contribute to Shutterstock
I just wanted to see the results and not share information

Author Topic: How Much Total did you get paid for Contributor Fund - Refined Survey  (Read 5306 times)

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Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« on: January 25, 2023, 12:21 »
See after you vote. Please share your experience with others here.

Next time, it will be better if each range is larger than the previous one and not all of them are using 20USD steps. In such a case, there will be a large number of votes in one "basket" but nothing in the others, especially in the larger ones. 20 and 40 USD is 100% difference but 280 and 300 USD is just 7%. It will be miracle that someone will fit there. 0,01-20USD basket is extremely big and we have not got much information (is everybody near 0,01 or near 20? That is a huge difference). It will be better something like 0-1, 1-2, 2-4, 4-8, 8-16,... or slightly rounded (like 0-1, 0-2, 2-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-250,...)

OK does that make for better division of the target earnings?  :)

« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2023, 13:51 »
do we really care to know that some people made $3 and others made $6?  this just makes it harder to see trends


« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2023, 15:20 »
do we really care to know that some people made $3 and others made $6?  this just makes it harder to see trends
Sure, you can always nag about something but why should you?
People complained/gave feedback and Pete made a new one which is better (taking into account the earlier results and the reactions). But do you want another version? Maybe go make it yourself then :)

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2023, 12:15 »
do we really care to know that some people made $3 and others made $6?  this just makes it harder to see trends

Well someone asked, so I did it. Personally the $20 brackets were enough to say, what kind of range the average person got paid.

When I did the first one, I had no idea, or I might have just done $5 each.

The majority at this time are still in that $0 to $25 range. I didn't expect the numbers would be so low.

« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2023, 12:24 »
What would me more telling if we also knew the size of the portfolio of each responder.

« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2023, 14:52 »
What would me more telling if we also knew the size of the portfolio of each responder.

says yet another anonymous poster who won't even show their portfolio (if any)

i showed my numbers earlier - show me yours before asking for others'

« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2023, 17:18 »
What would me more telling if we also knew the size of the portfolio of each responder.

says yet another anonymous poster who won't even show their portfolio (if any)

i showed my numbers earlier - show me yours before asking for others'

it's an anonymous poll
but I will tell you it was  $67.82 and I had 14,189 images in Dec.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 17:21 by PhotoBomb »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2023, 13:56 »
What would me more telling if we also knew the size of the portfolio of each responder.

says yet another anonymous poster who won't even show their portfolio (if any)

i showed my numbers earlier - show me yours before asking for others'

it's an anonymous poll
but I will tell you it was  $67.82 and I had 14,189 images in Dec.

No secret from me. $38.76 and I have a paltry 5,319 images, last I checked 4,372 are Editorial which leaves only 947 creative uploads.
Reminder my total portfolio percentage with one DL or more is 25%. Even harder to claim that the AI paid me more because of the number of images or the quality.

I can come to only one conclusion:   SSTK plays favorites and they like me better than the rest of you.  ::)

If there's a way to ask two questions and tie them together I missed it. Like how many images do you have and also how much did you make from Contributor Fund. In the same poll.

« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2023, 06:21 »
How will you know if you got paid from the fund?

« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2023, 09:43 »
How will you know if you got paid from the fund?

Go to your December 2022 earnings summary and scroll all the way to the right.

« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2023, 16:34 »
OK does that make for better division of the target earnings?  :)

Thanks, that is much better and allows for deeper insights. Now, we can see that 40 % of all people are below 3 USD, which is not great. 60 % of all are below 10 USD and 75 % will fit below 20 USD.

I assume that these number will rise significantly next term as Shutterstock introduced the AI tool in general search.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2023, 13:23 »
OK does that make for better division of the target earnings?  :)

Thanks, that is much better and allows for deeper insights. Now, we can see that 40 % of all people are below 3 USD, which is not great. 60 % of all are below 10 USD and 75 % will fit below 20 USD.

I assume that these number will rise significantly next term as Shutterstock introduced the AI tool in general search.

I guess we'll have to wait until June/July to see if anything changes.

Adding to your numbers as an arbitrary point, 76% of the people responding got less than $25

In the other version of this poll, 81% received less than $20.

Whatever the numbers, the data is not precise or valid because it's voluntary and no way to verify, I can see that not many people, got paid very much. That's what I wondered.

« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2023, 14:26 »
OK does that make for better division of the target earnings?  :)

Thanks, that is much better and allows for deeper insights. Now, we can see that 40 % of all people are below 3 USD, which is not great. 60 % of all are below 10 USD and 75 % will fit below 20 USD.

I assume that these number will rise significantly next term as Shutterstock introduced the AI tool in general search.

?? why?? it's not like AI content is going to swamp the millions of images in their collection


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