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Author Topic: How many downloads on average do you get month on SS  (Read 34258 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2017, 08:44 »
About 35,000 +/- 5000

So, $15-20k a month?  What are you shooting?
The good question is "What are you smoking?" (maybe)
There are a handful of people out there doing these kinds of numbers. Why are people surprised when one is on the forum?

I'm not well versed in how much independents sell.  To me, that many licenses must come from a portfolio that houses a mind numbing number of images. I guess it's worth it then.  However, it's a bit hypocritical to complain about oversupply and then applaud a portfolio of 300k images.


« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2017, 09:02 »

Even more reason to be interested in what's happening at the different sites. And a nice ego boost on top of that seeing all the complainers and whiners while seeing the nice numbers.

Ego or no ego, I would trade walls of complaining for little bits of useful information in a heartbeat. And useful info is present on this site, just hard to find.

« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2017, 09:27 »
About 35,000 +/- 5000

Well I'm impressed. Quite an improvement in 6 months.
Back in December you posted in a "Best Day Ever Thread"

$25.65 from a total of 2356 files online. Fairly happy with that day.

« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2017, 09:53 »
About 35,000 +/- 5000

Well I'm impressed. Quite an improvement in 6 months.
Back in December you posted in a "Best Day Ever Thread"

$25.65 from a total of 2356 files online. Fairly happy with that day.

Ummmm.... yeah.


« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2017, 10:08 »
About 35,000 +/- 5000

Well I'm impressed. Quite an improvement in 6 months.
Back in December you posted in a "Best Day Ever Thread"

$25.65 from a total of 2356 files online. Fairly happy with that day.
Good catch

« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2017, 10:15 »
About 35,000 +/- 5000

So, $15-20k a month?  What are you shooting?
The good question is "What are you smoking?" (maybe)
There are a handful of people out there doing these kinds of numbers. Why are people surprised when one is on the forum?

I am surprised that someone that makes this kind of money would be on this forum because I would think they would be busy shooting, uploading, making trips to the bank, and enjoying life and wouldnt have time for the nonsense here. I know I would be.  :)
Someone making this kind of money probably spends zillions of hours in front of a computer post processing, keywording, uploading with a lot of downtime between tasks, ideal for checking forums

« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2017, 10:43 »
2016-2017//lowest is 9037 highest is 20585 :)

« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2017, 11:50 »
About 35,000 +/- 5000

So, $15-20k a month?  What are you shooting?
The good question is "What are you smoking?" (maybe)
There are a handful of people out there doing these kinds of numbers. Why are people surprised when one is on the forum?

I am surprised that someone that makes this kind of money would be on this forum because I would think they would be busy shooting, uploading, making trips to the bank, and enjoying life and wouldnt have time for the nonsense here. I know I would be.  :)
Someone making this kind of money probably spends zillions of hours in front of a computer post processing, keywording, uploading with a lot of downtime between tasks, ideal for checking forums



« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2017, 14:14 »
2016-2017//lowest is 9037 highest is 20585 :)
Good work!

« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2017, 14:20 »
I made a typo, I meant 35000 +/- 34800

People are too obsessed with figures on this forum. Any shrewd contributor having good success would keep that info to themselves and talk about everything apart from finances.


« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2017, 14:36 »
I made a typo, I meant 35000 +/- 34800

People are too obsessed with figures on this forum. Any shrewd contributor having good success would keep that info to themselves and talk about everything apart from finances.
But you've made the most explicit posts about your income in the past as evidenced by the quote catching you out in your lie. Far more precise than the approximate numbers everyone else has given.

« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2017, 14:43 »
I made a typo, I meant 35000 +/- 34800

People are too obsessed with figures on this forum. Any shrewd contributor having good success would keep that info to themselves and talk about everything apart from finances.
But you've made the most explicit posts about your income in the past as evidenced by the quote catching you out in your lie. Far more precise than the approximate numbers everyone else has given.

I was just having a laugh with overly earnest contributors who are infatuated with finances. You shoot yourself in the foot if you share all of your info.

« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2017, 15:08 »
I made a typo, I meant 35000 +/- 34800

People are too obsessed with figures on this forum. Any shrewd contributor having good success would keep that info to themselves and talk about everything apart from finances.
But you've made the most explicit posts about your income in the past as evidenced by the quote catching you out in your lie. Far more precise than the approximate numbers everyone else has given.

I was just having a laugh with overly earnest contributors who are infatuated with finances. You shoot yourself in the foot if you share all of your info.

Your actions have just devalued all of your posts - past, present and future.  It hurts this forum when people can't be trusted. Rather than posting mis-information you should have either stayed out or posted 'none of your business'.

« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2017, 15:14 »
I made a typo, I meant 35000 +/- 34800

People are too obsessed with figures on this forum. Any shrewd contributor having good success would keep that info to themselves and talk about everything apart from finances.
But you've made the most explicit posts about your income in the past as evidenced by the quote catching you out in your lie. Far more precise than the approximate numbers everyone else has given.

I was just having a laugh with overly earnest contributors who are infatuated with finances. You shoot yourself in the foot if you share all of your info.

Your actions have just devalued all of your posts - past, present and future.  It hurts this forum when people can't be trusted. Rather than posting mis-information you should have either stayed out or posted 'none of your business'.

The majority of my posts are sincere. No need to be so earnest. Telling people 'it's none of your business' may be your way of communicating, others like to have a little fun. Don't be righteous and think your way is the only way and everything else is wrong.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 15:24 by pkphotos »

« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2017, 17:57 »
I don' t think liars are fun. Not that I really believed your post in the first place, but i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. The key word being WAS. I love when people get outed then turn it around to make it look like others arent "fun" or are righteous. ::)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 17:59 by cathyslife »

« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2017, 18:10 »
People come to this forum to try to share and receive actual, real information that can help them run their business. Replies like this just muddy the water. Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun here but your post was written as a factual statement rather than a tongue in cheek joke.

Weeding through this forum to find the nuggets of gold is difficult enough without people purposefully posting false information with the intention to mislead. Just saying...


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2017, 18:13 »
Don't be righteous and think your way is the only way and everything else is wrong.

I really don't think there's a massive argument for lying being an acceptable alternative option. If it was a joke, then making stuff up isn't so bad, but the basis of the joke would be that people have visibility of your stats, which we don't. As a result, there's no reason for anybody not to take your statement at face value. 

You can't just 'make stuff up'! How about this example...

Your stats show that you got 10 extended licenses in one week, totalling $5,000, plus your normal sales:

Pkphotos: Hey, my stats said I'd got $5K in EL's but I've just got my payment and they're nowhere to be seen.
SS Support: Yeah, we made it up! We were just having some fun with you.
Pkphotos: Well that's ridiculous, you can't do that! You're purposefully lying... you wouldn't catch me lying.
SS Support: Don't be righteous and think your way is the only way and everything else is wrong.
Pkphotos: Now you put it that way... you're right, I have seen the error of my ways! Haha SS, you guys are great!

« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2017, 18:48 »
Don't be righteous and think your way is the only way and everything else is wrong.

I really don't think there's a massive argument for lying being an acceptable alternative option. If it was a joke, then making stuff up isn't so bad, but the basis of the joke would be that people have visibility of your stats, which we don't. As a result, there's no reason for anybody not to take your statement at face value. 

You can't just 'make stuff up'! How about this example...

Your stats show that you got 10 extended licenses in one week, totalling $5,000, plus your normal sales:

Pkphotos: Hey, my stats said I'd got $5K in EL's but I've just got my payment and they're nowhere to be seen.
SS Support: Yeah, we made it up! We were just having some fun with you.
Pkphotos: Well that's ridiculous, you can't do that! You're purposefully lying... you wouldn't catch me lying.
SS Support: Don't be righteous and think your way is the only way and everything else is wrong.
Pkphotos: Now you put it that way... you're right, I have seen the error of my ways! Haha SS, you guys are great!

A far fetched example and waste of your time coming up with and typing out that scenario. Obviously a forum where people are exchanging ideas cannot be compared to a company reporting financial results. I'd call that being very straight laced and melodramatic.

You call it lying, I call it taking to piss out of the thread. Humour is allowed on the forum I think.

Here is how this kind of thread works -
Q: How many downloads do you get a month
Q: Wow that's impressive how much does that equal in $ per month?
Q: Wow, what are you shooting? (So I can look it up, copy it and flood the market, instead of coming up with my own ideas).

If you think everyone on this forum posts 100% accurate financial information you may want to ask yourself if you really think that's the case.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 19:04 by pkphotos »

« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2017, 19:07 »
If youre going to lie, learn how to lie better. If you exaggerate to an acceptable amount, people will believe you. If you exaggerate to an impossible amount, then people can laugh with you.

With contributors like Raw Pixel and African Studio, 35,000 is easily achievable.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2017, 19:28 »
The general 'yah-boo-sucks-not-tellin'-ya' or indeed 'how long is a piece of string?' answer is 42, but maybe not everyone nowadays gets the reference (maybe if one said 42, someone would think 42 was the literal answer, but who cares about them?  ;D 8) :P)'s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy

« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2017, 19:29 »
If youre going to lie, learn how to lie better. If you exaggerate to an acceptable amount, people will believe you. If you exaggerate to an impossible amount, then people can laugh with you.

With contributors like Raw Pixel and African Studio, 35,000 is easily achievable.

I would have thought 35,000 +/- 5000 was an obvious piss take, (the same as my best ever day $25 from 2500 which I pretended to be chuffed about). When I was asked the inevitable probing 'wow, what are you shooting' question I was going to answer 'monarch butterflies'. Of course the gullible people out there would have just started shooting and uploading millions of monarch butterfly photos in anticipation of downloads and $.


« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2017, 20:16 »
Let's all just relax. Nothing wrong with factual information on a forum, but it shouldn't be personal.

« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2017, 20:53 »
Very close to making my second payout on SS. Not long now.

« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2017, 00:40 »
12000 on a bad weekend

« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2017, 01:33 »
You can't really be an honest person 90% of the time ;-). It just confirms what I've always suspected i.e a lot of the talk on here about sales is just made up. Childish and disrespectful i think but nothing personal ;-).


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