Hello. I'm new in this forum and in microstock too. Today I've reached fist payment from SS, after 3 months and a half, and now having 171 pics. The payment will be only next month I think, since I reached the 75$ today. Happy about it but concerned about the way I made it. Now having 85 $, with two ELs. So my normal dlds are really poor. I don't know if it's good or bad, and want to ask about your opinion. I have only photos, not vectors, and I'm a begginer in photography, having a DSLR for less then a year. Thank you.
PS: I've opened another topic on newbie, then I saw that it will be seen only by the people with less than 50 posts. As I want the reply of those with more experience, I opened another here. Please delete the first, cause I don't find how to delete it. Thank you