Uncle Pete, I know about add blocks. but intentionally removing them from the sites I know
Yes, just a bit of humor. Not critical of your choices.
You don't have to see those DT ads on SS, and you don't have to see the SS ads that "amazing they are featuring MY work on the ad" when they know who we are or what files we looked at last.
People here with the ad blocker on, will see the Donate To Bitcoin ad on top that in the code, but we don't see the others.
Ads don't really bother me, except when they split the pages or are a distraction, like the video that starts with sound, when I'm trying to read. I'd rather have ads than the paywall sites that force us to pay or they block the information. Problem with that is, it's just a nuisance, because I can find the same information and articles for free, somewhere else?
Some pages are interesting, the ones that have ever changing SS ads. I wonder how much it costs SS per view to have the pages reloading, over and over, while I'm reading something?
Look at this the other way? I don't get to see interesting ads for Microstock sites, that could tell me what the agencies are doing to promote their business?