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Author Topic: Deleting thumbnails/counting images  (Read 2603 times)

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« on: November 11, 2015, 17:16 »
As it looks like I wont be doing much with SS for the time being, I thought Id tidy up my contributions today.  Their official line is that rejected images are deleted within 7 days and a small thumbnail is left.

Why? What is the point of leaving that thumbnail and why is it so labour intensive to remove?  As far as I can see, rejected images can only be removed individually and each deletion, starting from the Rejected Photos tab requires five mouseclicks (including two confirmations) to delete and return to the Rejected tab again. Deleting all rejected images, or all in one batch, would be logical options and perhaps this is just, as we say in UX design, an anti-pattern, a poor design which happened by accident. SS would not be alone in this: the user experience in most microstock sites leaves much to be desired,

Then I just had a wee thought that it might be a black pattern: a design to force you down a route you may not want to go because it is just so * difficult. (The classic black pattern is getting you to miss that you are auto-renewing a recurring payment on a website.)  But what could the reason be to have you leave rejected images in place? 

The confirmation on removal of the thumbnail does specifically say deleted from our database.  Could it be in the claimed figure of 60 million images in the SS database, that among the 59 million which are not Mr Marijuanas pictures, they are counting rejected images?  I trust someone who has worked with SS over the years will know the answer to this.

« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 17:37 »
Can't answer your question...
But if you go to your catalog manager it's a lot faster to delete images.
Double click an image - click the trash can then click the confirmation box.

« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2015, 17:42 »
I always figured they kept them so that if you were a blatant serial resubmitter they would have evidence of it. It does sound like a lot of work to remove them probably by laziness and poor programming rather than design though.

« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2015, 17:51 »
Can't answer your question...
But if you go to your catalog manager it's a lot faster to delete images.
Double click an image - click the trash can then click the confirmation box.

Yep, but that's for accepted images. I'm wondering about the REJECTED ones which are only in the Approval Status pulldown.


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