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Author Topic: Curious...Are sales coming back a bit?  (Read 23294 times)

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Uncle Pete

« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2014, 08:36 »
It's September. At least for my history that's the answer. Yours might be different. No complaints, doing nicely, above the average of any Summer month.

It seems [Just to me perhaps] there has been an uptick in sales the last 10 Days or so as I watch this stuff very closely. Newer Images selling,More OD's and SOD's and Higher number of subs. Anyone else. a few friends who are Old timers also have said the same. I don't mean it's WhoHoo time but, it feels better.

« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2014, 11:20 »
It's September. At least for my history that's the answer. Yours might be different. No complaints, doing nicely, above the average of any Summer month.

It seems [Just to me perhaps] there has been an uptick in sales the last 10 Days or so as I watch this stuff very closely. Newer Images selling,More OD's and SOD's and Higher number of subs. Anyone else. a few friends who are Old timers also have said the same. I don't mean it's WhoHoo time but, it feels better.

Its October, my friend,  but I get your point.  :)

To answer the topic, I am not seeing the usual pre-holiday bump I got in past years.  Sales only slightly better than summer.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 11:25 by PixelBytes »

« Reply #102 on: October 27, 2014, 10:30 »
Not sure what to do, but I am down to 30% of what is normal for the daily income from Shutterstock. And this now for good two weeks. Soooo not good! I hope whatever has changes that they will change it back.


« Reply #103 on: October 28, 2014, 11:32 »
Welcome to the club...Been slow for some, For 2+ years.


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