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Author Topic: $1.50 for a video clip???  (Read 17891 times)

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Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2020, 12:42 »
Hi.does all your 1,50$ sales come from ashburn usa??
All my 1,50$ footage sales comer from looks odd...

Are you sure there's a H in that?  ;D More like what the payment represents.

Our Ashburn, VA data center is one of the largest data centers in the United States, boasting 360,000 square feet. Of that square footage, 176,200 square feet is a raised floor area perfect for our server requirements.

  ;D ;D...
Btw i don't get it..if only the payment comes from there where in the world all these clips have been bought??

The reported location is the IP address of the buyer, that's how SS reports the location. Someone using a VPN could show as anywhere in the world. The location information we get is possibly of no use.

Why is the location important? I'm sure I'll see some good reasons. Personally I don't see anything that would help me sell more, if I knew the locations. I mean from the locations I see already, I don't see anything useful for mine.

How is location important or useful? How can someone use that to improve sales or ideas for creating new stock? That's an interesting subject?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2020, 12:49 »

While just speculation, I don't think it's AI. I think they've outsourced it to somewhere like India, where a guy gets paid for how many videos he "reviews".
So out of laziness, periodically just skips a bunch so he/she can say they were "reviewed", so he/she gets paid.

I know for a fact some of them do exactly that with deliveries. (I.e., some DHL drivers will just mark "attempted delivery" several times so it "appears" they are working, when in fact they just skip the delivery route). Some of them are very creative with ways to 'scam' the system, aka get paid without doing any work.

Good theories, I'd agree. If there's a way for someone to cheat the system and get paid for pretending to be working, they will often do that.

"Here honey, Daddy is busy watching the soccer match, play this reviewer game for me..."

« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2020, 19:33 »
Hi.does all your 1,50$ sales come from ashburn usa??
All my 1,50$ footage sales comer from looks odd...

Are you sure there's a H in that?  ;D More like what the payment represents.

Our Ashburn, VA data center is one of the largest data centers in the United States, boasting 360,000 square feet. Of that square footage, 176,200 square feet is a raised floor area perfect for our server requirements.

  ;D ;D...
Btw i don't get it..if only the payment comes from there where in the world all these clips have been bought??

The reported location is the IP address of the buyer, that's how SS reports the location. Someone using a VPN could show as anywhere in the world. The location information we get is possibly of no use.

Why is the location important? I'm sure I'll see some good reasons. Personally I don't see anything that would help me sell more, if I knew the locations. I mean from the locations I see already, I don't see anything useful for mine.

How is location important or useful? How can someone use that to improve sales or ideas for creating new stock? That's an interesting subject?

not that important...i was just planning to go to ashburn and burn down every production company... ;D ;D
just joking,i was only curious...

« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2020, 21:47 »
haha, now that's funny - I never thought someone would have their kid do it - but who knows, you could be 100% correct! :)

While just speculation, I don't think it's AI. I think they've outsourced it to somewhere like India, where a guy gets paid for how many videos he "reviews".
So out of laziness, periodically just skips a bunch so he/she can say they were "reviewed", so he/she gets paid.

I know for a fact some of them do exactly that with deliveries. (I.e., some DHL drivers will just mark "attempted delivery" several times so it "appears" they are working, when in fact they just skip the delivery route). Some of them are very creative with ways to 'scam' the system, aka get paid without doing any work.

Good theories, I'd agree. If there's a way for someone to cheat the system and get paid for pretending to be working, they will often do that.

"Here honey, Daddy is busy watching the soccer match, play this reviewer game for me..."

« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2020, 02:37 »
A lot of us is experiencing 1,5$ sales from Ashburn-USA
Does anybody know which company is based there?

« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2020, 03:35 »
Ashburn has a huge number of server farms (thanks to tax breaks).  Amazon AWS, ATT and others etc.  Most large companies.

So for the "amazing super, special price awesome earning opportunity" $1.50 video sales via Wix or similar would easily come from one location.  Its simply where the cut-price, non opt-out penny stock host is based.

« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2020, 03:38 »
A lot of us is experiencing 1,5$ sales from Ashburn-USA
Does anybody know which company is based there?

The answer is....most of them.

Pretty much every major hosting provider has a presence there.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2020, 09:33 »
not that important...i was just planning to go to ashburn and burn down every production company... ;D ;D
just joking,i was only curious...

I'll come watch and maybe the forum can collect bail money for you.  ;D

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2020, 09:35 »
A lot of us is experiencing 1,5$ sales from Ashburn-USA
Does anybody know which company is based there?

Two threads with the same question and same answers. Server Farm

« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2020, 11:37 »
I've merged both threads on the same topic.  Thanks for the heads up @uncle pete

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2020, 08:06 »
I've merged both threads on the same topic.  Thanks for the heads up @uncle pete

I just thought instead of two with the same discussion and comments, you might be able to merge things. Thank you for keeping this place running, spending all the time adjusting, editing, correcting and all that goes on, behind the scenes.

« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2020, 12:44 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.


« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2020, 13:30 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2020, 08:32 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

Sadly on SS.


« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2020, 10:03 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

Sadly on SS.

Wow. Just wow.

« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2020, 14:10 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

Sadly on SS.

Wow. Just wow.


Every time this 1.5$ sales come i write to SS support. So i did for 0.6$ sale. And got response in manner that i already got response for my 1.5$ question few weeks earlier. And that response was that SS is selling low res files for web use or something like that. At least it would be nice to have insight to what licence footage has been sold, and for how much $.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2020, 08:55 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

Sadly on SS.

Wow. Just wow.


Every time this 1.5$ sales come i write to SS support. So i did for 0.6$ sale. And got response in manner that i already got response for my 1.5$ question few weeks earlier. And that response was that SS is selling low res files for web use or something like that. At least it would be nice to have insight to what licence footage has been sold, and for how much $.

Yes, making it clear if it was some new deal or some old limited use would sure make a difference. Not for me, I went exclusive on Pond5 last year, but I'd think that making the actual license type clear from those who care, would be a good thing.

« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2020, 07:33 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

Sadly on SS.

Wow. Just wow.


Every time this 1.5$ sales come i write to SS support. So i did for 0.6$ sale. And got response in manner that i already got response for my 1.5$ question few weeks earlier. And that response was that SS is selling low res files for web use or something like that. At least it would be nice to have insight to what licence footage has been sold, and for how much $.

Yes, making it clear if it was some new deal or some old limited use would sure make a difference. Not for me, I went exclusive on Pond5 last year, but I'd think that making the actual license type clear from those who care, would be a good thing.

How is exclusive on P5 going? If i may ask  8)

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2020, 11:36 »
I just got a 0.60$ footage sale  8)  Best agency ever.

Was that SS? Or somewhere else??

Sadly on SS.

Wow. Just wow.


Every time this 1.5$ sales come i write to SS support. So i did for 0.6$ sale. And got response in manner that i already got response for my 1.5$ question few weeks earlier. And that response was that SS is selling low res files for web use or something like that. At least it would be nice to have insight to what licence footage has been sold, and for how much $.

Yes, making it clear if it was some new deal or some old limited use would sure make a difference. Not for me, I went exclusive on Pond5 last year, but I'd think that making the actual license type clear from those who care, would be a good thing.

How is exclusive on P5 going? If i may ask  8)

I'm making 60% of nothing instead of a much lower percentage of nothing.  ;D

And that's the honest truth. I'm terrible at video, I stopped trying, I stopped editing or uploading. You'll have to ask someone who actually has some quality marketable video. My decision was based on simplicity. I'm more involved in other ideas, projects and making photos.

So the decision was, get the highest possible return, from the place that is known for video. Similar to why I use Wirestock for DT, DP and P5. I have other more important things to do and this is basically throw away work. If something sells, I'll be happy. If nothing sells, I'm not missing anything.

Or as my Uncle Ed used to say: "I'd rather sit for nothing, than work for nothing." I'm not going to put time and effort into things that don't make a return, when I have other interests and materials that do make me some money. All about using my time and resources where I get the best returns. Video isn't one of those places, personally.

I still shoot some timelapse and video, maybe some day I'll get a clue and do something that's useful for stock and good enough.

« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2020, 12:15 »
I got 1,37$ sale today!  >:(

« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2020, 14:04 »
I got 1,37$ sale today!  >:(

Just (again) had 2x 0.60$ at SS. Similar clips (construction/concrete). This is disgraceful.
0.60$ sales started before this new subscription plan.

Is there a way to find out which resolution was bought?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 14:20 by skysense »

« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2020, 14:47 »
I don't think you can see resolution bought with those small sales, would say that probably they don't go bellow HD. If it was normal sale SD is 50  :-\

« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2020, 16:09 »


« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2020, 16:48 »
Check out this post from SS forum. It explains Wix scam.

As I said before: Wow. Just wow.

Thanks so much for posting that link. All it took was reading the first post on that page by Justin Horrocks, followed by a few others below, to convince me that I'm glad I pulled my HDs and 4Ks out of SS.

I may or may not do better as a video exclusive at P5, but "nothing" almost seems better to me than that sort of constant gut-churning aggravation at SS.

Taking pride in your work and upholding your own standards is worth something, too.

« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2020, 10:41 »
And its not just Wix scam, it worst. I'll just post link to my post from SS forum here:


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