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Author Topic: Peer-to-peer direct stock selling platform (WireStock)  (Read 162962 times)

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« Reply #125 on: November 01, 2017, 10:43 »
An opinion on the investment, use, and user traction of blockchain type technology. So who is actually going to pay for stock photos using it? Perhaps a few large comp[anies or something. I doubt the small companies, individual newsletter buyers. I doubt the churches. I doubt most any mid-size organization in the near future. I think the buying power per unit is too unstable to be of value. https://gizmodo.com/survey-most-americans-remain-blissfully-unaware-of-the-1820027828
If just the people getting involved with blockchain technology use it, that's an already big and rapidly growing market.  I already see lots of stock images from the sites being used.  As for churches, they just need to exchange their BiblePay coins https://biblepay.org/

« Reply #126 on: November 01, 2017, 16:57 »
An opinion on the investment, use, and user traction of blockchain type technology. So who is actually going to pay for stock photos using it? Perhaps a few large comp[anies or something. I doubt the small companies, individual newsletter buyers. I doubt the churches. I doubt most any mid-size organization in the near future. I think the buying power per unit is too unstable to be of value. https://gizmodo.com/survey-most-americans-remain-blissfully-unaware-of-the-1820027828
If just the people getting involved with blockchain technology use it, that's an already big and rapidly growing market.  I already see lots of stock images from the sites being used.  As for churches, they just need to exchange their BiblePay coins https://biblepay.org/
Rapidly growing maybe....big really? What percentage of Cryptocurrency users buy stock I wonder?

« Reply #127 on: November 01, 2017, 19:11 »
After hand holding a new client through PayPal today I was thinking of this thread and just shaking my head at the idea of trying to walk a potential buyer through crypto currency issues.  I just see it as another obstacle to user friendliness and more time spent on customer support which is the absolute last thing I need.

I've been generally pretty adventurous with new ideas and independent selling platforms over the years and willing to jump in and spend time and money to test different things, but nothing here sounds remotely realistic or tempting to me. 
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 19:44 by Amanda_K »


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #128 on: November 02, 2017, 03:06 »
My numbers may be slightly off, and I'll admit there's a lot more to it than this which would probably lean more in cryptos favour, but still important nevetheless....

There are $163 Billion cryptocoins floating around. $114 Billion of those are Bitcoin. StockCoin or whatever it's going to be called is not going to be bigger than bitcoin. Out of the remaining $49 Billion, we'll say StockCoin will amount to one tenth of that, which is extremely optimistic. So, there's $5 Billion in StockCoin, versus $5 Trillion in regular money floating around. So if you make $1000 a month on Shutterstock... you'll make $1 a month on StockCoinSite or whatever it's called.

Yes, these people can just buy a bunch of StockCoin with real money, so it's not exactly a limitation, but it gives you an idea of the amount of crypto money that's doing the rounds, compared to non-crypto money.


« Reply #129 on: November 03, 2017, 07:37 »
The total Cryptocurrency market cap hit 200 billion today.  Still relatively small but the growth is rapid.  Possibly not sustainable but who knows?  I do think people should start taking it more seriously.  It wouldn't be the first time a new technology has been laughed at.  I remember thinking what a stupid name Google was when I first saw it.  I laughed when I heard someone say they had Googled something for the first time.  They haven't done too badly :)


« Reply #130 on: November 03, 2017, 07:48 »
It wouldn't be the first time a new technology has been laughed at. 

Wouldn't be the first time a new technology was grossly over-hyped in what it can deliver either. 

« Reply #131 on: November 03, 2017, 10:57 »
It wouldn't be the first time a new technology has been laughed at.

Like digital cameras - I never though those would amount to much.

« Reply #132 on: November 06, 2017, 09:46 »
Hey Guys,

My name is Mike and I am new to the community. I am a fan of photography and been involved with numerous art/photo tech projects in the past. Currently, I and my friend are thinking about creating a new peer-to-peer stock platform where artists will have the ability to sell images/videos directly to buyers with very low transaction fees (5-10%). We are doing research in the space and would really appreciate your feedback. Would you be kind to fill out the short survey below:


good luck and let us know the name of the project :-)

« Reply #133 on: November 12, 2017, 15:50 »
Hey Guys,

My name is Mike and I am new to the community. I am a fan of photography and been involved with numerous art/photo tech projects in the past. Currently, I and my friend are thinking about creating a new peer-to-peer stock platform where artists will have the ability to sell images/videos directly to buyers with very low transaction fees (5-10%). We are doing research in the space and would really appreciate your feedback. Would you be kind to fill out the short survey below:


good luck and let us know the name of the project :-)

We sure will, thank you!

« Reply #134 on: November 12, 2017, 16:32 »
Want to share this piece about our project and upcoming plans. Hope it will make our vision more clear for everyone.   

« Reply #135 on: November 12, 2017, 18:46 »
a blockchain can replace a agency thats good and i think WiredStock can be a gamechanger. If i save most of the agency costs i can invest more in my tax accounting... But it is a long way to explain the stock industry (buyers and contributors) why blockchain can save both of them much money.

Hopefully your blockchain will kill all this greedy agencies. I will give WiredStock a try.

« Reply #136 on: November 12, 2017, 20:05 »
Something new like this I would have to see inaction for me to understand it, but I am open- minded enough to give a new venture a try

« Reply #137 on: November 12, 2017, 22:02 »
Buyers would need to be confident of the way the currency works and their security. https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/bitcoin-ethereum-cryptocurrency-exchange.html


« Reply #138 on: November 13, 2017, 01:31 »
To a child with a toy hammer, everything looks like a nail.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2017, 01:59 »
Will there be a full document at some point? One that gives an idea of how you plan to market the site and seek this concept to current buyers of stock, and potential new buyers?

Maybe I'm slightly stupid, and everyone else jost gets it, but I think people need one of those comparison charts.... your site in one column, existing stock sites in the next, rows of features and benefits and then green check marks and crosses to indicate what has what.

I don't think buzzwords alone sell this concept... break it down for potential buyers and explain why they should not only try a different site, but try  different site which means they have to adopt a new form of currency.

« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2017, 02:39 »
I still don't get why anyone would invest in a speculative currency as a small buyer for just a few dollars and that Corporates would get into this territory when agencies offer predictability and simplicity. Marketing still seems a huge gap.

« Reply #141 on: November 13, 2017, 02:57 »
at Fotolia you have to buy speculative currency (credits) too.
I think the main problem of Wiredstock is to currate the images. Only a double content protection is not enough. You need a good search engine that give buyers what rhey search and you have to sort out the garbage and keyword spam.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 03:00 by r2d2 »

« Reply #142 on: November 13, 2017, 03:20 »
at Fotolia you have to buy speculative currency (credits) too.
I think the main problem of Wiredstock is to currate the images. Only a double content protection is not enough. You need a good search engine that give buyers what rhey search and you have to sort out the garbage and keyword spam.
In 7 years though I don't think their "exchange rate" has changed so they have a similar risk profile to fiat  currencies.....Cryptocurrencies are far more risky. I think the creative department would find it hard to persuade accounts to dabble in them...especially an un-proven one.

« Reply #143 on: November 13, 2017, 03:57 »
at Fotolia you have to buy speculative currency (credits) too.
I think the main problem of Wiredstock is to currate the images. Only a double content protection is not enough. You need a good search engine that give buyers what rhey search and you have to sort out the garbage and keyword spam.
In 7 years though I don't think their "exchange rate" has changed so they have a similar risk profile to fiat  currencies.....Cryptocurrencies are far more risky. I think the creative department would find it hard to persuade accounts to dabble in them...especially an un-proven one.

yes. WiredStock only have his own Credit called Stocken it is the same like Fotolia do.

But you have to understand how a blockchain works.
Wiredstock ist not mainly cryptocurrency ist is an content management system that can work alone for free. It almost controlls itself. Large parts of an agency would then be superfluous.
That saves money as we know some agencies get 80%.
If we save maybe 50% administrative costs that would be the USP of WiredStock.

I think Blockchain can facilitate payment processes manage licenses, and the image libraries.
It can sort out automatically duplicate content.

BUT it can not:
rate pictures by aesthetics for that you need humans. And if you dont currate the buyer will not find images he is looking for.
Searchengine and currating will be the main challenge for WiredStock.
Difficult but worth a try :o


« Reply #144 on: November 13, 2017, 04:03 »

rate pictures by aesthetics for that you need humans. And if you dont currate the buyer will not find images he is looking for.
Searchengine and currating will be the main challenge for WiredStock.

which turns them into another agency. taking decisions on what to sell away from sellers defeats the purpose of p2p. What the main challenge will be is maintaining the prices even at those levels they are today.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 04:05 by niktol »

« Reply #145 on: November 13, 2017, 04:05 »
at Fotolia you have to buy speculative currency (credits) too.
I think the main problem of Wiredstock is to currate the images. Only a double content protection is not enough. You need a good search engine that give buyers what rhey search and you have to sort out the garbage and keyword spam.
In 7 years though I don't think their "exchange rate" has changed so they have a similar risk profile to fiat  currencies.....Cryptocurrencies are far more risky. I think the creative department would find it hard to persuade accounts to dabble in them...especially an un-proven one.

yes. WiredStock only have his own Credit called Stocken it is the same like Fotolia do.

But you have to understand how a blockchain works.
Wiredstock ist not mainly cryptocurrency ist is an content management system that can work alone for free. It almost controlls itself. Large parts of an agency would then be superfluous.
That saves money as we know some agencies get 80%.
If we save maybe 50% administrative costs that would be the USP of WiredStock.

I think Blockchain can facilitate payment processes manage licenses, and the image libraries.
It can sort out automatically duplicate content.

BUT it can not:
rate pictures by aesthetics for that you need humans. And if you dont currate the buyer will not find images he is looking for.
Searchengine and currating will be the main challenge for WiredStock.
Difficult but worth a try :o
You can't trade fotolia credits afaik so to me its completely different....agencies typically spend 30% on marketing...they don't do that because they like giving money away (as we well know). But I do basically agree search engine is key.

« Reply #146 on: November 13, 2017, 04:15 »

rate pictures by aesthetics for that you need humans. And if you dont currate the buyer will not find images he is looking for.
Searchengine and currating will be the main challenge for WiredStock.

which turns them into another agency. taking decisions on what to sell away from sellers defeats the purpose of p2p. What the main challenge will be is maintaining the prices even at those levels they are today.

We would see but fact is that blockchain can reduce the administrative costs drastically. And if we contributors use that weapon before the angencies do that strongest our market position.


« Reply #147 on: November 13, 2017, 04:18 »

You can't trade fotolia credits afaik so to me its completely different....agencies typically spend 30% on marketing...they don't do that because they like giving money away (as we well know). But I do basically agree search engine is key.

On top of that fotolia is an established agency. Who is Mike Kay? What are his credentials? I have no idea.  Google says, he is a sports broadcaster. I bet it's a different Mike Kay.

People a just gonna rush in to exchange dollars and euros for Stockens. Why not exchange them for Niktolens? I promise they will grow in value with time. Just keep buying.


« Reply #148 on: November 13, 2017, 04:21 »

rate pictures by aesthetics for that you need humans. And if you dont currate the buyer will not find images he is looking for.
Searchengine and currating will be the main challenge for WiredStock.

which turns them into another agency. taking decisions on what to sell away from sellers defeats the purpose of p2p. What the main challenge will be is maintaining the prices even at those levels they are today.

We would see but fact is that blockchain can reduce the administrative costs drastically. And if we contributors use that weapon before the angencies do that strongest our market position.

your own site can reduce administrative costs drastically. Administrative costs aren't the problem.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 04:23 by niktol »

« Reply #149 on: November 13, 2017, 04:23 »
at Fotolia you have to buy speculative currency (credits) too.
I think the main problem of Wiredstock is to currate the images. Only a double content protection is not enough. You need a good search engine that give buyers what rhey search and you have to sort out the garbage and keyword spam.
In 7 years though I don't think their "exchange rate" has changed so they have a similar risk profile to fiat  currencies.....Cryptocurrencies are far more risky. I think the creative department would find it hard to persuade accounts to dabble in them...especially an un-proven one.

yes. WiredStock only have his own Credit called Stocken it is the same like Fotolia do.

But you have to understand how a blockchain works.
Wiredstock ist not mainly cryptocurrency ist is an content management system that can work alone for free. It almost controlls itself. Large parts of an agency would then be superfluous.
That saves money as we know some agencies get 80%.
If we save maybe 50% administrative costs that would be the USP of WiredStock.

I think Blockchain can facilitate payment processes manage licenses, and the image libraries.
It can sort out automatically duplicate content.

BUT it can not:
rate pictures by aesthetics for that you need humans. And if you dont currate the buyer will not find images he is looking for.
Searchengine and currating will be the main challenge for WiredStock.
Difficult but worth a try :o
You can't trade fotolia credits afaik so to me its completely different....agencies typically spend 30% on marketing...they don't do that because they like giving money away (as we well know). But I do basically agree search engine is key.

yes you can not trade them but you have no control what FT/Adobe do with the values. If you can trade a Credit the Market controls the credit value not a single company.
Anyway you can buy FT Credits or Stoken with , $ bitcoin or any other currency.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 04:30 by r2d2 »


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