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Author Topic: New project, need feedback or ideas please  (Read 10588 times)

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Leo Blanchette

« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2012, 15:34 »
+1 I think the theme looks great.

I'd be willing to pay a (reasonable) one time fee.

One thing that I'm really concerned about is the security of the high-res files. Are those located outside the public_html folder? And also the security of the rest of the site would be interesting to know.

When I do the re-build (soon) I'm going to be rearranging some things. Right now the images are protected by htaccess. You can't get them :D. Overall security is good, and I haven't had an issue in these two years.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2012, 15:36 »
I like the sound of this and would definitely be interested. One problem I see though, and it also applies to Picturengine, is licensing. Are people really going to buy half a dozen images from different producers if they all have different licenses? Especially if they are paying microstock prices.  It seems to me that people joining such a scheme would need to agree to all use the same licence.
If that can be sorted, I would want to join and would be willing to pay, monthly subscription would be most convenient.

I'm open to suggestions.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2012, 15:38 »
I'd be really interested in in seeing where this goes and what you come up with fee wise.  I think a one time set up fee would be good to get the theme installed, how are you handling hosting? Would we be able to self host and register our own domain?

If people are moderately good on the  web and or use wordpress, this installs like any other wordpress theme. Hosting - we'd have to explore that. For those with larger portfolios, a good host would pay for itself. I could also find other alternatives and host on my server otherwise, for a fee.

Hope this answers everyones questions up till now.


« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2012, 16:01 »
paypal adaptive payments can split a buyer's payment between multiple accounts

Buyer pays one amount -> funds end up in two photographers paypal accounts.


« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2012, 17:57 »
This really sounds good.  Exactly what the industry needs IMO.  I would be willing to pay an up front fee and a subscription fee, although I would prefer annually to monthly. 

I already have my own ktools site, but would be willing to consider uploading to wordpress if there was a likelihood I would make enough sales to be worth the additional effort. 

Congrats on being the one to finally implement what a lot of us have had on our wish lists for a few years :)

« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2012, 19:15 »
Leo, is the micro site template for sale?  I've been afraid that K-tools might be over my head but I'm a bit more experienced with a Wordpress site. If yes, can I put a password protected area for clients.

And if the template is ready, it might be a good option for one level of a kickstarter offering.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2012, 21:00 »
Leo, is the micro site template for sale?  I've been afraid that K-tools might be over my head but I'm a bit more experienced with a Wordpress site. If yes, can I put a password protected area for clients.

And if the template is ready, it might be a good option for one level of a kickstarter offering.

When clients sign up, they set up name/pass like any wordpress site. I'm going to do some work however to let wordpress remain invisible to the user (just to be professional).

I'm very happy to see an overall positive response. I'm going to go through and clean up code, check some security, and do some beautification with the help of Christos. Then we can get a prototype (alpha?) out there, with a nice network.

A little bit on the network: You will be able to add your "friends" (fellow microstockers) as inclusion to your network and search results. Everyone has different friends of course, so the network will be quite a phenomenon, as users will be able to migrate like bees around everyone's sites. You simply add their website name, and everything happens on its own.

I'm quite excited to see people will be into it. From here on I'll start tying up loose ends and get a nice package available soon.

« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2012, 18:42 »
I started a thread similar here:

I'd love more input from readers here to join in and try to put our heads together, by creating a collective of Artist stock agency. Sounds like the creator of this thread has the right idea. I'm all for it!

The biggest thing once it's up and running is to recruit each and every photographer or Artist to leave their Agencies and pull their images from them. This way a complete REVOLT is guaranteed and the Agencies lose, and we WIN!

Leave our Agencies and Sell DIRECT to our customers!
This CAN be done!!!

Some Ideas for OUR Agency to Work would  be:
Set up a Board of Directors. Their job would be the Direction of the Agency, using their vast knowledge to setting up this massive project. (They would donate time and energy at first. Then can be a paid position).
IT People that can make this happen. Recruit and pay for passionate computer people that care about our industry.
Lawyers, yes they're needed to make sure our Ass is covered.
Each photographer would pay an Annual fee, to help offset costs, then once up and rolling, a very small percentage of all sales would be taken from images sold!

OK let's hear the ideas people!!!


« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2012, 02:03 »

Some Ideas for OUR Agency to Work would  be:
Set up a Board of Directors. Their job would be the Direction of the Agency, using their vast knowledge to setting up this massive project. (They would donate time and energy at first. Then can be a paid position).
IT People that can make this happen. Recruit and pay for passionate computer people that care about our industry.
Lawyers, yes they're needed to make sure our Ass is covered.
Each photographer would pay an Annual fee, to help offset costs, then once up and rolling, a very small percentage of all sales would be taken from images sold!

OK let's hear the ideas people!!!
Do you have any idea the cost would be for a paid board of directors, IT guys and lawyers? At least a couple of hundred thousand per year. Good luck finding people doing that for free.

« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2012, 02:11 »
Leave our Agencies and Sell DIRECT to our customers!
This CAN be done!!!...
After my experiences with leaving StockXpert, after it was turned in to a subs only site with cut commissions, and starting to leave istock, I noticed that nearly all of the big players were just carrying on as if nothing had happened.  So there's no way I'm getting involved in a revolt until most of the top contributors have done it.  They have all the power, the rest of us mean nothing to most of the sites, as they have shown us many times in the past few years.

If the money meant nothing to me, I could get involved but unfortunately, I rely to heavily on my microstock earnings.

« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2012, 12:31 »
Leave our Agencies and Sell DIRECT to our customers!
This CAN be done!!!...
After my experiences with leaving StockXpert, after it was turned in to a subs only site with cut commissions, and starting to leave istock, I noticed that nearly all of the big players were just carrying on as if nothing had happened.  So there's no way I'm getting involved in a revolt until most of the top contributors have done it.  They have all the power, the rest of us mean nothing to most of the sites, as they have shown us many times in the past few years.

If the money meant nothing to me, I could get involved but unfortunately, I rely to heavily on my microstock earnings.

We all live on our Sales... But ask yourself how much longer are you going to be taken advantage of?
Is your Agency treating you fairly? Are you making 100% of the money owed to you? Of course you know the answers to this questions. The real question is how much longer will you stay on the sidelines and let them bully you around? I agree we need to get the big guys involved!!!

But it starts with each one of us! Standing up for our rights, making a change, mostly telling other photographers to join the fight... Yes it's a fight for our rights and being paid properly! If your OK with the agencies making 80% of your money, and taking advantage of you, treating poorly...Then by all means stay where your at!

I on the other hand am "MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE"

After doing a little research on Picture Engine, my first impression is...This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for in regards for ALL of us to leave our Agencies and list our own images, and take back control of our images.

Now migrating all your images to Picture Engine is easy. You set up your own Web site, which is great, because you know all of us our picky and want total control of everything...LOL
So you can be creative and make your own, or like I chose to use PhotoShelter from me. You can use KTools or whom ever you'd like. Price your images your own way, and make 100% of the money owed to you!!!

NOW is the time to JOIN, and LEAVE your AGENCY!!!

OK I know most of you need money, and are scared! I am too, but WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER if we want to have maximum impact on the market.

Here's my idea!
Set up your website... List it with PictureEngine...If your exclusive with anyone, make sure you change your Agreement with them. Get everything ready to leave your Agency...When Picture Engine has all of the bugs worked out and is ready to launch... Everyone at the same time puts in their 30 day notice to the Agencies all at once...A MASSIVE exit all at the same time.... Now the Agencies have to remove your images from their Library or be liable to be sued! Picture Engine will now be the ONE source for Art Buyers world wide to find images...OUR images that we have 100% control over..

Look we've got to do something... Stock Agencies are treating us worse and worse every year! Their taking more and more of our share of our sales. Enough is enough!!! Let's show them who the BOSS is and fight back and tell them where to stick it!!!

I encourage you to look at your industry, and ask yourself has it gotten better or worse? Are you making more money or less? Are you happy with your Stock Agency?

I think you know the answers, and our only option is to STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK...TAKE CONTROL YOUR IMAGES AND WIN THIS FIGHT!!!


« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2012, 13:19 »

A little bit on the network: You will be able to add your "friends" (fellow microstockers) as inclusion to your network and search results. Everyone has different friends of course, so the network will be quite a phenomenon, as users will be able to migrate like bees around everyone's sites. You simply add their website name, and everything happens on its own.

I'm quite excited to see people will be into it. From here on I'll start tying up loose ends and get a nice package available soon.

Is there a website I can bookmark so I know when it's ready. I really like the sound of this.


« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2012, 13:30 »
Will sales data be a factor in the search results? Searches need to reflect what buyers find popular.
I think for it to work really well you need a strong "best match" algorithm.


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