Very excited to have licensed this photo of Woods Hole Massachusetts on Cape Cod - a great small town - to Smithsonian Magazine for this month's cover article on America's best small towns. It was printed half page in the print edition (They sent me a couple of comps - the photo editor is a great guy). You can see it online here: What I love about licensing my RM images directly - both via queries to publishers and, with this one and others, directly from my site, is not only getting far more than a small commission, but also dealing with people who really want my image. I saw this moody photo as more personal work than stock, so it's especially gratifying to see it in print in a top magazine.
I licensed 2 more images to a calendar company this month too - and found another of mine (via Alamy - it hasn't shown up yet) on the cover of a 2015 Calendar. The travel images I have on the micros sell well for me, but I'm glad I've kept my best as RM.
Anyway, I'm just really happy with how this image turned out and wanted to share it with you all. Excellent article too. I've added some more places to my bucket list.