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Author Topic: Digital downloads on Etsy  (Read 25438 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2020, 14:00 »
I contacted a seller yesterday who was reselling some derivatives of my vector work. I said it's not permitted to (re)sell (altered versions of) my work, even with a license. She said she did buy an RF license but misread the terms. She apologized and removed the items from her shop.

Bottom line: if you ever find your items on Etsy, try contacting the shop owner and politely but sternly explain the situation. That might be more effective than contacting Etsy with a DMCA.

It's a mixed bag.

Some people will take it down. Some people gave me a hard time, asking for evidence of ownership or copyright. Some people think they own the artwork because they made slight changes to it. Some people just refuse to take it down. The people who refused to take it down forced me to file DMCA take down notices. Even then, some of them file counter claims and gave fake contact information (Shop in US, but their address is some random place in Europe).

I've gotten tired of contacting the shop owners. It's a waste of my time. Nowadays, I just file take DMCA take notices and let Etsy sort them out.


I also find the DMCA notice the easier way. I used to contact them, but their response was almost always very annoying, most of them telling me they work with third party designers, and when I ask for the designer's name, they can never find it, he is not answering etc. It's probably the answer they think frees them from any responsibility.

« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2020, 02:10 »
You can sell digital files in Etsy but Etsy is a completely different platform compared with other platform where you sell your content like Adobe, SS, Alamy etc. In Etsy you are responsible for everything connected with your shop - shop appearance, shop policies, marketing and advertising, writing listings, writing image licenses and everything else. If you want to have a successful shop you have to work hard - really hard. According to my experience only 40-50% of the time is spent to create the product. Most time is spent to sell the product and to have 5-star feedback, which is essential - customer service, advertising banners, seo, constantly adjusting your to content to be more competitive. Although it is much more difficult than just uploading files in Stock platforms it can be much more rewarding. Etsy gets fees around 13% + currency conversion it is 16% and you get the rest. You can also be payed on a daily basis in a bank account, not only Paypal. At the moment Etsy is the BEST platform to sell individually what you have created - physical or digital. Easy to use interface lots of instruments for marketing and promotions and everything you need to sell and make your shop look nice.
If you decide to sell in Etsy my advice is to make a serious research to understand how Esty works, who are shoppers, what can you sell, how to sell it - in one word it is a different game.
Yes, there are lots of copyright infringement in Etsy. If you report it Etsy will close the shops. I think that the authors have to be much more active to protect their content. Most of the shop owners that sell POD does not understand at all what is the difference between Standard and Extended Licence. And of course they never buy Extended license. In 70-80% of the cases you can contact the shop owners and they will quickly remove the listings or buy the licenses. In other cases you can report to Etsy.
If you only want to make a photography or illustrations Etsy is not for you. If you are eager to learn more Etsy is a school - you will learn how to sell online products. If you can sell your own content you will be able to sell lots of other products. I want to say that selling in Etsy will give you another perspective. Here you will meet your real customers and you will understand what do people do with your artwork. Knowing this you will know what to create and what not to create.
I have started to sell seriously in Etsy 2-3 years ago and at the moment I am absolutely grateful that I made this step. My shops are not as successful as I wanted to be but Etsy opened many doors and gave me new opportunities.

« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2020, 08:49 »
With regard to selling prints on Etsy, there are useful threads on the FAA forum.  IMHO it's basically a huge PITA. You have to provide free shipping, handle complaints and returns, and keep detailed tax records.

FAA can be your drop-ship fulillment 'partner' but their shipping charges are wildly unpredictable and can be very high. So to offer free shipping, you have to make a guess about shipping, and could lose a lot of money on a large framed print.

If the print doesn't arrive when expected, or is of poor quality, it's all on you. You have to work through FAA's spotty and slow customer service.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 09:28 by stockastic »


« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2020, 09:58 »

very famous Woman Photographer. she sure is the best.
Nice work Anyka. you've been around quite awhile.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 10:02 by rinderart »

« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2020, 15:48 »
thanks lark - glad to hear someone here has had a (mostly) good experience on Etsy.  i've been selling collectible comics & maps on ebay & amazon for 20 years, so familiar with online sales. and etsy fees are about half what i pay on those sites. unfortunately neither allows digital downloads.

i don't intend to sell actual prints, but many sell digital images to be printed by the user (which of course is true of any digital DL!)

I plan to offer sets of images at competitive prices

« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2020, 18:49 »
I put up about 50 stock images a month ago that I thought would make good backgrounds.  Not a sale.

« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2020, 10:31 »
I can't imagine who would buy photographs on Etsy!  Actual posters, greeting cards, yes, but photos?

It's more of a marketplace for crafters to buy crafting stuff, or for shoppers to buy handmade items.  AND it's becoming overrun with used stuff.

I buy on Etsy more than Amazon
Remember they are not curated so it's hit and miss with quality

These are some of the things I've purchased:
-  Photoshop templates (trading cards etc. for youth sports photography)
-  SVG files to cut on t-shirt vinyl
-  PDF Sewing patterns
-  Spandex
-  Lace
-  Rhinestones

The search is HORRENDOUS.  If you search for "Child Leotard Sewing Pattern PDF", you get everything for sale - custom women's gymnastics leotards, mens shorts sewing patterns, monkey knitting pattern.


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