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Messages - WD3 Photography

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Has anyone else had a problem loading images to be reviewed by Dreamstime in the last week?

When entered with the title, keywords etc they don't go through to pending.

I have tried a different browser but the problem is the same.  :-\

2 / Re: Anybody getting reviews?
« on: March 27, 2024, 12:47 »
Shutterstock is still slow on reviews.  :-\
For example, I have a commercial image that was not reviewed after 6 days.

They are currently slower to review than Dreamstime, Adobe Stock, Deposit Photos, and iStock.

Also, I don't like their new platform for loading photos and always switch to Legacy. It doesn't seem possible to copy out keywords before submitting the image.  >:(

3 / Re: Anybody getting reviews?
« on: March 21, 2024, 13:34 »
I've had 30 editorial images waiting for review since Sunday 17th March. :-\

I see what you mean by the iStock forum going berserk.

All the negative sales seem to be listed as:-

Type: Premium Access Time Limited
Date: 12th November 2023

Shocking having earned $51.6 in January, I only earned $4.98 in February.

The reason 24 sales for a negative amount.


Very weird!

But if they pay me $96.57 I won't be complaining.


I still can't work this out.

Why are they paying me if I haven't reached the payment threshold?

Are just a bit flexible when you get within a few dollars of the threshold?

This relates to my iStock account but I'm below the payment threshold of $100 so why would they be about to pay me?

I've received an email from [email protected] which is entitled Separate Remittance Advice: paper document number ...

I'm just below that payment threshold of $100 at $96.55

But the email seems to be about a payment of $96.57 with a Payment Number and Invoice Number.

Does anyone have any ideas about this strange email?

10 / Re: Pending and Reviewed Disappeared?
« on: March 29, 2022, 06:25 »
Thanks I re-uploaded my 6 missing images and they have been approved.

A strange incident!

11 / Re: Pending and Reviewed Disappeared?
« on: March 29, 2022, 01:52 »
I've had 6 images disappear from my image portfolio over night.

It looks like some of them were recently approved.

12 / Re: Shutter showing zero balance
« on: December 08, 2021, 11:17 »
Just noticed they've corrected the problem.

13 / Re: Shutter showing zero balance
« on: December 08, 2021, 10:53 »
I've sold eight photos so far today on Shutterstock for $4.28. This has not been added to my Unpaid Earnings which is supposed to be Updated approximately every 15 minutes.

I've had this message (below) from Adobe Stock last night. I'm not sure what 10 credits means.

CORRECTED: You have assets accepted for the free collection

We are sending this email to let you know that weve accepted 2 asset(s) you nominated for the Adobe Stock free collection. Congratulations! Weve added an upfront payment of 10 credits to your account. (Please note, that there won't be an itemized entry for the free assets.)

Were still reviewing all nominated assets for the free collection. We may still accept additional nominated assets until September 30. If we accept more of your assets, you'll receive another notification and payment.

I've had 2 photos approved for the Free Price Tier so far.

I was told that I had 168 images eligible for the free collection.

I hope this doesn't turn into a damp squib!

James Wheeler co-founder of Photoloo, has just posted a video in which he discusses an idea for a new stock photography agency based on blockchain technology.

17 / Re: Anyone get paid (April)from SS yet?
« on: May 07, 2021, 01:59 »
I received payment for April earnings on 6th May.

I made 34% percent more on Shutterstock in April 2021 than April 2020.

I also had one payment of $27 from Adobe Stock compared to none in April 2020.

I haven't noticed much change in 2021. Sales chug along at less than 10 per month.

20 / Re: Earnings for Mar'21
« on: April 22, 2021, 04:49 »
I earned $44 in March which was down from $65 in February.

RPD between $0.48 and $0.66 so far this year.

21 / Re: Earnings for Mar'21
« on: April 20, 2021, 12:53 »
iStock have put this statement on their Royalities page:-

"Were experiencing an unexpected delay in reporting your statement(s) and are working hard to resolve the issue. This does not impact our ability to issue payments. We apologize for the inconvenience."

"Statement data is currently not available because we are importing new statement data. Please check back later."

22 / Re: Shutterstock Technical Problems Again
« on: April 20, 2021, 12:34 »
Some good news. 10 of my 18 missing images have now appeared in my image port.  :)

23 / Re: Shutterstock Technical Problems Again
« on: April 20, 2021, 12:04 »
I loaded one image today. I've 18 approved images loaded since 16th April which are yet to appear in my image portfolio.

"I think this is affectin us and our sales, because the algorithm thinks we are not uploading new content..." alvarobueno

24 / Re: Earnings for Mar'21
« on: April 20, 2021, 10:47 »
I asked Jrmie Romn of if he knew what was happening.

He replied at 14.09pm GMT today:-

"We don't have news or info about the release date, but we expect iStock will charge the march statements this evening :)

Have a nice day,


25 / Re: Shutterstock Technical Problems Again
« on: April 19, 2021, 09:35 »
It's a competition!

How many photos can you get approved by Shutterstock before they appear in your image portfolio.

I'm on 17 so far!


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