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Messages - Mimi the Cat

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: November 20, 2024, 11:05 »
It is unclear why the authors' income has decreased. It seems that buyers are leaving Shutterstock, but why.

My subscription sales started disappearing back in July this month next to nothing.

Single and others going for 10 to 15 cents.

SS are a ghost of what they used to be.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: July 01, 2024, 10:19 »
Second best overall month in stock photography and videography | BME on Adobe Stock | BME on iStock | Reasonably good month on Pond 5 | Mediocre month on Shutterstock

Shutterstock was the lowest of the four agencies for May 2024 though still running in 2nd place YTD earnings.

Three Charts

1) YTD earnings Jan to May - Comparison of each year from 2020 to 2024
2) YTD earnings Jan to May - Comparison by agency for 2024   
3) Earnings for the month of May - Comparison of each year from 2020 to 2024

I'm not being picky but without a Y axis the graph is meaningless.

As it says $ I presumed you made $6 this year

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 05, 2024, 06:59 »
"At this point they have no more contributor royalties to loot and had better hope one of these other bets pays off

I wouldn't be so sure of that, royalties can always go lower and the minimum payout can go down to 5 cent or even 1 cent.

Or even dare I say $0.00  :(

Shutterstock.com / Re: Monthly earnings and downloads
« on: March 13, 2024, 12:01 »
Do we still have such a thing as sales on shitter stock?  ;D

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock aquires Backgrid
« on: February 10, 2024, 07:05 »
So now we need to shoot a lot of editorial.

and get paid ten cents for doing it  ;D

Just scraped over $31 for all of January what a pile of garbage  :(

Well for the first time since 2011 looks like I'll not reach the minimum $35 payout for January.  Even subscription sales have died to zero for days just the occasional "single and other" sale.

In Jan 2018 I made over $318 and in 2019 $212 this Jan maybe $20. :'(

Glad I don't rely on them anymore  :)
There is still time until the end of the month; there is a high probability that you will have sales.  ;D

One day left of the month and have made $24.74 :(

If I get the same sales as I did today (1 SOD for $0.10) then I won't make it  :'(

Well for the first time since 2011 looks like I'll not reach the minimum $35 payout for January.  Even subscription sales have died to zero for days just the occasional "single and other" sale.

In Jan 2018 I made over $318 and in 2019 $212 this Jan maybe $20. :'(

Glad I don't rely on them anymore  :)

That's how it looks for me too. I have my minimum payout at $100, and it's quite possible that I won't reach that.

In January 2015 it was $793, with around 1,000 images. Today it's 1,350.

I reduced my payout to the $25 minimum you'd probably be best to do that too.

Well for the first time since 2011 looks like I'll not reach the minimum $35 payout for January.  Even subscription sales have died to zero for days just the occasional "single and other" sale.

In Jan 2018 I made over $318 and in 2019 $212 this Jan maybe $20. :'(

Glad I don't rely on them anymore  :)

Got it on the 21st but had to pay $1.14 Paypal fee  :(

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS just screwed up the site again
« on: December 14, 2023, 11:16 »
I signed in to check and I still get the same old dashboard, but there is a banner on top telling me that something new and exciting is on its way. I'm in NY, ss's home base, so surprised it hasn't been rolled out here.

If its new and exciting its actually krap and not at all exciting  ;D

Thanks for letting us know, I was wondering if anyone got their final payment yet. I'm still waiting for mine

Still waiting on Dec 6  :(

AI generated images are not photographs or photography

Bigstock no longer accept new submissions from 1st July 2023,and lowered the minimum payout at 25$.

I didn't know,now i know! :D

Who talked about Bigstock ? the topic is Canstock here...  ::)

 :D yes but I don't think it's worth starting a discussion for BigStock,also because it is news that dates back months ago.

In that case start a bigstock thread under the bigstock forum not in Canstock

Adobe Stock / Re: Payout history should be in descending order
« on: October 03, 2023, 01:44 »
Thanks for the feeback.


I agree also how about just setting up one time details for payout such as US citizen (Yes/No) and the paypal/skrill/payoneer details?

How do 34 different ports (full of stolen images) have the same goddamn image of an elephant?

Professional negligence by SS.


Or joint criminal enterprise?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Fraud account on Shutterstock.
« on: August 05, 2023, 04:06 »
Fraud account on shitterstock? Quelle surprise  ;D ;D ;D

DepositPhotos / Re: Are they next?
« on: July 20, 2023, 14:18 »
$597.61 in 12 years makes them useless as an agency.

Just solved that problem I just deleted all my images on Picfart and closed the account.

Did the same for Fine fart murica too  ;D

A useless outfit that sells next to nothing.  They make their money selling Picfair Plus

90 per year to pay for that rip off and I've only ever made $40 US out of them in four years.

I'll close the account, one less crap stock agency to worry about  ::)

I just had a look and, right now, it looks like everything is still going into the regular stock catalog. I don't see any option to view a 'data catalog'.

"Starting next week, Shutterstock will be introducing Data Licensing"

Starting next week shitterstock will be shafting their contributors even more  ;D

Bigstock.com / Re: eMail from SS through Bigstock...
« on: June 22, 2023, 13:47 »
My payable earnings shot up by $47 overnight with no new sales showing, could this be a payment for training AI usage as at Shutterstock maybe?

Of course it is ~ and I got $17

Judas got 30 pieces of silver which is slightly more  ;D

You'll get GIGO an old computing term "garbage in garbage out"  ;D

"Tossers" indeed also wankers, dickheads, and a lot of derogatory I could post but can't be bothered, just like I can't be bothered about oringer and his crew of fools  ;D

Adobe Stock / Re: Faith in ADOBE
« on: June 07, 2023, 07:49 »
Tell us how those prayers go when Adobe send you "exciting news"  ;D

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