Canva / Re: Canva July sales are in, and it's not good
« on: September 12, 2023, 14:03 »
August sales in... worst than July... Canva was my top earner and revenue dropped 60% ouch
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Canva / Re: Canva July sales are in, and it's not good« on: September 12, 2023, 14:03 »
August sales in... worst than July... Canva was my top earner and revenue dropped 60% ouch
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: March 04, 2023, 11:24 »...Did you get a reply re. paying out to template creators from the same pool? No, Canva doesn't seem interested in contributors anymore, seems they got what they wanted, get massive content from contributors with a 50% share, get them in a subscription based contract, then slowly reduce their share. I always had hope that Canva would be different but it all ends up the same way. To be honest I can't complain of 2021 which had exceptionnaly high revenue, but the 2022 drop has been drastic. I still have hope that we reached a new bottom and that it will start slowly getting back up month to month... but hope is all that is left for now until we hear from them :p a 3
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: February 10, 2023, 13:38 »That is similar to what I looked at - although my numbers are much much lower. I wonder about the ratio of subscription plans to individual or credit sales - with longer term sub plans even if the dl # are much lower at the end of December the 4 should just be split about equally. Yeah I hear you. On my side most of the portfolio is Illustrations which works well with the Canva concept, small elements to be added into designs (am diversifying this year with more photos and videos though). I think the Applies/Export should be clarified, as maybe Applies is only used in templates and Export can be the image exported (alone) or the image Inside a Design that gets exported. If the second, it means the Applies are also comptabilized into the export (it's a bit confusing). For me the biggest drawback is the revenue. Canva has been by far my biggest earner, as high as 5x the revenue of Shutterstock at the peak (2021). December now looks like the numbers we had BEFORE they put the subscription based contributor pool which is a bit concerning. Since April 2022 on my side I had a steady decline month after month. If I compare April 2022 with December 2022 I got a -60% loss difference :-/ I saw the January numbers today and they are SLIGHTLY better than December, I hope the trend inverse and we slowly get back up to the 2021 numbers. 4
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: February 10, 2023, 09:25 »Looks like performance is pretty steady to falling slightly. Earnings are falling much more steeply though. It would be interesting to see the stats over a longer time period. Yes I guess you are right (Applies and Exports). Applies might also mean it has been used in a Template Creator template, and Exports must mean the image has been downloaded. The numbers for me are ASTRONOMIC (1.5 million per month for one of my portfolio (combined Applies and Export)), didn't know the images we're used that much... I was always happy with the earnings I got from Canva, I know that subscription base we didn't get paid much per image, but I am really shocked at the real numbers, fractions of cent... I'm not even close to that many download in my LIFETIME downloads since 2009 on Shutterstock and they had subscription a long time. For the matter at hand, one thing I did is use FILTER CHART BY : Last 6 months. Then you have percentage increase from last period, and I see 30% more on applies and 16% more on export. For me in december, using the peaks of the curve, it started normally on december 1 and the last 2 peaks of december it was 45% less than usual, which might explain the poor performance. However, checking last 6 months the peaks are stable enough, and November which outperformed September and October but have 15% less revenue. Would really like to have someone from Canva explain what is happening with the revenue. Did they give out free subscription, did they lose 50% of their customer (and if so why are our images download stable when you have less customers)? What happened to the Contributor pool? 5
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: February 09, 2023, 15:41 »
Hi everyone!
I just noticed this section on Canva, I think it can help to see what revenue we will get or an idea of our portfolio performance : https://www.canva.com/creators/element then click DASHBOARD. On my side I have a sharp decline from December 1st up to December 31st, but it catches up back in January. Too bad we don't have the 2021 data as we could compare with the numbers we had at the peak, but at least it gives some indication of our portfolio performance. 6
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: February 09, 2023, 14:22 »Done, check your PMsThanks, contacted him but now news so far, radio silence 7
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: February 02, 2023, 12:40 »You can PM Danny on this forum and ask them to respond to this thread. They are usually good about doing it.We need transparency so we can know if they have massively cut our RPD by taking from the pot to pay template designers or if this is due to a drop in sales. It's madness thay we have no clue if they have cut our pay! I did not find no ''Danny'' from Canva, can you PM him or send his profile link? 8
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: January 18, 2023, 18:13 »We need transparency so we can know if they have massively cut our RPD by taking from the pot to pay template designers or if this is due to a drop in sales. It's madness thay we have no clue if they have cut our pay! Yes that is I thought also... there has been a dramatical fall of the revenue on Canva... to me Canva earned at least 4x more than Shutterstock or 10x more than Adobe Stock so it's really really hard financially... having 2022 drop month after month... december have been such a loss too... really curious to know what is causing this drop... any Canva representative can answer us? 9
Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down« on: October 13, 2022, 07:26 »I thought Canva is a growing agency and earnings will only continue to go up. But instead of that, this whole year earnings are only continuing to go down. Every month there is less and less, and this is a serious problem. I already saw on this forum that this is happening with some other contributors as well, so I'm not the only one.I was wondering what was the issue with Canva... I have huge income there, and since the beginning of the year it has been going down and down... this month was a major gap, I am earning 35% less than at the same period... I wonder if the issue is that with recession many people stopped using the Canva pro system, or maybe it's just that by adding revenue for Canva Template creators it is cutting more and more the share of the elements creator? In any case, like you mention, it's getting serious. I also thought to see the earnings keeping to grow and reach new high but it seems it hit a wall since January and just keeps going down month after month and not quite sure what to do :-/ 10
Shutterstock.com / Re: BlocD« on: September 22, 2022, 10:10 »
Simply a company that bought a package with Shutterstock and that double-check that you are the owner and own the copyrights of the image they licensed and that you agreed to sell license through Shutterstock... just looks like an overcautious company, but in the end, it's a good thing that they consider copyrights to be important.
Anybody can explain me what is email about and if anybody else receive it, no idea if I should contact SS for more informations.... 11
Canva / Re: Anyone having problems with Canva payment?« on: September 22, 2022, 10:07 »Hello everyone, this morning I received the payment from Canva, however the PayPal transaction is pending and the resolution center is not working at the moment. I had the same problem. I also noticed that 300$ was missing from the payment from what is reported as ''paid out'' in Canva and what I actually received in paypal :-/ 12
Adobe Stock / Re: Opt in option for Adobe Stock Vectors and Illustrations in Free collection« on: November 29, 2021, 12:19 »You should see payments arrive in your account balance before the end of the day today if you opted in and any of your assets were approved. Hi Mat, I did receive an email about accepted content. Will there be more wave of acceptance as I only had 6% accepted from the preselection/nominated assets, I expected more since so many were elligible? (I'm happy with what I have but was curious as to what to expect). Thanks! 13
Adobe Stock / Re: Opt in option for Adobe Stock Vectors and Illustrations in Free collection« on: November 26, 2021, 12:18 »Hi @mat We're around the end of November, do you have any news or expected delay on the annoucements? Thanks! 14
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 18, 2021, 09:39 »
Here is the last answer I got from Depositphotos:
Quote YAYimages is our API reseller and we are reselling their images on our website. To get information on how you get paid for your files which are sold on our website, please get in touch with YAYimages. From what I understand is that is the image I found in that portfolio is OLD Yayimages portfolio (before 2020), I do not find new images I uploaded to the new management after march 2021. So for me if they remove the duplicates it will remove my files from that portfolio. It's bad for all other contributors that are getting their earning stolen, but I can't ask the same for other contributor, seems everyone needs to ask Deposit to remove their (photo (link per link...)) or if they have an account on deposit, ask that they remove the duplicate files found in the Yayimages portfolio. As for Yayimages, I have no contact with them at all. I see the earnings are not getting reported anymore which is concerning... Will try to get an answer from them and know what is the list of all those API partners and get my image removed from their site (Yay) 15
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 13, 2021, 07:40 »They will pull the cat's tail as long as possible because they earn money from these files.Yes but they'll earn money in any case as most of those files are duplicates for those who also have an account on Depositphotos. Won't change much for them. In any case, it's copyright infringement and not legal, not as if they have any choice. 16
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 12, 2021, 07:04 »
This is the email I sent to them (to Depositphotos), should make them move in the right direction (delete that portfolio):
Quote No they are not I sent you 2 reference images. There are THOUSANDS of my images there. There are also many other contributors who reports the same thing in a forum. You should close this portfolio altogether. The Yayimages agency also reports that this portfolio is no theirs, so this is clearly stolen work that no contributors are getting paid for. 17
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 12, 2021, 06:47 »OMG I found one of my best selling images there, and I was on neither deposit or yay. They have stolen my image! Thanks for doing this. Deposit answered me... and removed the 2 images I used as reference, but I have THOUSANDS of images there. Also someone pointed out that Yayimages says they do not have any links to this portfolio anymore. That's a lie, as new management was there when my images we're uploaded. You can notice the UPLOAD DATE on the Depositphotos page, some of mine are there since Feb 11, 2020. I am now writing a last email to Depositphotos to request not only that they remove my image, but that they CLOSE the account altogether. How can they think it's satisfying to have image per image removed when that portfolio been making money on our back since a while. I will give them 7 days to close the portfolio. I prefer not engaging legal fees but it would be really stupid on their side to keep that portfolio live to the public when it's clearly stolen work. What is funny is that I point my images on my portfolio, then the stolen image on Yayimages, and they act as they protect the thief and only remove the image. Other agencies would outright close the portfolio and have no tolerance on copyright infringement. :-/. 18
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 10, 2021, 07:36 »Btw how can we make sure deposit delete the files. Apparently yay submitted with their own name not contributors. I mean how is it possible to detect among 1.2 million images. Is it our "job" to find each with links etc? What do you think?They need to just delete the whole portfolio. It is clear that it is being run by someone without any permission or connection to the copyright holders of the images. YAY say they have no connection to the acount anymore!! I agree with this. Wow Yay said this? It means it might be from the old management of Yay and they kept those old account active without any payment... wow. I contacted Depositphotos support as I have over 100k illustrations there and they say they are looking into it seriously and will update me. I sugged that anyone who see their images on the Yayimages account on Depositphotos contact their support with subject IMAGE STOLEN! and show a few example of your image and the duplicate image in the Yay account. The more support request they receive, the more pressure they will have. In any case if nothing moves on Deposit then we can have legal action there also, but I think just having a lot of pressure on Deposit to remove this account should work well. 19
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 07, 2021, 20:50 »Phew I don't come here much often now, and wow didn't really notice all this crap, I just noticed increased earnings from Yay. I still have the Skype contact of the ''new owner'' at Yay as I initially uploaded my portfolio on their ''new opening'' but I knew nothing about all this Depositphotos crap and fake partner sites. The way we see our earnings we have no way of knowing if the sales are accurate or where they come from. I sure never agreed to have my portfolio up on Depositphotos when my images are already there in the first place, so they are competing my own images!.If you have not uploaded, submitted, and had a file approved during the last 2 years your account will be at risk of deletion, cancellation & any pending balance owed will be reset or forfeit. For now I contacted Depositphotos legal department and ask that all my images that are under their names be removed, and also contacted Yayimages about it. I am yet to receive and answer from Yay. I will give them a few weeks to respond then if no answer I'll send them a letter via a international lawyer from their own country to see if they take this seriously. That's the first steps I'll take for now in the following weeks. Will keep posted here on any development. 20
Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas« on: May 06, 2021, 10:33 »Phew I don't come here much often now, and wow didn't really notice all this crap, I just noticed increased earnings from Yay. I still have the Skype contact of the ''new owner'' at Yay as I initially uploaded my portfolio on their ''new opening'' but I knew nothing about all this Depositphotos crap and fake partner sites. The way we see our earnings we have no way of knowing if the sales are accurate or where they come from. I sure never agreed to have my portfolio up on Depositphotos when my images are already there in the first place, so they are competing my own images!.If you have not uploaded, submitted, and had a file approved during the last 2 years your account will be at risk of deletion, cancellation & any pending balance owed will be reset or forfeit. I'll contact them and dig into it but if nothing moves on my side I will take legal actions. If I go that way I'll let you know here in case we can voice our claim together 21
General Stock Discussion / Re: Checkmate is approaching faster than I thought Who will be the winner?« on: January 06, 2021, 12:01 »The way I see it is we continue the long slow slide for contributors - or maybe bumpy not so slow slide. Lower prices, lower percentages, image and video numbers rising a lot faster than sales numbers. Probably a few of the little sites will fold or at least just start coasting - if they don't actually work on anything or advertise they can probably squeeze profit for a long time.Totally agree, Canva is the only one I am very happy with and changed my production to suite the content they needed, and I think Streaming Subscription is the new future (the Netflix model), and for me if the revenue increases, I'm starting to like it more and more. Canva promised to double our earning since they started that, and for me one of my brand did 4x, and one I am 500$ short of having the double without them doubling for me, so quite happy with that. On the video side, Storyblock started that a while ago and we saw Pond5 and other agencies revenue drop. However, Storyblocks earnings are steadily increasing and they are giving back more and more. Like it or not, I think that it's the new model that works for customers, agencies and for the revenue part, contributors. Of course I think small players will have a hard time in this model, unless they have very unique niche content that has huge demand. 22
Yaymicro / Re: Yay reopening??« on: January 02, 2021, 11:30 »
If I check my email the contact info I had from the new owners was: YAY Images <[email protected]> and I had the Skype from 2019 which was SKYPE: wiredcinema and Business phone number (found on Skype): +19493426648 (Grant Baker) which was the original person who contacted me when restarting Yay Images. Last talk I had was back in May 2020 when he asked if I would upload videos. To be honest I didn't really took time to look through them was very busy on other projects and giving my full attention to stock site we get treated well. For me I try to focus on Canva which, as mostly illustration, I am getting so much return, riding the wave .
Yaymicro / Re: Yay reopening??« on: January 01, 2021, 11:31 »
I also haven't try removing my content but from what I get with them I'll definetly consider sooner than later.
Yaymicro / Re: Yay reopening??« on: January 01, 2021, 11:30 »Also found this Hi! Didn't read the full thread nor what you are experiencing with them? Basically my experience with them was the following: - Didn't have any answer for a while there and had a small balance. - Yay got ''bought out'' buy a few guys I think in Fall 2019 and they contacted me to get my content online but early on they did a huge promotion where they almost give away the images. Those special offer / subscription sales are reference in the PROMOTION line on each month at the top. For those PROMOTION, I get that we don't know how many image were dowloaded, only the total revenue. You can check it when login to your contributor account here https://contributors.yayimages.com/login or direct link to last month: https://contributors.yayimages.com/downloads/2020-11. But for me I didn't reupload after my initial upload of photos/videos. The sales are low, and revenue per image is low. I asked one payout since I'm with them which included the small balance I had before and everything was paid out. Hope this helps out? 25
Canva / Re: Canva announcement« on: August 18, 2020, 10:51 »Mine doesn't have an entry for August 15th. The last is July 15. So three correct entries (double March) at the top of the table. Does yours show this month's?My bad. Yes it shows an entry for the 15th of July as last payment. In my mind it was payment for July earnings, but like you say it will appear in August. |