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Messages - oversunny

Pages: [1]
Many thanks, Mat  I will run with that.
A further question if I may, would you be able to give me any info on how to achieve the same when uploading to other sites such as Shutterstock & Photo4me etc. ?
Your assistance has been much appreciated.

I have not been able to figure out how to prevent my keyword order that has been saved in Bridge metadata from spasmodically changing when uploaded to Adobe.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.

An Abosolute DITTO DITTO from me.
I recognise and support AS, Now my TOP working partner in stock.

CanStockPhoto.com / Re: CanStock on a roll...
« on: September 06, 2018, 15:29 »
Good luck with your PAYOUT. I reached $49 two years ago and despite new uploads NO SALES since ??? ( and no payout ).
Somebody said here that the dice are loaded, I tend to agree.

I am still Having Problems uploading 6mp images that have one side under 2000px. The uploader is saying the image needs to have at least one side OVER 2000px.( which of course it does).

Even though their (GL's) belated support reply said that ALL IS NORMAL with uploading???

Is anyone else experiencing this problem or am I the only sufferer?
I would like to support GL but without their support, it is a no go.

Software / Upload problems wth GL Stock
« on: October 15, 2017, 17:59 »
Having Problems uploading 6mp images that have one side under 2000px. The uploader is saying the image needs to have at least one side OVER 2000px. This issue seemed to start with their new site upgrade.
I have sent two support requests ( one 2 weeks ago, another 1 week ago, but so far no reply ).
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Microstock News / Re: Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 02, 2017, 20:50 »
Having Problems uploading 6mp images that have one side under 2000px. The uploader is saying the image needs to have at least one side OVER 2000px - Perhaps another sneaky bug?
Cheers and good luck Geoff

Microstock News / Re: Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 01, 2017, 16:50 »
An Update -  Just received advice from GL Stock that they would be back up and running with their new site shortly.

Microstock News / Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 01, 2017, 14:57 »
I Keep getting " This page isn't working" for glstock.com

CanStockPhoto.com / Re: CanStock down at the moment?
« on: September 06, 2017, 12:02 »
Canstock used to be my best performer, but as I approached my payout level twelve months ago the sales dropped dramatically (only three sales in the last twelve months) fingers crossed I still hope to earn the necessary $1.50 to get my payout before I bail out, perhaps at this rate, in the next year or two???

General Stock Discussion / Bigstock uploading solution
« on: April 02, 2017, 13:02 »
The solution for me was to change from Chrome to Firefox for uploading.

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