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Messages - Soumennath

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Shutterstock acceptance rate
« on: September 09, 2014, 07:23 »
I uploaded the pictures rejected by Shutterstock , on Getty Images. They are giving me 75$ on each sale.
Thank you so much shutterstock.
There are 75 such rejections in a few weeks all of which got into Getty, no rejections there. Some of them made to "Getty Prestige Collection".

Well the reasons in most rejections by SS was poor composition, and bad lighting. LOL SS.

2 / Re: Accepted at last
« on: June 26, 2014, 10:01 »
Photos that were accepted in all other sites, are rejected in shutterstock.
The rejection ration is too high.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Minor or Adult model release
« on: June 25, 2014, 22:49 »
There is a line asking for the "Date of signing the release".
You need to see if the model was a major or minor on that date and do this accordingly.

OK, Yeah I have noticed RM in Getty images and they pay higher royalties as well. But Gettyimages makes 80% images as RF. And RF does sell very well. I am happy with this. But worried that this honeymoon will be over if these customers shift away.

But exclusive contents can be found on the other micro stock sites as well, like in istock and Dreamstimes. then why the client wouldnt shift to such low cost sites instead of paying so much in Getty Images?

I am asking this because I am making similar money in gettyimages as compared to all other sites put together, whereas the number of downloads in gettyimages is just a fraction.

Is it a possibility that the customers of Gettyimages will vanish away in the course of time?

Can someone help me understand why some clients would prefer to buy images at much higher rates from Getty Images, when similar images are available in micro stock sites at fraction of the amount?

A month back I got an invitation from Picsastock to upload images. I observed that its not a big player, but decided to upload anyhow. After all they promised 50% commission on every sale and allowed 100 uploads as a good will gesture instead of the initial 50.

1) After I uploaded 58 images , I observed that they were available on the site immediately without any approval.
(This will give entry to even low quality images, which in turn will drive away prospective customers.)

2) After I got the first sale, I noticed that they paid only 6.6% commission, instead of the promised 50%.

3) One staff person was constantly in touch with me all through the process.

4) I wrote back to her asking for an explanation. But no reply received even after 4 days.

5) I had also written to the customer care separately. No response so far.



they're at  the bottom of my remaining ms agencies -- easy to upload, but dismal sales
That good information. Makes it easy to take a decision. Thanks a lot.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Fotosearch
« on: November 28, 2013, 01:31 »
I see no mention of fotosearch in Canstock site.
I dont see mention of Canstock in fotosearch site.
But I do see my images on Fotosearch.

Please help me with the right link.


Edit : OK, found the information, I was looking for.

10 / Re: Shutterstock site down?
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:48 »
Down since the last 12 hours.

Newbie Discussion / Re: why can't I start a new thread?
« on: October 19, 2013, 01:30 »
I am new to stock photography and right now trying to understand and gather information. I have also started uploading on some of the sites.
This is the first post that I have opened after registering. And what stuck me that the newest posts are at the end. I wish they were at the first page and the oldest posts were at the last page.
What say ?


Pages: [1]


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