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Messages - PZF

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Adobe Stock / can't delete
« on: July 09, 2024, 05:46 »
problem solved but can't delete this post. Sorry.

Adobe Stock / Another free year of PS?
« on: June 06, 2024, 03:49 »
Just seen the notification. Nice!

Can't find it anywhere. My thought is to get the last payment out (if it reaches $50) and then attempt to close the account as it sells virtually nothing now and the 'user experience' is so poor. :(
I know this current month's won't arrive for a few days yet - great! - but I'd like to know amount to date anyway!

I've not checked in for ages and simply cannot find... :(

Adobe Stock / Re: RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: October 11, 2023, 12:28 »
Thanks. That could at least be a starting point and alternative to a new computer! Appreciated.

Adobe Stock / Re: RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: October 06, 2023, 08:49 »
Well, in case it is helpful, which I doubt, I see

Intel(R) Core (TM) i7 7700HQ cpu @2.8GHz 2.81 GHz
64 bit x64 based processor

Motherboard? Whatever this laptop came with.
Would it make a difference to anything if I knew this?

I am surprised that I would need to know the detailed inner workings of my computer.
I don't know how my car engine works, either, but I can still drive the vehicle. If some clever mechanic tweaked something that rendered it undrive-able I'd expect that person to help me fix it.

Adobe, where are you???

Adobe Stock / Re: RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: October 03, 2023, 06:15 »
Not sure what you mean by configuration here - Windows 10?
I've downloaded the latest driver from Nvidia too.

Adobe Stock / Re: RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: September 30, 2023, 10:48 »
Not THAT old I don't think and I made sure I got 16mb (?) rather than 8. It's been fine till now and all this AI, I imagine.
But will keep this message in the hope that a tekkie can help me do it.
Thanks! :)

Adobe Stock / Re: RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: September 30, 2023, 03:46 »
Yes, exactly. That is the problem.

Adobe Stock / Re: RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: September 29, 2023, 10:33 »
That's rather what I was hoping - that Mat might have something to say on the matter. :(

Adobe Stock / RAW will soon need a different GPU
« on: September 28, 2023, 07:54 »
A bit off topic but have yet to see an answer elsewhere.
It seems my laptop will soon not be able to use RAW - or parts of it. I did manage to get a message that my GPU was partly compatible or something - but despite updating it (again) it now just says accelerated GPU has been disabled - again.
So how do I stop Adobe updating Raw and/or CC automatically and effecting stopping me processing photos in PS please? A new computer is not really what I want to hear. And neither is 'use Affinity'. :(

Shutterstock.com / Re: New Data / Data set Licensing
« on: June 24, 2023, 04:10 »
At least there is an opt out. :(

Thanks both! :)

Adobe Stock / Code for free PS being requested - again?
« on: May 26, 2023, 02:16 »
I have free PS through the contributor scheme until c July 2024, having redeemed the code we were given some time back, but the request to 'redeem' this has again appeared in the banner on my account.
Has this happened to anybody else?
My Adobe account shows that the code is valid until 2024, and if I try to redeem the code again, it says that the code has already been used.
So why the request to insert it again?
Just a glitch?
Anybody know?

123RF / Re: If you have work on 123RF PLEASE READ
« on: March 30, 2023, 10:26 »
They are now accepting AI generated stuff. Email today. :(

but now they are looking to make 'more improvements' to the contributor experience. Great joy.....!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Contributor Ugly Dashboard
« on: February 19, 2023, 11:19 »
It seems that I can log in and go from the Home page to see my Earnings (such as they are!) easily, but to go from the Home page to Portfolio eg to see what images have been reviewed etc I have to log in again.
Is this a glitch or a new feature?

Adobe Stock / Re: This year CC Bonus codes program?
« on: June 17, 2022, 05:41 »
No, that is not the case. People here were talking this year ie 2022, as was I.   

And THIS YEAR 2022 codes are now available - maybe they have been for a while although they have never been officially notified or confirmed here (even Matt said he did not know re 2022 codes in March 2022 and has said nothing since that I can see).

Anyway, for anybody who didn't get the news/notification or check the site:

2022 codes ARE NOW AVAILABLE and even if you are late, like me, in getting them, you still get the whole 12 months forward. Which is good. :)

Adobe Stock / Re: This year CC Bonus codes program?
« on: June 17, 2022, 03:02 »
Maybe.....I didn't see it but that shows how little interest I have in microstock these days. :(

However, the comments were following OP asking 'Was wondering id Adobe/Mat can confirm if there will be any Adobe CC bonus codes program this year or not?' and other than 'I got mine' nothing further was said.

It sounded like an email message went out or something. On March 31st clearly many people had not 'got' their code and Matt was silent.

Anyway, at least we have it this year. 2023-4 can look after itself at this stage.

Adobe Stock / Re: This year CC Bonus codes program?
« on: June 16, 2022, 10:48 »
Just seen a banner on my Adobe page when I log in yippee - there is a link to the redemption code for 2022-3!
Not sure what the criteria were.
Worth checking! :)

Adobe Stock / Re: This year CC Bonus codes program?
« on: May 26, 2022, 11:12 »
Guessing not, then. Shame.

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 has joined Shutterstock
« on: May 12, 2022, 07:57 »
Slightly off topic, but what happened about the 'collective' type group of contributors who were promised good things (in the  long term) from selling photos on Pond5 etc?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: December sales are in
« on: February 02, 2022, 13:09 »
I think a chunk of my earnings must have been redirected this month....
worst month for ages!

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Creative Cloud bonus codes for 2021?
« on: January 06, 2022, 06:41 »
Thanks. :)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Creative Cloud bonus codes for 2021?
« on: January 06, 2022, 06:12 »
I am failing to understand how the new bonus/free PS etc will work. I see I do qualify.

Will I be sent a code and, if so, when?
Or is there another system.

My current 'bonus subscription' runs out early Feb but I'd be reluctant to pay up and then find my free code (?) arriving and have to cancel. I went down that rabbit hole some time back....

Anybody know please?

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