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Messages - Stu49

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General Stock Discussion / Depositphotos Withdrawal !?
« on: September 01, 2021, 04:22 »
DP Not sending out confirmation emails for Withdrawing money !!  Anyone else had this problem ?

They actually do accept

Images and videos that are newsworthy, timely, and depict real people, events, places and products.


If we don't have press credentials it is another story, right?

That's a partnership deal they have with Reuters. Regular contributors (us) cannot currently submit editorial images - other than the very restricted Illustrative Editorial (product type images with no people allowed).

Can We ???

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 12:32 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

and U believed her ???   ::)
It is on Shutterstock forum, she is an admin. 10 cents I would like not to believe her.

maybe she was being a bit Katty !?  ;)  lol

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 12:28 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

and U believed her ???   ::)

MicrostockSubmitter / Re: indecisive!?
« on: May 08, 2020, 04:05 »
Still doing it !! ??? 

file attached !

General Stock Discussion / Re: wirestock rejections !
« on: April 26, 2020, 05:22 »
Quote from Wirestock :

"We have made some changes to our curation policies and are now only accepting images that have a likelihood of getting approved by all of our partner agencies."

As different agecies require different images, this makes it unlikely that Wirestock will deem ANY images uploaded to them as acceptable !?  So I'm out of here ;)  Not worth the time and effort any more !!  It was supposed to be the Easy route !

General Stock Discussion / Re: wirestock rejections !
« on: April 25, 2020, 17:01 »
Duplicate was the wrong word to use !!  Very similar is a better phrase ;-)

I have only 155 images online with them, so far and just 4 sales ;-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: wirestock rejections !
« on: April 25, 2020, 10:26 »
These are New images Pete !  there are similars out there, but not these actual ones !!  they didn't mention Duplicate or Similar, just said they didn't like them !?  Uploaded lots to them and this is the 1st rejection !!  Maybe just someone being lazy ??

Got in touch and they apologised !  :)  and they are now reviewing them again ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: wirestock rejections !
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:13 »
These are duplicates of ones already uploaded and accepted by 8 top agencies !
They have Rejected 17 out of 17 images !  and Twice now !  as I uploaded again in disbelief !!

Just received an email telling me their standards are being tightened !  Too tight it seems !?

I will stop uploading to them now, as more trouble than they're worth !!  It was supposed to be the EASY route !!  Really !?   :-\

General Stock Discussion / wirestock rejections !
« on: April 25, 2020, 04:41 »
Wirestock Rejecting every image !!  and all for the same reason, regardless of content !?

Have they closed down already ??  Anyone else getting this ?   :(

Yaymicro / Re: Yay reopening??
« on: April 24, 2020, 10:53 »
It was 'Yay Micro' !  now it's 'Yay Images' !!

Had the sam email, twice ! (not a good sign)  and as they did next to nothing before, I doubt they will now ;)  Not holding breath !! 


MicrostockSubmitter / Re: indecisive!?
« on: April 08, 2020, 03:34 »
Items show as Approved in StockSub, but Rejected in M+  ????

Which do I believe ??   M+  I'm guessing !?

This is for Shutterstock and Dreamstime in particular !

Hmm M+ is a more reliable source because it's synced from M+ to SS.
To be honest I have no idea how could that even happen... Did you have that item previously approved?

M+ was correct and agreed with Shutterstock page !!

these were new items uploaded recently ??? 

MicrostockSubmitter / filter
« on: April 06, 2020, 12:57 »
How do I filter by Agency in M+, as you can in StSub ??

can't see it ???

MicrostockSubmitter / indecisive!?
« on: April 06, 2020, 12:56 »
Items show as Approved in StockSub, but Rejected in M+  ????

Which do I believe ??   M+  I'm guessing !?

This is for Shutterstock and Dreamstime in particular !

Canstock now removed from SS  !!!  been thinking of getting rid of them for yrs !!   ;)

similar problem here with 'Canstock' !!   >:(

even completed your popud asking for a number, but still it comes back !! 
also asked Canstock for an explanation, but nothing received !?

2 weeks ago it was 'Adobe', what is going wrong with SS Niakris ??

MicrostockSubmitter / Upload Queued ??
« on: February 28, 2020, 03:55 »

Queued(ETA 00:03)    :    This is on 7 of my agencies for 2 images !! 

This started yesterday, after upload, and is still the same today, what is it telling me ?
The images uploaded fine to 2 other agencies !?

Both GIF and the peanut butter are pronounced "Jif."

Why didn't I think of this Subject before? :)

Geoffrey starts with a G  but we don't say gefry !!  ;-)

What peanut butter  ??? 

MicrostockSubmitter / Re: 123 upload
« on: February 26, 2020, 02:16 »
Please try setting status to "Ready" for 123rf in M+ and then restarting the upload.

done that several times !!  to no avail !?  :(

now uploaded and submitted directly from SS !!  with no problems ??

MicrostockSubmitter / 123 upload
« on: February 25, 2020, 09:41 »
M+ upload to 123rf failing !  Incorrect name or password !?

Working fine from StockSub App. ??

Tried changing, but to no avail !   :(

Marina for inland village !! ??   ;)    Keywords tend to be very vague and general !
but then they have no idea what's in the image, or where it is !  So how can they be specific ?

They tend to copy from one image to the next in a batch, so church is in keywords from last image, but no church to be seen !?

I use them for Similars and Duplicates, so nothing to lose really ;-)

Time will tell  8)

MicrostockSubmitter / Re: not updating status !?
« on: January 17, 2020, 13:07 »
Issue with the status synchronization has been fixed in the new program update :)

Updated to Ver. 1215  and NO change !?  Still all showing Ready ??

Previously submitted files won't be synchronized unfortunately. Because the synchronization already happened, it's just that statuses weren't actually written in the files.
Fix will only work for the files that M+ will upload and submit in the future.
I apologize for the inconvenience :(

Ok no problem !  ;)  as long as it's sorted now  :D


MicrostockSubmitter / Re: not updating status !?
« on: January 17, 2020, 12:51 »
Issue with the status synchronization has been fixed in the new program update :)

Updated to Ver. 1215  and NO change !?  Still all showing Ready ??

MicrostockSubmitter / not updating status !?
« on: January 17, 2020, 04:53 »
StockSub no longer updating !  Files uploaded ok ( inc. M+ )  but remain Yellow (ready)  even though M+ site shows them as Uploaded/Submitted (green) ???

Have updated once or twice since it started, but to no avail !?  Now on update 1203 !

Has something changed ?   :(

General Stock Discussion / Re: Wirestock news
« on: January 09, 2020, 04:36 »

My first activity if I ever upload anything to WS will be to make a folder for those files, so if they change rates, or fail, I have a way of finding everything exclusive and reclaiming it for my own use.

Exactly what I did yesterday, before opening an account and uploading   ;)

Now we wait n see !!   8)

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