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Messages - lyon_up

Pages: [1]
Newbie Discussion / Re: Canon or Nikon?
« on: January 07, 2009, 05:38 »
Thank You so much everyone for your answers!

Newbie Discussion / Re: Canon or Nikon?
« on: January 01, 2009, 17:12 »
Thanx for your answer PaulieWalnuts,

Well, the D70 was a good camera, but one of my friends was interested of it and I was looking for something "better"...
The truth is that I don't belong to those who fall in love with a camera model, I am just interested about the results! Unfortunately I don't have the posibility to try both cameras, that would have been great!

Newbie Discussion / Canon or Nikon?
« on: January 01, 2009, 13:40 »

I have a couple of questions which by many will probably be considered as stupid... I apologize for this but I have to ask...

I am a hobby photographer, I travel a lot and take travel pictures everywhere I go. The problem is that I sold my Nikon d70 camera and I am looking for a new one. Well, the problem actually is that I can't decide what to buy now...!

I've also become more and more interested about portrait and studio photography. So my questions are:

- What do you consider being a good camera for travel (landscape, architecture, etc) and studio shots?
- What lenses do you recommend?
- Unfortunately, my budget is limited to 1300 (1800USD). I've spent hours and hours last days trying to figure out if Nikon D90 offer a better value than Canon Eos 40D...

All you ideas, suggestions, tips, everything, are highly appreciated!!

Thank you!


Newbie Discussion / Re: why can't I start a new thread?
« on: January 01, 2009, 13:04 »
Ah...I have a question!!

Pages: [1]


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