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Messages - stozka

Pages: [1]
Alamy.com / Re: Alamy now has time frame for review queque
« on: January 29, 2009, 15:50 »
Between 2 and 4 days, sometimes less, sometimes more, but never too long... ;)

On average, from upload to on sale, takes a week total.

That's really nice. I wanna know all about you.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Measures - Wow, usefull stuff
« on: September 19, 2008, 16:18 »
Interesting....I also have Nikon D50 and wasn't even considering Alamy because of the photo size required.  Upsizing from a 10mp camera is a lot different than upsizing from my 6mp camera, right?  I never even tried it; thought it would look terrible, and have therefore resigned myself to wait for the next camera.

I was on Photoshelter for 1 month before they closed and that really bummed me out.  I'd like to try Alamy as a replacement but I never thought I had a chance due to that darn file size requirement.  So there's hope??!!!

Of course there is hope, d50 is quite capable of alamy
- but, you can't do major crops with 6mp and then upsize it
- at least mine isn't operating well when there is not enough light, to much noise and to slow at focusing

I shot raw, you should too
you can do wonders with raw image in first phase of processing, I'm using photoshop mostly for upsizing, everything else I do with adobe camera RAW, but sometimes when I'm in kind of art mood, I do some strange things in photoshop, well, nevermind

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Measures - Wow, usefull stuff
« on: September 19, 2008, 06:48 »
Thanks Seren for adding some value to what I know. Well 10.000 pics. That a lot of work. How do you manage with your time. Do you have a regular job beside ?

p.s. : for D50. Maybe it's good enough for Alamy. But after two years and a half of heavy use it's not good enough for me anymore. I need more. But looks like that photography won't buy me next camera. I've fixed 50mm and 17mm. So I can't blame lenses ;)

Best regards, Stoz.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Measures - Wow, usefull stuff
« on: September 19, 2008, 03:42 »
wish they would accept me as a contributor.

A trained monkey with a dSLR could get accepted at Alamy as a contributor.  Take four technically good pictures... upsize to 48MB... save... upload to Alamy.  Anyone who thinks their photography is worth selling as stock can take just four good pictures.  I've even submitted one of my mums pictures there taken with a compact and it was accepted with no post production.

But yes, Alamy measures is awesome.  Shows me what I need to shoot more of, and where I have dud keywords in my images.

That's kind of sad. No wonder I have no zoom in three months. Maybe that's because I'm not uploading everything that's technically good and otherwise crap. I owe nikon d50 which is kind of a crap in those days with high ISO and MP.

It could be also that even that what I think is good is crap anyway. And I only have 33 pictures online at the time. What's that compare to 13 millions. But I haven't give up. To bad for PSC down. Beside Alamy everything that I've online. I try micro for a few month. But I don't like philosophy of micro.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy rejected file,should I reupload?
« on: September 04, 2008, 01:17 »
I don't think Alamy has any specific rules on resubmitting.  Unlike the micros they ONLY reject on technical faults rather than content.  If you fix the reason they rejected it, there's no reason why you shouldn't resubmit.  I've only had one batch rejected so far and I resubmitted after correcting the problem. 

So one can have a thousands of tehnically very good pictures with no sense at all, when we speak about content. Maybe that's the reason why people aren't selling. But they are wasting time and space which is critical to find out a picture for customer when need arise.

General Macrostock / Re: FIRST SALE at PhotoShelter... WOOhOO!
« on: August 27, 2008, 07:49 »
have 900 images seating for 9 months

few views

one sale for me (130 usd)

can you post your link to psc, I would really like to see what kind of pictures you upload. Are you also active at alamy?

Photo Critique / my two portfolios
« on: August 14, 2008, 04:42 »
well i think that it's appropriate to put links here,
thanks for viewing and commenting,


best regards, Stoz

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Distribution??
« on: August 13, 2008, 08:26 »
A sale per one thousand images online per month is not to bad...

with that I agree. However one needs to reach 1000 images  ;D

regards, Stoz

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Distribution??
« on: August 10, 2008, 15:47 »
I hope your statistic is wrong HermanM. There a lot of work to do for upload 1000 pictures and then sell one of them ;) and then another 2000 and zero. And then another 1000 and two of them.

I sure do hope that someday I could buy all my photo equipment with money earn from photography. I was trying micro for couple of months, but i was getting sick with those smiling faces, dumb business type of pictures with smiling faces, idiotic expressions, headphones, laptops, shiny apples and such stuff. I just could set my mind to do something like that. I believe that with Alamy and PS i could still enjoy photography and maybe sell something.

i you have time check please check my portfolios (only a few pictures at the moment)


good luck to everyone.

General Macrostock / Re: FIRST SALE at PhotoShelter... WOOhOO!
« on: August 08, 2008, 09:05 »
what do you think, i've started building portfolio on Photoshelter


i migrated from microstock, because I believe that on macrostock pictures doesn't need that specific stock look. Or maybe I'm wrong.

Congrats on selling, cphoto.

Off Topic / flying around
« on: August 06, 2008, 13:33 »
at the beginning of the year I've heard that amateur photographer can actually earn some money with photography. Nice. Joining istok, shutterstock, Fotolia, dreamstime ... doing some pictures ... Stop. I could not do it. Why ? I'm not sure. But afterall, photography is my hobby. Two months ago I've started pulling out my pictures out of microstock, not so easy for some places. I need money for photo equipment, so now I'm trying with Alamy and photoshelter.

Well. I'm dummy case. Basket case. Or I'm just not fitting into this shiny, bright, nice looking, stock like, stunning, american dream like of photography. And you now what. I'm happy with that. My passion still lives and even with my d50 and my 4 lenses I could do something for my soul and not just for those yellow ....

Can I sell one image as RM both at Alamy and Photoshelter ?


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