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Messages - Wormsmeat

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Newbie Discussion / Re: Using Adobe releases on Shutterstock
« on: January 04, 2023, 04:20 »
@ Her Ugliness

Thanks for replying. Yes they say they accept them but I can't find out how.
My Adobe releases are digital Docusign in PDF format. Not paper.

- Shutterstock say they accept releases from Adobe but they need to be in jpg.
- I have tried taking a screenshot or scan of the Adobe pdf and saving as jpg. Shutterstock not happy with that, they say it's an invalid release. Presumably as the digital signature is compromised.

Newbie Discussion / Using Adobe releases on Shutterstock
« on: January 03, 2023, 18:14 »
Hi, have been using Adobe to get started in stock, spent the year uploading and am finally now seeing the rewards, sales are picking up nicely. However, I wish to use Shutterstock too and have recently started uploading to them too.

Is there a way to use existing, previously signed Adobe releases for Shutterstock?

I asked on the Adobe forum but was told to use Easy Release, apparently both accept it. That's fine going forward but doesn't help me retrospectively.
I don't want to contact any models all over again for a second set of releases.
And Easy Release is fine if I remember to ask the model there and then. It is limited if I forget at the shoot or more likely, decide to submit a picture some months afterwards and the model is remote from me. Both Adobe and SS allow for remote digital signatures.
Grateful for any advice.

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