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Messages - Arterra

Pages: [1]
Worst agency in the business for photographers. Contributors haven't been paid for almost a year now. I'm still waiting for 8 (eight) invoices to be paid.

If you receive a reply from the CEO Alfonso Gutirrez, the following is the level of communication you might expect:
Reply by CEO Alfonso Gutirrez: "Maybe you are mentally too old to understand that the world has changed so much that brick brains like you dont have much space today. For the moment, you seem to be the one in trouble. You have tried to get paid by all possible means and failed. However, dont worry, we will pay you when our excuses are finally resolved.
Or maybe not, and Ill decide to close shop and go fishing one day

Have, again, a wonderful weekend, Pierre.

Needless to say that this company is as good as dead.

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