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Messages - ruxpriencdiam
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« on: May 28, 2012, 14:35 »
First off there are contributors who are reviewers. Fair? I doubt it but. Anyone can be a reviewer if they can get approved to do so.
And Attila is on the loose again big time rejecting everyone, one person who should know what they are doing with 110 pages had an entire batch of some 34 rejected for poor lighting, WB and or shadows.
I had a perfectly lit flower rejected for lighting, WB as well as an isolation on white where i just changed the image from one color to another color and we discussed it in the CTT forums and everyone said resubmit and i did and still got the lighting, WB crap, and now Attila (he/she) is moving on to LCV.
And yes once in a while a reviewer is in need of a little help when first starting out.
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:28 »
Normal op.
It happens quite often anymore.
« on: May 23, 2012, 20:51 »
« on: May 23, 2012, 16:35 »
A fifty buck piece of software and under a minutes work.
Here is the under a minutes work now add the software and people already think their stuff is being stolen?
Wake up!
« on: May 23, 2012, 14:31 »
Remove using spot heal brush and maybe a bit of cloning and then when you are done just resize it! It's not rocket science. http://www.ononesoftware.com/products/suite/perfect-resize/?indGenuine Fractals is pretty amazing. I use it myself. It enables photographers, graphic artists and digital imaging professionals to create high-quality, print-ready enlargements from image files of any size or resolution. Provides easy encoding and rendering for all RGB (8-bit and 16-bit), multi-channel, and grayscale images (8-bit only).
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:51 »
1000px photos on a platter for the steal
« on: May 23, 2012, 00:16 »
« on: May 22, 2012, 12:27 »
Post Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:24 pm
Why going exclusive with another agency is a bad idea:
1) You will be just another exclusive among hundreds vying for the same resources from one company. You can't go to another company to complain- you are stuck with a single channel.
2) Competition is good for the industry and YOU! Let's say you don't like the way they are treating a certain rule/idea/etc. You have nowhere to go! At least you can use your vote by concentrating your efforts on another agency until the other one gets back in line. Why give up your voting power? In fact, these other agencies don't even let you talk about other stock agencies on their forums. You give up a lot to go exclusive.
3) Why sell your photos in one place for just a 10% increase at that one agency? Tons of photographers are telling me every day that they make more with ShutterStock than anywhere else! Why not make cash here, AND everywhere else?
4) Staying with ShutterStock means being part of something new and changing. We consider all of your suggestions - and implement them back into the system as quickly as we can. What happened when we weren't processing photos fast enough? We hired a night reviewer who worked on Christmas Eve! What other agency will review your photos on a major holiday?
5) I don't like exclusivity -- and i don�t plan to lock anybody into ShutterStock. I think you guys should sell your photos everywhere and make as much money as possible! Besides - the model we have here is just one model... Your photos may do well here some parts of the year, and better in other places other parts of the year.
6) Other places may try to convince you that going exclusive is a good business idea. It is exactly the opposite! If you aren't convinced of that, go back to (1) and do not proceed until you agree.
7) Our traffic is increasing. Sales are increasing. If you don�t believe me, check out our Alexa Graph. If that doesn�t convince you to stay here � what will?
7) Finally, I would hate to see any of you go!
Would welcome any feedback you guys have.
Jon Oringer, Founder and CEO ShutterStock, Inc.
Last edited by shutterstock on Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:41 pm; edited 2 times in total http://submit.shutterstock.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1828&highlight=exclusivity#1828It may be old but.
« on: May 21, 2012, 16:39 »
I felt a bit left out - I'd had the $5.70 sales, but not the higher ones. Today I had one of the $18 commissions. I'll be interested to see the rundown of what the licenses are that go with these (hoping that it's not a substitute for the $28 EL).
No the $28 EL is still there. Some of these are going as high as $99 right now. Also if you all remember right what it is called! It is not called a Single On Demand it is called "Single and Other downloads" so it is the Otherthat is being sold.
« on: May 18, 2012, 06:36 »
Hello All,
These licenses are sometimes part of custom or volume licenses that do not include a sensitive use option. We apologize for any confusion. Were putting together a more detailed explanation of the different license types which we will communicate on our blog next week.
Best Regards,
Scott VP of Content Shutterstock
Great we all will be looking forward to this thank you for chiming in on this.
« on: May 16, 2012, 23:33 »
I managed to get into shutterstock today after passing the initial test. I want to upload the rest of my portfolio but i'm scared that if i get too many rejections they'll kick me out.
Does this sort of thing happen?
Is there any penalty for getting a lot of image rejections?
It only happens if you submit a bunch of OOF images and a few other things will get you a warning while others will get you banned for awhile and some banned for much longer.
« on: May 16, 2012, 22:09 »
Did a quick read and just want to say for everyone to remember this! IPO is a "SALE"! Rudy said it already and they had it on the news this morning about what an IPO is because of Facebook going public and they said no matter what an IPO is a Sale.
First time offer to sell to the public. Founders and Early investors are cashing out. and it is a sale.
Here is what some of the investing companies from Wall Street say about IPO's.
Why does a company go public?
Companies issue stock to the public for many reasons including:
Needing growth capital for the business Founding investors selling a portion of their original ownership
Paying off debt Increasing exposure for the company Improving company's ability to recruit upper management through stock options Ability to issue further stock to facilitate takeovers using company stock
IPOs generally favor the brokerage firms that underwrite these issues and the companies that go public. A close second are institutional investors that buy the stock at its offering price and then sell it in the afternoon, profiting from the transaction. By pricing the shares below their real value, institutions are able to make a quick buck off unsuspecting individual investors. Unless you are a big institution, it's unlikely that you would be able to buy shares in an IPO even if you wanted to. Only those with the deepest pockets representing the widest interests get access to these opportunities. That's not such a bad thing for individual investors.
Sure, being in on the ground floor might mean a quick 15 to 20 percent return on your investment once it starts trading. However, studies have shown that many IPOs tend to trade below their offering price one year after going public. Investors might be better to focus on buying stocks that were IPOs a year earlier. Coca Cola went public in 1919 at $40 and was trading at $19 a year later. That is quite a difference.
IPOs do from time to time grow up to be extremely large companies and so, like any other investment vehicle, you should do careful research before investing. If it's a stock worth buying and holding for the long term, whether you buy it today or in a year is of little consequence in the end.
Why Go Public? Going public raises cash, and usually a lot of it. Being publicly traded also opens many financial doors:
Because of the increased scrutiny, public companies can usually get better rates when they issue debt. As long as there is market demand, a public company can always issue more stock. Thus, mergers and acquisitions are easier to do because stock can be issued as part of the deal. Trading in the open markets means liquidity. This makes it possible to implement things like employee stock ownership plans, which help to attract top talent.
« on: May 16, 2012, 22:00 »
Here's the way i see it.
Jens you dont get the crumbs of crumbs you have your own style like Vampires and Butterflies along with HDR.
For me no big cost at all.
Equipment is paid for so no cost, dont do models and if i do it is me so no cost or you can use model mayhem for the cost of a CD for the model.
If i want to do outdoor shooting i just do it on a day when i am going to be in the area where i want to shoot anyway so no cost there because i was going there anyhow.
Most everything is done at home or nearby so minimal cost for example i shoot some editorials 6.3 miles from where i live so round trip is 12.6 miles or 1/2 gallon of gas $1.72 i get anywhere depending on event 100-200 images of which i get 50-100 or more for stock then while i am there i am passing out business cards to every and anyone interested in my work and i line up appointments with them for shoots paying more then what microstock pays.
So CPI may come out to a few pennies per image if that.
« on: May 12, 2012, 00:28 »
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:00 »
Here is a quote from someone who is opted out of the sensitive use license and he still got a $28 SOD. mattgibson It's not sensitive use licenses - I am opted out of it
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:59 »
There is also someone who got $70 a piece for two SOD's for a total of $140.
That is pretty darn good.
Must be something new going on?
« on: April 19, 2012, 08:30 »
In case anyone missed this! Send a note to [email protected] and ask about the status. I finally did that after waiting two weeks for some images uploaded on the 4th and I was told there was a glitch in my upload that kept them from moving to the review que and they needed to be deleted and uploaded again. I just saw over at MSG that someone had the same response to images uploaded on the 7th. You might find you have the same problem.
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:23 »
The stats thing started yesterday some time but actually started on the 17th because i have just gone back and checked and am missing 2 sales from the 17th and 2 sales from the 18th? Also i just did a bunch of screen captures to the stats pages for backup for SS! So everyone check your stats close and go back a day or two when checking and do screen captures.
4 seems to be the magic number here.
Not good because how many are we actually missing? We really don't know? Do we?
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:22 »
I have been waiting 5 days for an editorial review i sure hope they dont come back and say please submit as editorial because i checked the editorial box and submitted 33.
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:43 »
For your chance to win a new Canon 5D Mk III click here. http://bit.ly/HD2IoW
« on: April 12, 2012, 07:27 »
Dear Contributors:
As you probably noticed, we continue to experience issues with some old and new images not appearing properly in your portfolios at this time. Our tech department is working hard to correct the issue(s) and we expect the images to be back soon.
Every "missing" image can be searched by ID number and a large number of "missing" images can also be searched by keywords. There is no need to report the missing images to us. Do know that we are very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue.
Sincerely, Anthony Correia Director, Content operations Shutterstock|Bigstock
Posted yesterday for those who dont read the forum every once in awhile! It only takes a few minutes to scan all of the forums and catch up on things!
« on: April 08, 2012, 09:20 »
« on: April 08, 2012, 09:19 »
Never had any problems there with reviews or anything else.
There was a time a few weeks back where it was taking a few days but 90% of the time it is done in hours.
« on: April 07, 2012, 09:34 »
Yeah Sketchers are coming on like Nike or Reebok, commercials all over the TV.
Now to read the article.
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