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Messages - blue

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Shutterstock.com / Re: June so far
« on: June 01, 2020, 06:49 »
Or perhaps the new earning scheme will apply only to new subscription made from June 1st on.

Lots on Twitter and FB Jo Ann. Attaching some screenshots, and apparently if you have money in your account at the time of closure that money is kept by them
Augustin Lazaroiu's account on SS : https://www.shutterstock.com/g/megasoft/

...meanwhile, I read on some Facebook groups that Shutterstock terminated and suspended the accounts of some contributors who criticize them on the Forum and Social media. In one case I read that even the Portfolio continuous to be on sale but without the name of the contributor! How low can you fall?

I've seen the blurred out name and avatar account because the person posted in a thread here yesterday. Does anyone have any specific information about a contributor account (not forum posting privileges) that's been suspended?

That was one of Fotolia's favorite tactics and I'd love to make noise about it if Shutterstock's done/is doing it. My quick scan of twitter and facebook this morning didn't reveal anything
Perhaps this one : https://www.shutterstock.com/g/gordan. It is Lizard's account (https://www.microstockgroup.com/profile/?u=163)

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 30, 2020, 04:53 »
If a subscriber uses half of the downloads allowed, the commission paid out to contributors from this subscriber will be half of the numbers posted by Shutterstock.
So in this case, if you are at tier 1 you will receive 7.5%, and if you are tier 6 you will receive 20%.
I think you are misleading : the percentages are fixed (they are what SS says they are) BUT it is the price per file which varies whether the subscription is used in its entirety or not. That's the tricky point !

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 30, 2020, 04:45 »
I saw a lot of comments, but I still can't understand how this will work. I understood that Shutterstock change the commissions from fixed amount to percentage, would someone explain % of what? As to calculate percent you need reference amount.
In Elements for example you get 50% of the pool and divided bonus from the unused amount. No matter in this case if it is fair or not in each particular agency, but let it be clear.
Have a look at this post upper in this thread : https://www.microstockgroup.com/shutterstock-com/shutterstock-just-became-istock-2-0/msg549810/#msg549810
Mrblues101 has made calculations for us. The table is not exhaustive but you can figure out how the new scheme works.

The problem with this approach is that I think it might be a logistical nightmare. First of all, that means - no real time $ reporting for subs. Secondly, not everyone's subscription plan will begin on the 1st of the month, so this means a sale would be reported 30/31 days after the sale has been made in order to account for that. Someone who licensed one of your images on April 24, but started the plan on April 21 means that you would see the $ on May 21st at the earliest. Right?

It reminds me the situation at iStock : no live datas on earnings, royalties statement released every 20th of the following month...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock connect/fixed usage sales?
« on: April 24, 2020, 11:51 »
Here is a part of what Getty explains about Connect statement and "Fixed Usage Fee":

"Connect is a solution we offer to customers that allow them to embed Getty Images content, metadata and search functionality directly inside their tools, products and services. For example, through Connect we can collect royalties on views of Getty Images content.
Because of typical high volumes and unique usages of Connect, your royalties on your Connect (.txt) statement may be reported as fractions of a cent, to 5 decimal points."

"Fixed Usage Fee :
You will see this in your statement when a customer makes the content available to their users for a defined use.
The customer pays a fixed price for a high volume of files. We determine the price per file by dividing the customers fee by the number of files they used.
Typical customers of this Connect usage are technology companies that provide internet-related services and products."

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