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Messages - mwp1969

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Alamy.com / Re: uploading files to Alamy
« on: December 09, 2007, 15:03 »
Does the 48meg to 200 meg requirement at Alamy that you were speaking of above allow for "upsizing" in a photo editor or do they expect it to come off of a high end camera that way?

I am learning here so please forgive my ignorance ...


Alamy.com / Re: Zero Tolerence at Alamy
« on: December 09, 2007, 14:39 »
Please forgive my ignorance ... why isn't "Alamy" listed on the Big6 list off to the right?


CanStockPhoto.com / Re: Left CS yesterday
« on: December 09, 2007, 14:33 »
I currently have no experience with the subscription based models as I am on my 2nd applicaiton to shutterstock, and haven't been approved yet at stockXpert ...

From what I have heard about shutterstock, isn't it the largest earner for just about anyone that is fortunate enough to get approved to sell there?

Please forgive my ignorance or naivity as I am here to learn more about the microstock world ...

Any comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Bigstock.com / Re: No uploading in the weekends
« on: December 09, 2007, 14:16 »

I got it fixed I believe ... could you (or anyone else) click through on the BigStock Icon and let me know if you see my images and not someone elses? Mine should have "Salmon Colored Driftwood" in it ...



Bigstock.com / Re: No uploading in the weekends
« on: December 09, 2007, 14:04 »
Pixart .... hmmmmm I would love to take credit for those but they're not mine :(  I wonder what's going on with the link? I'll need to look into it ...

When I get it fixed please check it out once again :)


Shutterstock.com / Re: Uploads and Shutterstock.
« on: December 09, 2007, 14:02 »
Not sure but I hope to find out soon. In another week I hope to get approved on my 2nd applicaiton there :)


Dreamstime.com / Re: Rejections and support
« on: December 09, 2007, 00:22 »
Is there a way they can tell if the image has been updated if a different reviewer sees it after resubmission?


Bigstock.com / Re: No uploading in the weekends
« on: December 09, 2007, 00:15 »
Uploading has been available all weekend !

Wooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo!


General - Top Sites / Re: How many images
« on: December 08, 2007, 23:58 »
I would like to see the updates :)

Hatman good to see your a regular on this site as well !


Shutterstock.com / Re: Submitting to Shutterstock....
« on: December 02, 2007, 19:30 »

In regards to your comment above ... "Downsize everything to 4MP to minimum noise and maximize sharpness."

After converting my Tiffs to the highest quality .jpgs, I then run all of my images through Neat Image for noise reduction. This has been working well on DT, BigStock and FT

I am just trying to prepare the best I can for my next application to SS which should be coming up soon.


Bigstock.com / Re: Declining page views...
« on: December 02, 2007, 19:07 »
I would have to say my view traffic at Dreamstime is nearly double the number of views I have for certain images in half the time being posted. The view needles move at other sites, I don't even bother going back to see the number of views on my images at BigStock anymore until a few weeks have passed ...

I would have to agree with Hatman that they really need to do something ...


Bigstock.com / Re: No uploading in the weekends
« on: December 02, 2007, 19:03 »
Uploading has been disabled EVERY Weekend since I joined back in September :(
My work around is to prepare images and set them aside to post on Monday's once the Queue is opened back up. Combined with their long approval times 7-10days ... I don't see how this site can ever make it with the big guys unless the solve these issues ...


General Stock Discussion / Your signature and Portfolio links ...
« on: December 02, 2007, 15:49 »
Can anyone see my "signature" and make it to my various portfolio links?
I click on "preview" and do not see my signature ...

I'm not sure if they're working as I am new to this site ...



Which site is owned by "the richest man in the world"?


To all the newbies out there such as myself:

#1 I am approved on BigStockphoto, Dreamstime and now Fotolia
#2 BigStock was my first site and I fight its shutting-down uploads every weekend since I joined back in September.
#3 Dreamstime was my second site for which I received approval as a contributor and I have never had a problem submitting to them on the weekends, however, I am facing a 10 images per day limit there ...
#4 Fotolia I just received approval for and I have not had any problem with uploads being shut-down as of yet. I am also finding that their approval time seems to be pretty quick so I may switch to them for first trys. Also Descriptions are not required there so the process seems to go quicker adding only categories and keywords

So ... to sum up

If on the weekend:
#1 Dreamstime (if my 24 hour limit of 10 images hasn't been met)
#2 Fotolia
#3 BigStock

#1 BigStock
#2 Dreamstime
#3 Fotolia (I am still new here so I am evaluating whether any restrictions will be put in place after a couple of weeks similar to what happend at DT)

#4 IS (I'm on my 4th application ...)
#5 SS (I will be able to submit appication #2 here in a week or so)
#6 123rf (1st application still pending)

General - Top Sites / Re: How many images
« on: November 26, 2007, 23:29 »
Is this thread still active?

FYI: Currently active on BigStock and DT with approvals pending (forever) on FT, 123rf. I'm on my third attempt to get onto IS and awaiting my 2nd attempt to get onto SS.

I wonder who gains the most new contributors per week?


Shutterstock.com / Re: Submitting to Shutterstock....
« on: November 26, 2007, 21:42 »
I was rejected the first time using all photos that had been accepted at BigStock or DT. I am currently awaiting the 30 day period before resubmitting ...

Any advice?


Mark Payne's original photos, digital photo art, and graphic illustrations are currently available at the following links. Mark's approved online images, have met strict stock photography standards and are available for individual download, graphic design purposes, commercial or other uses with the purchase of special licensing rights.
Thank you for your support.


What an AMAZING post ! Wow ... telling it like it is.

I remember saving my money from working for my family for $2.00/hr at the family gas station when I was around 11 yrs old,  to take a 30 day historical bus tour across the United States around 1981. For such an event I was armed with what I believe was one of the 1st Kodak "Disc Camera's". It was my mother's and believe me the film was EXPENSIVE to buy and to develop. However, it was the perfect size for my trip. To this day, I have a photo I will never forget from that camera. It as an almost straight-up shot of the Twin Towers. I went to the top that day ... other amazing shots followed (from an 11 yr old with an eye to shoot photos). I sadly enough I ran out of film shortly after making it to the east coast ...

My talent was never developed or explored due to the bottom line back then being, and for many years later in my life, the cost of equipment for taking photos, and the cost for developing photos, were cost prohibitive to me.

I've been shooting photos for years with whatever I've had at the time with amazing results with cheap equipment.

I am now looking forward to developing a talent, that was always lying dormant in side of me ... waiting to be developed :)


Mark Payne's original photos, digital photo art, and graphic illustrations are currently available at the following links. Mark's approved online images, have met strict stock photography standards and are available for individual download, graphic design purposes, commercial or other uses with the purchase of special licensing rights.
Thank you for your support.

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