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Messages - Redneck

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I'm a happy camper now. Have not had any issues since I moved away from BH.

Maybe it's your site logo or your author image that's of course not included in the image sitemap.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Is everything stable now?
« on: August 31, 2013, 14:02 »
I just wanted to say that the current versions of Symbiostock and the premium plugin are really great.
And with the features the premium plugin provides, I have no doubt that it will pay for itself in no time. Collections, the advanced search, licenses, batch editing - all fantastic and very useful tools making the Symbiostock website better for both, the owner and the potential buyer.
And BTW, for people who think about joining the Symbiostock network, I would really suggest to purchase the premium plugin from the beginning (maybe after testing the general Symbiostock features with a few images). It really makes things easier and you can set up your own system (with different licenses and collections) from the start. It'll be more work when you do it much later.

Many thanks to Leo for a fantastic job done.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Is everything stable now?
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:18 »
My guess would be that's the most current version. If not, simply wait for the update, run it, deactivate the newly installed plugin, then re-activate it.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Is everything stable now?
« on: August 31, 2013, 09:45 »
I would simply do the theme update inside WP admin area. Then activate a standard WP theme (I usually use Twenty Eleven), then re-activate the current (2.6.4) Symbiostock theme and then activate your child theme.

When you're done with the theme, purchase the plugin and activate it.

Now I'm on 2.6.4 BTW. Also without any issues.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Is everything stable now?
« on: August 31, 2013, 08:15 »
Stable and smooth here. 2.6.3 and 1.1.7.

Let me know if you need another test purchase.

I just did a test purchase on my site.

Bought one single image and one collection (12 image files) in one cart. It all worked perfectly smooth. Very nice.

Well, except the Paypal auto return did not work, but it has actually never worked on my site.

Don't make this SEO more complicated than necessary. Yoast will usually generate ONE main sitemap and a lot sub sitemaps. It is enough when submit just the one main sitemap because it will point the Google crawlers to the sub sitemaps.

Then add the Symbiostock image sitemap and that's it. You'll be covered with the two sitemaps to submit.

It would probably get rejected at an agency but I think it's an easy to fix when you use a anti noise software.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:20 »
I think the problems with the server timeouts are based on the slow FTP transfer.
When I moved my entire site from Bluehost to All-Inkl I did an SSH wget between the two servers. I believe my 11GB took about 2 hours without any interruption to get copied. You can read about it here (7.): http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/how-to-move-your-wordpress-site-to-a-different-webspace-host/

Now I'm backing everything up to Bitcasa. The interesting part about it is that you can "download" stuff directly from one web server to your cloud drive. Which means you don't have to store it on your computer and you don't need to use your internet connection. And of course this is way faster than your regular FTP client transfer.
However, Bitcasa is not free. It costs $10/month or $99/year but you get unlimited cloud storage. Here's my referral link if somebody is interested: http://l.bitcasa.com/VnzNTTXb

Can be seen here: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/backside-of-female-teenage-girl-riding-downriver-in-a-kayak/

Do you keyword your images the same on the agencies?

Depends which software I use. Some agencies do the keywording for me, actually.

O.K., I have used the "Referral Link" inside the "Edit" image area (I actually did this with the new batch editor) to include the link on single image pages to the collection. That works pretty well but I don't like the position where the referral link (widget) shows up. I'd rather have it over the "Similar Images" instead of under them.

I quote myself to explain what I've done.

I've copied the content-image.php to the child folder and changed the order of the displayed modules.
I simply pulled the line 137
Code: [Select]
above the line 133
Code: [Select]
        dynamic_sidebar( 'Image Page Side' );
This way I can add a text link to my collection images by using the "Referral Link" field(s) pointing to the collection and it will show up above the Similar Images widget.

Can be seen here: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/backside-of-female-teenage-girl-riding-downriver-in-a-kayak/

I wish the batch editor had a "Select all" option. It's really cumbersome when you have to click 50 times to edit 50 images.

It does. Its just really minimal.

If you click the big number that changes, it automatically deselects or re-selects.

The system was sort of built on trading information clutter for "know-how". So once you know how to use things, the tools don't get in the way.

That's awesome. Thanks.

I wish the batch editor had a "Select all" option. It's really cumbersome when you have to click 50 times to edit 50 images.

You upload ONE image as your "main" or title image for a collection. Then you set the pricing of this image how you would like to price the entire collection.

Then you go to the batch editor, find this image there and "edit". When editing you simply choose "Preview for" and pick the collection you had set up already. That's it.

Here's my newest one: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/collection-of-woman-in-yellow-bikini-2/

Optional, I've set up a "Collections" category and assigned it to my "main/title" images. This way you can find them on you category page or (like I did) put even a link on your menu bar.

Awesome! Congratulations! I'm happy for you.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: How much does it cost?
« on: August 29, 2013, 15:00 »

I looked on BlueHost offers and I see the minimum per month is 29.99 $. Is it correct? I mean is VPS Web Hosting what I should choose as a minimum from Bluehost, right?


p.s.: if I sound dumb, it's because I really am when it's about websites!  ::)

No, you can choose the cheapest available package. They have this back to school sale right now where you can get your hosting for $3.95 a month. It has all you need.

Would they be in your Appearance > Widget area if they are just drag them from one box to another.

Nope, the referral links are not in the widget area.

Do you determine the price of the collections or are there default prices depending on how many images you place in that collection?  Or do you have some kind of formula that you come up with on your own?  Just curious since I can't do the premium version at this time and I do have sets I want to put together.

You just set any price you want for the different sizes. I try to make collections as attractive as possible to make the potential buyer think what a great deal he can get if he spends a little more money.

O.K., I have used the "Referral Link" inside the "Edit" image area (I actually did this with the new batch editor) to include the link on single image pages to the collection. That works pretty well but I don't like the position where the referral link (widget) shows up. I'd rather have it over the "Similar Images" instead of under them.

As seen here: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/close-up-of-man-kissing-baby-belly/

Does anyone know how/where to change that?

If you use AJT's stock plugin http://www.ajotte.com/stock-plugin/ you can customise an alert box at the top of the sidebar, triggered by a word in the description (which is then hidden).

Yes, I know. I'm doing this with "Editorials" and "iPhone Camera" images already. While this might be a general solution, I'd rather have it more specific including the link to the particular collection. And since I'm planning to use the collection feature a lot I don't want to set up a new category for every new collection.

Do you determine the price of the collections or are there default prices depending on how many images you place in that collection?  Or do you have some kind of formula that you come up with on your own?  Just curious since I can't do the premium version at this time and I do have sets I want to put together.

You just set any price you want for the different sizes. I try to make collections as attractive as possible to make the potential buyer think what a great deal he can get if he spends a little more money.

O.K., I have used the "Referral Link" inside the "Edit" image area (I actually did this with the new batch editor) to include the link on single image pages to the collection. That works pretty well but I don't like the position where the referral link (widget) shows up. I'd rather have it over the "Similar Images" instead of under them.

As seen here: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/close-up-of-man-kissing-baby-belly/

Does anyone know how/where to change that?

I think I'm falling in love with the new "Collections". It's a little additional work but I'm trusting it to become a very powerful sales feature.

Proudly presenting my very first collection: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/pregnancy-collection/

Nice collection!  It would be great to be able to turn off the "similar images" function on the collections page.  Way too many of the same pictures on one page.

Yes, I agree.
In addition I'd love to see a text link on every single image page that's also part of a collection like "This image can be purchased as part of a collection at a discounted rate: <link to collection>"

I think I'm falling in love with the new "Collections". It's a little additional work but I'm trusting it to become a very powerful sales feature.

Proudly presenting my very first collection: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/pregnancy-collection/

Both problems (Twitter and Collections) are clearer now. In theory.

Instructions about how to make a collection can be found when you click on Collections in the batch editor.

To tweet a picture you need to select one first (after a search in the batch editor) and then click on the "Twitter" tab.
However, it didn't work and I received an error message.
BTW, does anyone else have problems with twitter.com today?

The Twitter question is still open. Haven't found an answer yet.

But here are the next questions.

Where/how to find a collection on the actual website?
Where do i set a price for a collection of images?

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