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Messages - spaceofgrace

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Newbie Discussion / Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: November 24, 2016, 07:34 »
Hey thanks so much guys! That really helps! It gives me an idea of the microstock biz - and now I'm connected to Adobe on Microstockr. :)

So my update: So in the last month I've made about $22. I'm feeling pretty good about that! Whether its good or not, I don't know. Certainly I make way more money doing portraits etc... but I really am finding this fun. I have about 250 active images, and my sales are spread out among 29 of them. So just over 10% of my images have sold, a few a number of times.

So is this good? What else can you guys tell me about microstock? I'm all ears.

Its really satisfying making a sale! It makes me want to take more... Oh! And I've sold a few vectors in there too. I do more photography because the vectors take more time. But I love finally having a satisfying creative outlet.

Newbie Discussion / Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: November 16, 2016, 13:34 »
GiveMe5... I can understand that. I felt that way after years of wedding photography. After a break I started enjoying it again without the pressure. I am impressed with $100 a day! How big is your portfolio? How may images?

Newbie Discussion / Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: November 16, 2016, 12:21 »
Thanks for all the replies. So I'm happy with how things are going so far. I'm making a sale or two each day - love it when they are more than 25 cents commission :).  I've downloaded Microstockr to track everything but they don't offer a connection to Adobe Stock? Or am I missing something?

I really am just enjoying this... its a platform for my creative work and if I can make a few dollars here and there, I'm happy about that... especially since I am no longer working full time but switched to freelance web design/photography etc.

Anyone else have some great tips and or just stories to share? How long have all of you been doing this and what are your average sales? Are you enjoying it?  I'm finding that I'm more successful when I think less and use more emotion and creativity... keeping in mind that images are for commercial use - but I think the emotional images... those that strike  chord... are the ones that will sell products. 

Oh and I'm now selling a range of my images, not just the one or two... very cool!


Newbie Discussion / UPDATE Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: November 12, 2016, 01:52 »
Hey guys

So just to update - I started making sales! In the past month I've gotten 15 sales ... one third of them are from one image. All of the sales were on Adobe and SS. I'm thinking the other sites are not worth my time.

I have 190 active images in my port now. Is 15 sales at this point good? It's been one every other day or so. Mostly subscriptions but a few one offs.

Excited every time something sells! It's so satisfying that someone likes a photo that much.

Newbie Discussion / Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: October 19, 2016, 11:48 »
Thanks PigsInSpace. I really appreciate it everyone. Will keep working on it! I like that on Adobe you can see how many views you've had - and I'm just starting to get some. So I'm encouraged. :)

Newbie Discussion / Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: October 18, 2016, 20:00 »
Thanks guys - I'd also love some feedback on what I may be doing right and well at this point, so that I can do more of it.  Thanks for the constructive feedback.

Newbie Discussion / Re: How long until I make sales?
« on: October 18, 2016, 15:06 »
Hey thanks everyone, especially to those who threw in some encouragement with their advice! I am feeling discouraged. But at least I'm getting a high acceptance rate when I upload.

Thanks Gary for suggesting BS.... I uploaded there today.

I guess I thought that all of the straight shots of objects have already been done umpteen times and that I should make it interesting... but I'm hearing you guys say that straight object photography is the way to go? I haven't even started in on people shots because tbh the model releases put me off. 

So I'm liking all of this advice, and I really appreciate it. I did some more today.... but I think with the suggestions on these posts, I have a direction to go in.

Any more advice is still appreciated!


Newbie Discussion / How long until I make sales?
« on: October 18, 2016, 07:01 »
Hi everyone,

I joined the stock photography and illustrations market early this month (Oct/16)... I have 104 images on Shutterstock and similar numbers on GL, Adobe, and 123rf. I have absolutely no sales. The only excitement I've seen is 4 images featured in the GL collection and 2 image views on Adobe. Is this normal? When I read it seems that people are making sales. I'm wondering if its my images, keywording or maybe I just need to increase my portfolio? I'd love some advice. My shutterstock portfolio is here: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/RachelLerch

Thanks! Excited to join this community!

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