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Messages - ForrestBrown
« on: January 22, 2019, 15:14 »
I used Lightroom to manage 7000+ videos. You can't really edit or color correct the videos in Lightroom, but works great for organizing your ready to upload footage and adding all the meta data, you can then export CSV files that can be applied when you upload your footage.
I used Adobe Premier and After Effects to do my editing and color corrections.
« on: January 14, 2019, 13:31 »
Cool stuff. I've been following your channel since you started it. It's always interesting to see someone else's perspective on the stock footage industry.
« on: September 28, 2018, 12:23 »
Since Blackbox does not submit to Vimeo, what you're actually doing is spamming. What does this have to do with the topic of Vimeo Stock?
People are talking about getting in to this new video sales platform. I am pointing out that video is much harder than photos, and that there is a viable alternative that gets you on multiple platforms with a single (and pretty simple) upload mechanism. The icing on the cake is that you also get paid MORE when going through them, than if you had the same sale directly from the agency (unless you are doing insanely large volumes of sales).
Thus, I believe it is very relevant to anyone wondering about how to get into the new Vimeo video sales platform.
« on: September 27, 2018, 19:42 »
What does this have to do with the topic of Vimeo Stock? If you want to do video, I strongly suggest looking into BlackBox.global. Video is a lot more work to submit than images, since none of the metadata goes with the files (as they do with JPG).
Also, BB aggregates all member videos, and thus negotiates a higher payout percentage. In fact, the % they get is high enough that, even after they take their 15% of the royalty, you end up with more $$ in your pocket than if you had submitted on your own.
If you do use them, I would appreciate your using my referral code -- JKX5J2D3 . Yeah, one of those "I get a small % that comes out of the agency pockets and doesn't cost you anything"
If you follow me at all, you know I almost never recommend a third party service. This one, I happen to believe in enough to break that rule of silence though
BTW, they ONLY do videos. No still images, no music, etc.
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:49 »
So did anyone get an invite for Vimeo Stock? https://vimeo.com/stock I didn't. It seems to be exclusive only for now.
I applied the first day they announced Vimeo Stock, but haven't heard anything.
« on: September 13, 2018, 18:53 »
I noticed a recent slowdown. Definitely the slowest site that I upload footage to.
« on: September 07, 2018, 11:55 »
Probably not worth it. For your example, they're different, but I don't know if one is really better than the other.
« on: August 21, 2018, 15:02 »
I pretty much try to avoid models with tattoos.
« on: August 20, 2018, 12:36 »
I believe people use the stock site they prefer (and know) and very very rarely would anyone try to find the same image on a cheaper site. If they were worried about cost, they would start out on a stock site that has lower prices and stay on that site.
« on: August 09, 2018, 17:03 »
Does that mean Dissolve will need to update it's HD prices back to $79 for all those who sell both on VB and dissolve??
I was wondering that also, I would guess that they would need to. Maybe time to put my footage on Dissolve.
« on: August 09, 2018, 12:50 »
1. We make more per sale than under their first plan, and that change is wholly due to contributor feedback. ... sure... just not that first point. Like I said it's about 7$ drop per sale.
The point is that it's $10 more than it was going to be. Nobody is celebrating that were getting less than we were... we're just slightly happier that were getting more than we were about to start getting.
Also, by raising the price of footage to $79, Storyblocks is no longer massively undercutting the prices of the other stock sites, which is something that a lot of contributors has disliked about StoryBlocks.
« on: August 02, 2018, 08:56 »
That entire collection is footage from the Member Library, so available for free download to members. I would guess that explains the lack of variety.
« on: July 26, 2018, 12:44 »
50 videos is not enough to have any kind of constant downloads.
« on: July 12, 2018, 12:36 »
Cool bonus from Adobe.
What happens if my Adobe Stock and Creative Cloud accounts are based on different emails and not connected?
« on: June 20, 2018, 16:02 »
My new video uploads go straight through to approved now. No pending at all. I guessed this was rolled out to everyone? Maybe not?
For a few months all of my footage was going straight to approved, but they seem to be reviewing again. All of my submissions for the last couple of weeks are in Pending.
« on: May 16, 2018, 13:25 »
If you are in the 3D world, you will quickly learn that no one makes all the elements of a complete scene themselves. No one. No one owns the copyright to all the elements. Do you own the copyright to the standard shapes that come with the 3D software? Nope. Do you own the copyright to the sky elements in the software (sun, clouds, etc.)? Nope.
I don't think it's that uncommon for people to create all of their own elements when making a rendered image or videos.
Not in a complete, detailed scene. Ask any professional. That would mean weeks (if not months) of work on one scene. It's simply not practical.
Just pool water, sure. Just a single planet on a black (or starry) background. Sure, although textures for planets are usually bought or downloaded from somewhere. But not a forest landscape, with rocks, trees, leaves, twigs, etc. etc., or a realistic interior / exterior.
I'm a professional animator, so your "ask any profession" is just wrong. It definitely depends on the scene you're working on, but I would guess that a significant amount of the computer generated stock images and videos were entirely created by one person without buying 3D models or textures.
« on: May 16, 2018, 13:07 »
Not really stock related, but I thought someone here might be able to help.
I'm organizing a group photo shoot with a model and 10 photographers. It's mostly for fun and for people to get experience with working with a model, so not for generating stock. I would like to have a simple model release that the model could sign once and I can give to all of photographers. Anyone have any suggestions? Can I just put all of the photographers names on one release?
« on: May 16, 2018, 12:16 »
If you are in the 3D world, you will quickly learn that no one makes all the elements of a complete scene themselves. No one. No one owns the copyright to all the elements. Do you own the copyright to the standard shapes that come with the 3D software? Nope. Do you own the copyright to the sky elements in the software (sun, clouds, etc.)? Nope.
I don't think it's that uncommon for people to create all of their own elements when making a rendered image or videos.
« on: May 16, 2018, 12:05 »
Why is the model asking for you to remover the images?
If you have a model release, you're probably fine, but it's probable not worth the hassle to fight it. I would ask the model to return any money you paid them and some money for your time. If the model did that, I would remove the images.
« on: May 14, 2018, 13:07 »
I do not think that any of the stock agencies would steal downloads on purpose, but with how buggy some of the stock companies web sites have been, I would not have been surprised is not all sales were recored properly.
I've had a few instances where I knew a client was buying one of my videos and they all showed up in my sales. Just last month I had a client buy one of my clips from pond5. The sale didn't show up at first and I was getting nervous, but it did show up after a couple of days. Hopefully that was the original client's sale and not a second person buying the same video.
The reason the stock companies don't want you buying your own photos or footage...I remember on istock in the early days, because of how the Best Match search worked, some people would buy their own images as soon as they went live. It would give that image a big boost in the search results. It turned from people buying their own images to people forming gangs that would buy each other's images.
« on: May 10, 2018, 13:36 »
I use Transmit on the Mac. I usually upload in batches of 40 videos. Mostly works, but I always have a couple of videos that Transmit says uploaded, but don't show up on Pond5. Kind of a pain in the butt trying to figure out which videos failed and then uploading them again.
« on: April 26, 2018, 20:33 »
Please, someone who have model released images accepted recently on Shutterstock,
In what format do you write dates? I find contradicting info about it. I've seen SS forum post about releases being rejected for the date written in the format suggested in some FAQ pages on the SS website. I couldn't get any releases accepted for months, and when I ask support about the problem I always just get a generic text about release rules, but it seems to me I'm complying with all of them.
I try to always write out the month. April, May, June.
« on: April 26, 2018, 15:48 »
I would understand if they needed different MR's for different photo sessions, but this is just rubbish. I have the same person, in the same environment, just different pose, same day, same time, and why then they need different release? I have all rejected because of that again...
The other question is - do they check if we used the same release before current submission? Or just if we used the same MR in the current one?
There's no way they are requiring different model releases for a shoot that is the same person, same place, same time and same day. That just would not make any sense. Maybe they are rejecting it because something on the model release is not correct.
« on: April 23, 2018, 12:53 »
I use the iStock release and haven't had issues.
« on: April 20, 2018, 12:44 »
Unfortunately, for my submissions the rejections come long after the model and witness are available to sign a revised release.
I've started having models email my all of their info and filling in the model releases myself. Helps prevent a lot of mistakes. I'll print a couple of copies of the filled out release and bring to the shoot. It's good to have the extra copies because I've had models screw up their signature or the date and had to redo it. Doing the release at the beginning of a shoot also helps reduce mistakes. At the end of a shoot, everyone is rushing around, packing up and getting ready to leave...too easy to make a mistake or overlook a mistake on a release.
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