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Messages - Axel Lauer

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
51 / Re: The next nightmare comes true
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:24 »
You really dont know the difference between a more or less documentary photo of a painting (which can be considered as a copy) or a photo of a model which has a tatoo she paid for (which can be considered as a own, new artwork)????
Sean, this really surprises me!
If this would be true than the tattooartist would have a kind of sovereign power above the person the tattoo is on.
The model paid for a tattoo and after that she is not free anymore to do what she wants??
this is the most weird concept / idea i have ever heard of (beside timetravel)

what surprises me too is the absence of knowledge.
If someone makes a painting out of my photograph that painting is a piece of art which stands for itself if it has a certain level (Schpfungshhe
thats a fact - even in law and even in international law.
so why should i complain about that??

4 weeks ago one of my employees made that joke and the whole team were laughing their heads of:
"Wait a while - soon SS will ask for a PR of the tatoo-artist if you shoot a portrait and the person has a tatoo."
Oh boy -  what a laughter....

You should never make jokes like that............

"TATTOOS-We require a property release from the tattoo artist for all prominent tattoos"

And for this one i have to send you 12 PRs???

What comes next....??
PR from Dolce & Gabana if a model wears a D&G coat?
Oh no, i am sure it will be like this:
You need a PR from the farmer who owns the sheep D&G made that coat from the model wears on your shooting.
Thats the future.

Strange that its always SS which makes these "special" rules.
Why dont they invent something useful instead?

I heard there will be a new agency with 90% split for the photographers in the first year and not less than 75% forever , no subsystem and you set your price yourself and they have a big print-company in the background as financial sponsors.
Does anyone knows more about that?

admin edit: updated title

We downsize all as much as possible.

~ 6.000 files online
account exists since ~  2 years
sales total: 1 (12,50)

Shutterstock generates more every day than MP in 2 years (with 11.000 files online)

55 / Severe Bug
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:29 »
usually the process is like this:
1: FTP Upload
2: Edit your images and sort them into editorial / commercial
3: Click on "publish"

Now i found hundreds of images online wich i have not published yet!!
I just uploaded them via FTP - thats all!

If you upload editorials they seem to go online directly and as commercials - and this might cause a lot of legal trouble.


BTW: Yesterday the Website was down because of "maintenance"


We wrote a mail to Mostphotos where we told them that they publish without waiting that the images are tagged and that we have send a supportrequest regarding that issue yesterday

Supporter Hanna wrote back that the tech-teem got informed and that they did not get the supportrequest we sended the day before.

We wrote back:
Hi Hanna,
then you found a second severe bug - your contact-form is obviously not working because this was the way we sended our support-request.
Please note that we will not take any responsabilty for eventual upcoming lawsuits if you publish files before we even could make appropriate settings to the files (editorial / commercial).

And now second supporter wrote:
Regarding commercial and editorial images. It is the photographer's responsibility to ensure that the images are tagged correctly. If you as a photographer have editorial images, you can add and tag this in the Media Cloud in your settings. Regarding legal issues, it is the photographer who is responsible for their own photos, not the buyer or Mostphotos.

FYI: Our tech-team is working on a esier solution for editorial and commercial images. So that it will be easier to tag them right.

we wrote back:
yes, this is true.
But if YOU publish images BEFORE we can make the settings its obvious your responibilty.

Like said before:
You publish files directly after we upload by FTP and this is not like it is supposed to be.

I am speechless.

Pond5 / Re: Video Upload fubar
« on: March 19, 2014, 14:36 »
the errors do not refer to connection probs!
and if it was a connection prob the files would not be at SS or DP .
We upoad over night by FTP with multiple open channels  -so if it was a conection prob it would have affected all transfers

Pond5 / Re: Video Upload fubar
« on: March 19, 2014, 13:03 »
sorry, but no.
All files are processed like always, checked and its def. not the first time we upload to P5.
Despite that....the same files made no problems at SS, DP, Revo, 123RF and some others.
Clear enough, no?

Pond5 / Video Upload fubar
« on: March 19, 2014, 10:34 »
Since days nothing else than bugs, bugs,bugs,
If that goes on like that P5 is the next agency that kicks the bucket...

There's been a problem processing some of your recent uploads. These uploads were not processed:

    18 Mar 2014 09:43:27 - iceland-471 - 36272478: 264 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 10:29:04 - iceland-611 - 36272632: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 10:31:59 - iceland-613 - 36272658: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 10:36:33 - iceland-612 - 36272654: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 10:37:55 - iceland-610 - 36272615: H.264 preview xl profile main pass 1 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 11:50:36 - iceland-church-7 - 36272802: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 12:43:03 - iceland-geothermal-14 - 36272919: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 13:01:39 - iceland-geothermal-16 - 36272946: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 13:03:14 - iceland-geothermal-17 - 36272953: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 13:26:29 - iceland-geothermal-18 - 36273005: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 14:03:26 - iceland-geothermal-21 - 36273101: H.264 preview l profile main pass 1 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 14:30:23 - iceland-hot-springs-13 - 36273145: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 14:52:44 - iceland-hot-springs-22 - 36273195: Icon failed, naming: Delete
    18 Mar 2014 14:55:28 - iceland-hot-springs-19 - 36273219: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 15:17:30 - iceland-hot-springs-24 - 36273256: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 15:38:18 - iceland-mountain-19 - 36273321: intermediatewm failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 16:35:07 - iceland-mountain-21 - 36273388: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    18 Mar 2014 16:38:27 - iceland-mountain-129 - 36273393: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 17:13:33 - iceland-reykjavik-6 - 36273524: intermediatewm failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 18:07:32 - iceland-703 - 36273612: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 18:52:53 - iceland-husavik-13 - 36273688: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 19:14:25 - iceland-reykjavik-1 - 36273714: H.264 preview l profile main pass 1 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 19:31:26 - iceland-reykjavik-10 - 36273761: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 19:59:32 - iceland-reykjavik-11 - 36273805: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:08:08 - iceland-reykjavik-12 - 36273812: H.264 preview xl profile main pass 1 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:16:26 - iceland-whale-watching-16-2 - 36273838: H.264 preview xl profile main pass 2 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:41:43 - perlan-reykjavik-7-2 - 36274093: Creation of intermediate file failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:52:54 - MG 0005 - 36274152: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:53:37 - MG 0007 - 36274157: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:55:28 - MG 0008 - 36274156: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:56:06 - perlan-reykjavik-10 - 36274149: H.264 preview l profile main pass 2 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:56:12 - MG 0014 - 36274163: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 20:59:04 - perlan-reykjavik-9 - 36274145: H.264 preview l profile main pass 1 failed Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:25:13 - MG 0121 - 36274257: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:41:32 - MG 0133 - 36274294: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:43:21 - MG 0131 - 36274289: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:46:00 - MG 0137 - 36274306: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:57:34 - MG 0474 - 36274329: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:58:37 - MG 0488 - 36274349: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 21:58:37 - MG 0487 - 36274341: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:06:07 - MG 0497 - 36274360: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:06:08 - MG 0501 - 36274370: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:06:51 - MG 0504 - 36274375: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:09:56 - MG 0503 - 36274374: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:10:21 - MG 0510 - 36274382: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:13:31 - MG 0524 - 36274388: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:14:38 - MG 0523 - 36274393: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:16:51 - MG 0527 - 36274397: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:18:49 - MG 0525 - 36274396: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:19:55 - MG 0542 - 36274416: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:19:56 - MG 0538 - 36274415: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:20:27 - MG 0536 - 36274406: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:21:32 - MG 0546 - 36274423: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:21:43 - MG 0531 - 36274403: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:22:47 - MG 0544 - 36274422: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:23:48 - MG 0543 - 36274417: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:29:43 - MG 0551 - 36274439: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:31:23 - MG 0554 - 36274451: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:32:03 - MG 0556 - 36274456: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:32:24 - MG 0555 - 36274454: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:32:29 - MG 0553 - 36274453: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:32:57 - MG 0564 - 36274467: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:33:09 - MG 0561 - 36274464: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:33:28 - MG 0566 - 36274472: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:34:01 - MG 0557 - 36274463: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:34:10 - MG 0565 - 36274468: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:36:11 - MG 0571 - 36274496: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 22:36:16 - MG 0572 - 36274497: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:24:36 - MG 1127 - 36274931: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:26:13 - MG 1143 - 36274940: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:26:21 - MG 1131 - 36274935: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:26:22 - MG 1130 - 36274937: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:26:27 - MG 1128 - 36274932: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:26:44 - MG 1142 - 36274939: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:27:36 - MG 1210 - 36274942: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:28:12 - MG 1232 - 36274951: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:28:21 - MG 1221 - 36274944: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:29:24 - MG 1228 - 36274953: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:32:04 - MG 1235 - 36274966: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:32:04 - MG 1237 - 36274982: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:35:05 - MG 1244 - 36274988: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:35:26 - MG 1236 - 36274983: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:35:31 - MG 1245 - 36274989: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:35:32 - MG 1239 - 36274986: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:41:25 - MG 1251 - 36275005: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:43:56 - MG 1260 - 36275014: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:46:50 - MG 1262 - 36275015: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:46:52 - MG 1263 - 36275016: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:47:24 - MG 1258 - 36275013: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:48:27 - MG 1266 - 36275019: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:50:15 - MG 1265 - 36275018: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:51:01 - MG 1268 - 36275026: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:52:02 - MG 1269 - 36275024: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:52:26 - MG 1274 - 36275033: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:53:13 - MG 1273 - 36275031: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:54:38 - MG 1278 - 36275042: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    18 Mar 2014 23:56:19 - MG 1290 - 36275055: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 00:31:32 - MG 2839 - 36275521: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    19 Mar 2014 00:31:34 - MG 2831 - 36275517: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 00:31:38 - MG 2828 - 36275516: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:29:47 - MG 8588 - 36276272: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:31:51 - MG 8584 - 36276269: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:35:38 - MG 8601 - 36276291: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:38:57 - MG 8592 - 36276282: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:39:15 - MG 8600 - 36276290: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:39:31 - MG 8604 - 36276296: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:43:17 - MG 8605 - 36276299: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:44:41 - MG 8608 - 36276304: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:46:20 - MG 8620 - 36276319: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 01:47:50 - MG 8616 - 36276314: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:18:56 - MG 8778 - 36276412: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:19:12 - MG 8779 - 36276418: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:20:05 - MG 8782 - 36276428: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:21:43 - MG 8808 - 36276445: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:21:58 - MG 8805 - 36276442: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:21:58 - MG 8781 - 36276427: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:40:25 - MG 8886 - 36276530: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:43:53 - MG 8900 - 36276540: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:43:53 - MG 8903 - 36276544: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:43:54 - MG 8911 - 36276549: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:45:40 - MG 8922-17 - 36276566: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:49:08 - MG 8935 - 36276585: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:49:47 - MG 8932-22 - 36276579: Payload to s3; [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:51:14 - MG 8933 - 36276576: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:51:31 - MG 8929 - 36276574: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:52:46 - MG 8937 - 36276590: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes Delete
    19 Mar 2014 02:53:11 - MG 8935-25 - 36276589: Faild to convert images to smaller sizes

Pond5 / Re: From now on...P5 as absurd as Istockphoto.
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:30 »
yes, i did consider that too.
Nuts that you have to do such tricks

but almost no one scrolls through ports.
people use the search or the collections.
and if i search a blue smurf on a carnival i want a blue smurf and i am not satified if do not find them because reviewers think that a blue smurf is a similar to a green gnome only because they were on the same event

yep...200 photos of Tokio must be enough!!
Its one city - so every batch with more than 200 images must have duplicates / similars , right??
Why not restrict on lets say 10 images per gender?
If you have seen one portrait you have seen them all.

Pond5 / From now on...P5 as absurd as Istockphoto.
« on: March 18, 2014, 07:06 »
I was a great fan of P5.

But now they become as absurd and irrational as IS or SS if it comes to rejection reasons.

1000 images of a Carnival and almost all photos show different subjects.

80% rejected and guess why....

that famous and nuts "We can not accept similars" stuff.
In Comparison:
Depositphoto: 96% Acceptance Rate
Shutterstock: 85% Acceptance Rate

Oh Boy...P5 seems to be the next one going down

Pond5 / Re: Pond5: What should we improve?
« on: January 14, 2014, 15:36 »

General - Stock Video / Re: Looking for new agencies
« on: January 14, 2014, 15:21 »

Motion Elements has been great to work with so far.

Motion Elements says:
The revenue (minus administrative fees, any chargebacks, refunds, discounts or other credits issued by ME) will be split at a percentage of 50% (artist) / 50% (ME).

"minus administrative fees, " means what??

and one of the most important things..
how is there cancelation process??
We do not upload to services where they take your files as hostages.
If you have to delete every f***** single item if you want to leave - like Dreamstime does- they are completly out of discussion.

DepositPhotos / Woman Big Tits ??
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:43 »
you should at least correct the german version (saying "Woman Big Tits lying with empty textspace" / "Frau Grosse Titten liegend mit leeren textfreiraum ":
thats offending and sexism!

Its hard enough to explain "Non-Models" the concept of stockphotography
And its not helpful if you try to explain that it is safe to upload to a stockegency and that they do not use images in a dubios way and then you start your browser, open up Depositphotos and stumble upon headlines which look like cheap porn-spam.

not convincing though.


We've added a new type of editorial image to our accepted content: "illustrative" editorial. 

For a full explanation and examples, please see this blog post over at Shutterbuzz:

Please note the keyword and other guidelines to ensure that your images get accepted.

Happy holidays. :)


VP of Content

Obviosly you did not inform you reviewers !

Otherwise i cant explain why you did reject these clips because of "Clips are not newsworthy" (rehearsal for a christian servica at palmsunday is not newswothy?)

But this is?
Wow! Breaking News! The building is still there!!! Lets call Lettermann & CNN!!

Or musicians without any reasons accept fun are newsworthy??

Why dont you delete 90% of our video-port then!
Cause most of them are less newsworthy than the ones you rejected!!

I got 9 employees and none of them has the faintest idea what kind of rules your reviewers follow.

65 / Re: FTP upload gone foobar
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:17 »
Like i said:
Uploaded 40 --> around 30 issues.
Backend of SS says something like "Broken clips / Metadata missing".

I dont know if that works.
We never used that because our batches are to big and when we deliver we deliver other agencies at the same time.
And FTP gives a log-opportunity - site uploaders not (as far as i know)

66 / FTP upload gone foobar
« on: January 01, 2014, 11:39 »
After uploading 20 clips 17 of them have 0 byte.
Did it again = other clips from that batch have 0 byte

What  the he.ll are they doing there?

Pond5 / Re: Pond5: What should we improve?
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:02 »
Hi Jonathan,
i am not sure if watermarks are an appropriate measurebecause it makes people buy somewhere else more than it protects against licence violations.
We bought 0 files at audiojungle, 1 file on P5 and around 100 at soundtaxi in the last three months -although the portfolio on P5 and envato is bigger than at soundtaxi.
And i know some befriended companies (i run a marketing company as well where we need to buy a lot of images / footage / audio for our clients) feel the same.

I do understand that its more dificult with audio than with images but nevertheless i am convinced that at least this kind of watermark (very loud, very short intervall, very disturbing) does more damage than it provides.

Just a short idea:
Do you know these "photographers" which plaster their images with watermarks?
Or even worse - these people who block the whole context-menu / right-clicks and annoy every serious user with a pop-up, saying "These images are protected".
Am i a potential criminal for this photographers only because i want to use my context-menu?

What i want to say:
This exemplary person sends a clear signal to its users:"I am full of closefistedness, greed and fear".
Wouldnt it be much better if this person would show much more sovereignty, generosity and strenght?
Wouldnt that bring more positive effect than the savings he made by all his gollum-like "MY PRECIoUS!!" / Fort-Knox measures?

People steal a lot from us too.
What to do now??
Put watermarks everywhere , block the context-menu, write in headers and red-flaming letters everywhere that copying is not allowed?
Means: I tell around 500 users every day "We dont trust you, we think youre a criminal and the only reason you are here is because you want to rob us"?
Just because some idiots steal our work?
This is like i would throw my Leica after a running thief who has stolen my lenscap.

We have one line of small text in our footer - recomended by our lawyer - and thats it.
Once a year we hire a company to check for unlicenced material on other websites and when we find them we send the violator a bill.
If they dont pay we send our lawyer. Done

I hope you dont take that personal.
I really like P5 as a contributor.
But i would as well like it very much as a buyer too.

Regards axel

Pond5 / Re: Pond5: What should we improve?
« on: December 29, 2013, 08:07 »
Could you consider to remove (or at least make it less prominent) the acustic watermark in your audiofiles??
Last week we had to buy some audios for a client and after a while of listening i had the feeling that my ears start to bleed and so i bought files from somewhere else - although i really like P5 and the fact that contributors earn more than with other agencies.
That watermark is OK for a short impression but if you need to search more intensive you go crazy.
Try it yourself...

regards axel

Pond5 / Re: Changes in their digestion of editorials?
« on: December 28, 2013, 05:09 »
We dont tag manually because this would need to much time with bigger bulks.
We use IPTC embedded in the image and for clips we use the CSV-import.

CSV contains:

No Additional Info, Curator notes.

Although there seems to be no way to batchtag after you applied a CSV.

If you use CSV as well it would be nice if you tell me what i missed
regards axel


Solved. Found a solution

Pond5 / Changes in their digestion of editorials?
« on: December 27, 2013, 13:18 »
does someone knows anything about changes in their policy or submission-system regarding editorials?

Since twoday they seem to reject editorials if they do not have modelreleases - paradox!
Note of a reviewer:
"No model/property release on file for this clip; may be suitable for editorial (news and documentary) usage only." If that's the case, please indicate it in the Note to Curator and resubmit your file"

Since there is no way to mark images / clips as editorial in the submission process and you probably can not send a message to a reviewer before you upload and submit it looks like they expect you to upload every batch a second time.

I am a real fan of Pond5 - hopefully they dont start to become as inconsistent and unreliable like others.

regards axel

Ok - its a blown up JPG.
That means it has at least the resolution we uploaded it.

That in fact means "maximum resolution".

Interesting - some of your responses.

Maybe the enemy is not the exploiting agencies.
Looks like the worst enemy of a photographer is his collegue, who f*u*cks up the whole market, instead of showing solidarity.

Dog eat Dog, right?
Good appetite

72 / Re: DT now accepting videos
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:19 »
We support Pond5 where ever we can (links and banners on hundreds of websites we run) because its worth to do so as long as they keep their royalty-policy.
So why should i upload our videos to DT - its like burning down the house i want to live in.

We got more then 8.000 items online with P5 and SS and as long as DT does not overhauls they price-policy we will not upload any clips.
And every one who has clips online with P5 and gives his clips to DT lacks the capability to think for a longer stretch than just until next dinner.

regards axel

we found a subscription-sale (Resolution TIFF) in our stats - earning 35 Cent .
Now we had a look on the frontend and the only Resolution we could find is this one:

TIFF    5295x7942px (120.3 MB)    44.8cm x 67.2cm@300 dpi

Does that mean that DT sells your stuff for peanuts in a resolution so that any buyer could print your images on squaremeters of canvas????

regards axel

74 / Re: Bugstock / Shutterbug or what?
« on: October 08, 2013, 02:02 »
Looks like it works to me but who cares if it doesn't, is it important for you to delete those files?
Try to resubmit / reupload a former rejected (and now corrected) file without deleting the old one.
Then you will know.

75 / Bugstock / Shutterbug or what?
« on: October 07, 2013, 13:09 »
Website completly down for a long time some days ago, always trouble with CSV and now its not possible to delete rejected photos.

1: Go to your backend and choose rejected
2: scroll down and click on "show all rejected photos"
3: try to click the red cross for "delete" with any image

all red crosses lead to: http://buz</div%3E%3C/td%3E%3Ctd%20align=center%3E%C2%A0%3Ca%20href=

oh boy...
did they let their interns practice some coding?

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