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Messages - Dantheman
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:46 »
What seems to be very , very odd is the fact that somebody came on the forum claiming that is making 8k/month and no portfolio visible on any agency for us to see... I don't say that the topic is a joke or impossible to grow that much in a short period of time... but no portfolio visible let me think that all this topic is ''fake''...
No offense SIFD but I'm little skeptical.....
Maybe he has the best, most crazy and unbelievable niche and doesn't want to show everybody. Of course non of us here would copy anything after knowing that he earns 8k
« on: November 12, 2012, 15:06 »
« on: November 10, 2012, 16:09 »
My friend built my computer thus got the 64GB for less than $150- I told me with Windows 7 64 bit the more the better it runs. Let's just say I never crash my system due to memory issues lol! I must admit my daytime job really pays well thus I would rather be in photography than golf as my hobby. I have friends that spend over 20K a year in golf fees...
Well, then i would be doing the same At least you'll never have that feeling that you couldn't take a good shot because of limited equipment. Have fun photographing
« on: November 10, 2012, 15:56 »
Most of my expensive was the camera (1D Mark IV) and the 24-70 Canon Lens- I figure that should last a long time. I got a few LP160 strobes, cactus v 4 trans/rec lot's, umbrellas, soft boxes plus 50mm, 100mm and 17-40 lens. Mistakes that I made- the Canon 580 speedlight and some soft box lights (plug in lights that are heavy) that I now rarely use. My computer and CS6 also cost around $2,500 (4 2TB drives, 64GB Memory, 2GB Video card, 28" monitor with spyder3). Now it time to do work and no more $$ on anything else for a few years or more - or risk being divorce soon lol!
Once again thanks...
and wow PC with 64gb Ram. What do you need that for?
« on: November 10, 2012, 15:54 »
WOW, 12K. Thats quite a bit. My whole portfolio is shot with a 60D , a 50mm 1,8 and two flashes (430ex and Yongnuo 560) + Background system. So about 1300 and it took me ages to decide in buying a 24-105mm Lens . But i believe, that if you have the money, why not buy the equipment. At the moment i am a student. But if i had enough money i would have bought the best equipment i could get
« on: November 08, 2012, 07:03 »
I don't get it when contributors price their content at say $49 as opposed to $50. Most businesses with a budget who buy videos would pay top dollar for the right clip so i doubt the 1 dollar difference for a different clip would make a difference. It's this undercut your fellow contributor mentality which i don't like and make P5 look amateurish it times. In terms of pricing, i like how revostock gives you a choice to set your price but stops contributors from adding silly values.
Well, the one dollar is only about the psychological aspect. You can still have a high price. Let's say $99 instead of 100.
« on: November 07, 2012, 12:01 »
Wow, great stuff. Will def. be following your blog
« on: November 05, 2012, 10:53 »
Ok, so after reading all your advice, i decided to buy the lens. Can't wait to test it
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:46 »
Does Zazzle make sense with Images? Or is it only usefull with Illustration?
« on: November 03, 2012, 05:06 »
I upgraded a few days ago. Took a while to find my way around the new interface, but now I'm really enjoying the experience. It's fast, stable and interesting. The new tiles format is clearly designed to synch with Windows phones, and once people get used to that idea I think there will be a general upsurge in sales of the new phones and Windows 8. The new operating system is also clearly designed for touch screens, and I think many people will be encouraged to upgrade their desktop systems to get the full touch screen experience.
Microsoft has implemented a very important and sensible strategy that will surely help them quickly rise in the phones market. Windows 8 is clearly the new future and I think the world will be very surprised at how popular it will become.
I'm really pleased I upgraded. The only things I miss are the taskbar and clock on the start screen!
Funny enough, my girlfriend already wants a Windows 8 Phone after trying windows 8. So your thesis might actually be right and the Phone OS sales might go up for Microsoft. Hope Nokia brings out a version with Win 8 Phone and that Pureview camera from the Nokia 808.
« on: November 02, 2012, 14:50 »
I am liking it too and have had zero problems. I really want a Surface but can't possibly blow the $500 this year. Having everything totally, automatically in synch on both devices would be wonderful.
I've used personal computers since day #1, back in the 70s. One thing I really like about Win8 is that those dumb, hokey 3D edges - on windows, buttons etc. - are gone. It looks more modern to me, which is ironic because to some extent it's a return to what computers looked like before Windows.
Check out the changes to Windows Defender. It's now a complete anti-malware system, built in and running automatically and non-intrusively. No one should continue to buy those cr@ppy products from Symantec or MacAffee.
I would wait with buying a surface. At the moment there is only the version with Windows RT, which is for ARM Processors. You won't be able to run normal windows programms like for instance photoshop on it. Beginning of 2013 the Pro version of the Surface is coming out, with an intel i5 processor and enough ram. That will definitely be a tablet that i want.
Even the new Windows 8 Phones like for instance the Nokia Lumia 920 look quite attractive. And i also thing the Synchronization between the devices will be great.
« on: November 02, 2012, 14:49 »
I am liking it too and have had zero problems. I really want a Surface but can't possibly blow the $500 this year. Having everything totally, automatically in synch on both devices would be wonderful.
I've used personal computers since day #1, back in the 70s. One thing I really like about Win8 is that those dumb, hokey 3D edges - on windows, buttons etc. - are gone. It looks more modern to me, which is ironic because to some extent it's a return to what computers looked like before Windows.
Check out the changes to Windows Defender. It's now a complete anti-malware system, built in and running automatically and non-intrusively. No one should continue to buy those cr@ppy products from Symantec or MacAffee.
I would wait with buying a surface. At the moment there is only the version with Windows RT, which is for ARM Processors. You won't be able to run normal windows programms like for instance photoshop on it. Beginning of 2013 the Pro version of the Surface is coming out, with an intel i5 processor and enough ram. That will definitely be a tablet that i want. Even the new Windows 8 Phones like for instance the Lima 920 is looking quite good. And i also thing the Synchronization between the devices will be great.
« on: November 02, 2012, 06:02 »
I thought i will give you guys an update on my Win 8 experience.
After now using it for a few days, i'm actually really starting to like Windows 8. It feels faster than Win 7 and is actually fun to use. I read a few Reviews and Tutorials and am now starting to understand how the metro interface works. How you can quickly change between programms and where i can find what i am looking for. I'm also having fun with the Apps. At first it felt weird having apps on a normal Laptop, but some of the are very useful and fun.
DeepMeta also works now and i already have most of my programms Installed.
the Win8 metro interface is definitely not as bad as people make it out to be.
« on: October 31, 2012, 07:16 »
I started out buying Speedlites. At first i had a Canon 430ex and then i bought another 2 of these Yongnu 560 Flashes. I also bought a cheap wireless flash trigger (also from yongnuo) so that i could trigger them all at the same time. http://www.amazon.com/Yongnuo-YN-560-Speedlight-Flash-Canon/dp/B004GZLFHM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1351685371&sr=8-1&keywords=yongnuo+560After a few months i also bought a Octabox for Speedlites. I'm actually very happy with this setup. I have 3 flashes that i can manually set up and the white balance also isn't a problem. I also believe that Flashes are way better than using day light bulbs etc. Since the white balance is quite a problem with daylights. PS: 2 of the Yongnuo Flashes and the wireless triggers cost me about 110
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:22 »
i installed windows 8 on my laptop since we get it for free at the University. My first impressions are mixed: -There is a lot of new learning to do. At the beginning i even struggled to just install normal program's etc. -But once you get used to the Metro interface it is actually quite nice. -Without a touchscreen i think my workflow is a bit slower than on windows 7 -Some program's don't work. For instance the iPrint client for the Printer server we use doesn't support Win 8 yet! -I also couldn't get DeepMeta to work . It says that NET Framework above 2 needs to be installed. If i try to install it, windows tells me that Win 8 already has NET Framework 4.5. I couldn't yet find a way around this. I think on one of the new tablet PC's with an i5 Processor or higher, it will be a lot of fun to use. I believe that in the future i will replace my laptop with a Win8 tablet. But it will need to be good enough to run Lightroom, Photoshop etc. Hope i could help a bit PS: For stock i use a Desktop PC with Win7. I will also stay with Win7 for my stock work.
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:03 »
Exactly what i need. Just recently thought about buying a new bag, since my current one is getting way too small!!!
« on: October 28, 2012, 14:21 »
I did an extensive shoot out with my old 24/70 and a new 24/105. The tie breaker for the 105 was much less chromatic aberration which is a pain to always have to clean up. The 105 only goes to f/4 so you miss some of the advantages of the lower f-stops but the Image Stabilization of the 105 makes up for that. And I don't go below f/4 much anyway -- or I slap on my 100mm Macro that goes to f2.8 with IS.
As far as sharpness... the 24/105 is awesome and I use it for about ALL of my location shooting.
Cool, ya, at first i also thought that F/4 could get annoying, but the IS seems to be quite good and if i need lower f-stops i can always use my 50mm 1,8 prime (with which 90% of my protfolio ist shot ) I'm very happy to hear that the sharpness is good
« on: October 28, 2012, 12:56 »
Well the 24-105L. is probably the best workhorse lens you can buy, superb colors, contrast and tack sharp. I have the 24-70L.II, as well, dont really like it, soft corners, CA, etc. The 24-105L is slightly slower but offers a wider zoom range. You cant go wrong with it.
Thanks for the info. I always thought the 24-70L was absolutely tack sharp. Happy to hear this, since the 25-105 is now at 870Euros and i think that this is a very fair price. Does anyone else have this lens?
« on: October 28, 2012, 12:01 »
Hi everyone, i am thinking of buying a zoom lens for my 60d. At first my top choice was the 24-70L but since the new version is very expensive and the older one is getting more difficult to get, i was thinking about the 24-105 L. How is it for stock? Is the Sharpness good? Kind regards Daniel PS: I own a 50mm 1,8II, 28mm 2,8 and a 55-200mm (which i haven't used in 2 years). I really think a 24-105 would fit in well .
« on: October 26, 2012, 14:39 »
Think it is about average. I just looked at my own stats from last month, I had about 600 photos online and made $72
« on: October 18, 2012, 15:06 »
This is my sales statistic. But i'm a small fish and i increased my port from around 400 pics to 700 in the last 2 months.
« on: October 16, 2012, 06:31 »
Hi, Ich habe vor 3 tagen meinen eigenen Blog und Webseite gegrndet. Vielleicht habt ihr ja mal lust vorbei zu schauen! http://www.danielwaschnigphotography.at/Ich plane von jetzt an mindestens einmal die Woche einen Blog Post zu verffentlichen. Ich bin mir auch im klarem das, dass Portfolio noch um einiges grer werden muss! Wrde mich auch sehr ber eure Kritik freuen! Kann ja nur daraus lernen mit freundlichen Gren Daniel
« on: October 14, 2012, 13:42 »
Hopefully the sales of my images with people jumping from the Stratosphere will go up now. Need to get the production costs back in!
« on: October 14, 2012, 12:55 »
ok, he's going to jump! Exciting!
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:41 »
he's in the air!
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