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Messages - Pilens
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« on: April 14, 2014, 14:04 »
« on: April 14, 2014, 13:59 »
« on: April 01, 2014, 17:04 »
...My main goal would be NOT just to sell my images BUT, by phrasing my offer accordingly, to inform buyers about the shady deal they get from those shutterstock "resellers", promote the fair trade aspect of buying directly from the artist and to drive traffic to my Symbiostock site. ..
The only links they permit off site are to YouTube or to Flickr, so you'd have to indirectly guide buyers to your own site via either of those. Fiverr's goal (explicitly stated in one of the FAQs for sellers) is to have all links inbound to Fiverr - so you can promote your gig on your own site but not direct the gig buyer elsewhere. And they say they will terminate the account for not following the rules.
The private label deals, which I think are legit, are 100 images for $5 and the contributor who's openly selling his own portfolio at 79 for $5 or 107 for $5 makes it really hard to consider what I had in mind - a package of blog sized images at a discount
No direct link is bad. Maybe I try my link as plain text and see if that'll fly. Others name shutterstock, thinkstock, depositphotos and so on in their gigs, too. Hard to compete with those rates if you want to preserve a bit of self-respect, though. I was thinking to offer 4 or 5 bloggees for $5. As I said, I wouldn't expect to get rich...
« on: April 01, 2014, 15:01 »
Fiverr did mention to me that they are interested getting more stock image gigs direct from artists, maybe even set up a separate category/section. If anyone wants to sell at Fiverr, definitely reach out to them with any questions. They do seem receptive to getting some legit photo gigs going.
I've been toying with the idea of offering packages of blog sized images there (and probably on my own site). Picking things I think would make sense for bloggers and others looking to do things on the cheap and packaging them so they're an attractive deal but not a giveaway. I don't think I need any help from them to set it up though - I was looking through my pile of stuff to see what might make sense and think how to bundle.
All communications and deliveries take place through their system, so I guess I'd have to make a zip file with the license and the JPEGs, but I don't know how that part works. Given their attitudes towards IP, I'm a bit gun shy about working with them. Has the taste of Deposit Photos a bit...
Really? Perhaps I'm missing some implied message, but if not: No site is perfect, but fiverr hardly seems a company anyone who respects copyrights would want to be associated with.
I don't think you were missing anything - at least I didn't have any unspoken message in mind 
I am still thinking over the idea of packages of blog sized images, but for my own site only at this point.
I don't want to rule out new marketplaces too quickly - don't want to be the 2014 equivalent of the traditional agencies pooh-poohing microstock - but the response (or mostly lack thereof) from Fiverr to the complaints of obvious abuse has been unsatisfactory so far.
I started thinking about the same. My main goal would be NOT just to sell my images BUT, by phrasing my offer accordingly, to inform buyers about the shady deal they get from those shutterstock "resellers", promote the fair trade aspect of buying directly from the artist and to drive traffic to my Symbiostock site. I hope I find some time soon to check out if/how that would be possible on Fiverr. If a 100 or so of us with their own sites would do that regularly it should have some impact. At least assuming that not all image buyers over there at Fiverr are hard-core pirates...
« on: March 26, 2014, 19:20 »
In my email to DP I said: "However, despite you having the legal right to do so, doesn't mean it can be considered ethical if a re-seller sells an image for EUR 29,90 and I get to keep a meager USD 0,30 (< 1% royalty). This is a very bad deal for me as a contributor, no matter how many sales I'd get. Therefore, I would like to be opted out out of all partnership programs and API resellers immediately."
Their answer: "I think that it is a great idea to have now and then some additional sales. "
Yeah, that's because you aren't missing out on 99% of the sale money! Unbelievable.
LOL - Ignorant b@stards  On sites like http://www.ibudgetphoto.com where my images from DP would compete against same images from DT or YAY, a sale through DP would actually cost me money because the same file bought through the PP of one of the other agents would get me much more than $0.30 in royalty.
« on: March 26, 2014, 14:27 »
I am no tax expert, but I'd assume it logical that the W-B8EN would go with the country/address where you pay income tax and social security.
« on: March 25, 2014, 21:38 »
I see my whole portfolio is on http://dekorowalnia.pl and http://www.blog.artivia.pl. (same ID numbers) As a test, I deactivated one of my files on DP and now when I click on the same file at dekorowalnia and artivia, I get an error message. I sent DP another email about these two sites but no response yet.
I checked both sites and my images aren't there. My portfolio was on ShotShop, but they removed it (around March 8, had to wait) after I sent DP a message insisting that my images be taken down.
Same here. I haven't checked the full list of (known) partners/resellers, though. If DP doesn't sneak my images back into their partner/reseller program again (I'll check that regularly!) I'll keep my images on their site active. But I am still too p!ssed over this to continue uploading  .
« on: March 13, 2014, 14:52 »
I have been with Photoshelter prior to Symbiostock. It wasn't worth the $300+ per year at all. I liked the PhotoQuote RM feature, though. I hope something like this will be available as a plugin for Symbiostock as well at some point. Does Graph Paper Press have some sort of automatic RM options pricing? The FTP feature was nice but self-hosting allows you to do the same via SSH script. I use that all the time from my Blue Host shared server and find it more reliable than the sometimes buggy (?) Photoshelter feature. If anyone wants to try, I've explained the details here: http://www.microstockgroup.com/microstock-services/lightburner-is-paid-now%28/msg322403/#msg322403.
« on: March 12, 2014, 21:27 »
I want to get a hashtag going. #50percentordontbother

Love it! Retweeted!
« on: March 12, 2014, 14:17 »
Ok, I'm always looking into self hosting options. From what I can tell it's $79 a year for one theme and access to support ends after the first 12 months. If I want plugins it goes to $149 and if I want the whole package it is $399 (with this one I get live support). The themes look nice and that is considerably cheaper than what I paid for my custom site.
Cathy which program did you purchase? Also since I know zero coding and just a little bit of wordpress will I be able to do this on my own? What does access to support mean and how is that different from live support? Finally looks like I'm looking at another $99 to use the sell media plugin?
So for a website that I would consider functional for me I am looking at $498 for 1 year plus hosting and domain costs?
I'm all about information and $500 for a site is relatively cheap. I'm tempted to build one just to be able to compare sales between my custom site, Symbio, and this.
How are peoples sales using this program? Illustrators if you use this please let me know what you think. I'm genuinely interested in answers to these questions.
WOW! I didn't know about that price tag  . While you are probably right that this is still relatively cheap it would be a deal breaker for me. So far, my sales barely justify the app. $300 I have/will put into my Symbiostock site to run it for 3 years. That includes everything: theme, paid plug-ins, hosting, domain. Of course, I am looking forward to getting enough sales that I can justify spending $500 on a second site just to see how it works out  .
« on: March 11, 2014, 13:57 »
It sounds like another choice for us. GOOD! - I stick with my Symbiostock site, though.
Oooh dont say that, you'll be voted down ! lol 
Are you trying to stir up crap, Ron?
« on: March 11, 2014, 13:49 »
It sounds like another choice for us. GOOD! - I stick with my Symbiostock site, though.
« on: March 09, 2014, 21:22 »
I will write them again as well. Once! - If that doesn't do the trick I am out of DP as soon as I reach $50.
« on: March 09, 2014, 18:32 »
« on: March 01, 2014, 14:32 »
This isn't FUN
« on: February 25, 2014, 23:34 »
Would you guys tell me how long does it take for you guys to see my home page full loaded into your side? The site is www.arquivoscriativos.com.br
Your website loaded right away for me, Lucato. I'd say within 5 seconds.
It doesn't for me. Still loading after one minute or so... Edit: It loaded eventually. However, your buyers must be veeery patient to put up with this. I hope you can fix this. Good luck!
« on: February 19, 2014, 15:55 »
It is probably deliberate thoughtlessness
« on: February 18, 2014, 22:28 »
Thanks. I really love this project. I had some success with it which is nice but I really see it as a step in the right direction. Contributors need to step up and take some control of their own futures. There are a lot of ways to do it but Symbiostock is definitely a good start. It is also refreshing to see other people like yourself taking an interest and actually making something happen. This will be good for a lot of people.
That's the attitude, and I fully concur
Reading back to bunill's comment, it seems the issue is even more global, as it also applies (to a certain extend) to non-EU based sites dealing with EU customers. Can anyone confirm this?
I am Canadian. I don't see why I should charge VAT from EU customers. After all, what am I supposed to do with that money? I don't have any tax dues over in Europe. However, I can see that an European customer of my site would like me to send a proper sale's receipt that clearly states that no VAT has been paid so that it is easier for them dealing with their tax authorities. But I am no tax expert, either
« on: February 17, 2014, 00:42 »
I've just sent them my opt-out request of all partner site and made clear that I want to sell my files solely on depositphotos. Let's see how that goes. I am still a few weeks from cash-out. I'll sit back until then and just watch. After that, at the slightest hic-up, I'll be out of there. I actually hope that someone higher up at Depositphotos decides to do some damage control and comes up with a solution that will appease contributors. Am I nave?
« on: February 13, 2014, 15:04 »
Excerpt from DP's API PROGRAM AGREEMENT: (text bolded by me) Reseller API. The Reseller API enables the sale of the File Providers Files on the Resellers website and offers the greatest price flexibility to the Reseller. Buyers are not redirected to the File Providers website for payment. This method is designed for a Reseller to create his/her own stock file website in order to sell Files acquired either wholly from the File Provider, or in conjunction with Files from other databases.
The File Provider delivers Files to the Reseller at standard prices or via a subscription plan. The Reseller sets the price of Files resold to Buyers.
The File Provider reserves the exclusive right to change the price of Files delivered to the Reseller through the API Program, upward as well as downward, at any time and at its sole discretion, with or without prior notification to the Reseller.
« on: February 13, 2014, 14:24 »
I always wondered why the percentage of credit sales on DP was so much lower than the percentage of ODDs/SODs over on SS. I guess this explains it.
I'll give DP a couple weeks to find an acceptable solution that fixes this situation. If they don't I'll pull my port and be done with them.
Big THANK YOU to everyone involved uncovering this scam.
« on: February 11, 2014, 19:47 »
Look at it like this: If the Symbiostock Network is not an organisation then what is it ?
Join the network and find the answer, Bunhill IMO there are aspects of Symbiostock which make it potentially an entity in itself. Or else what is the Symbiostock Network ? If it is an entity then it has potential legal responsibilities. And it is being advertised as that. Symbiostock is an organisation without an organisation.
An organisation does not have to "ponder legal implications'. You pay a legal team to do that for you. They draw up the contracts and check the wording you use. Your accountants look at the financial side - both from your perspective and from the customers'. That's what you have to do in business.
My point still stands: You can't do any new business at all if you want to be legally absolutely safe. There's a thing called "good faith", however. Acting in "good faith", of course, is no bullet-proof legal protection and won't convince paranoids.
« on: February 11, 2014, 17:50 »
Please explain which legal issues you mean? I write my own terms and conditions and my own rf contract. Do you mean that someone else should?
The legal side of the network in general (the sites typically explicitly state that they are part of a joint network) has not been worked out or explored. Symbiostock does not employ any sort of legal team to research these sorts of potential issues. It seems as if nobody legal or financial has gone over the whole thing to look for potential legal or fiscal mutual issues. Most Open Source projects employ at least some sort of legal and financical advice.
Symbiostock presents itself as a single thing. But all of the sites have different T&C. And some of the sites do not conform to international tax law. For example there are sites which do not collect TVA/VAT from EU buyers - or explain their policy. Or they do not issue proper tax receipts detailing whether or not TVA has been deducted. Legitimate buyers need those receipts at end of year.
Many of the sites are running on self written contracts. Nobody does that in business. Are you responsible if a search from your site links to content on another site which is not doing the tax right ? What if the site your search links to is selling stolen content ?
The whole thing is a great big legal question mark. Because nobody has bothered to put up any money to pay for it. OK the software is free. But there is always much more to any thing than one aspect of it being free.
It's a great project but it needs funding and it needs to be properly established otherwise potential buyers need to treat it with caution.
Holy cr@p!  If everyone in the past had approached new ideas the way bunhill does we'd still sit starving in cold caves pondering the legal implications of starting a fire and hunting one of those tasty mammoths out there
« on: February 10, 2014, 04:30 »
I get "It's just you. http://semmickphoto.com is up. " here in Canada. I have a "PingdomAlert"(google it, free service) notifying me by e-mail when my BlueHost site is down. According to them, yes, there has been a hic-up, my site wasn't available for full 4 (four) minutes (240 seconds). I don't consider this being a big problem...
« on: February 06, 2014, 18:58 »
So can someone sum up what is the problem with symbio currently? It looked a home run project.
Like all software, Symbiostock is not 100% finished and not 100% bug free - but is mostly finished and perfectly capable of selling licenses to royalty free work. Leo - the guy who did almost all the work to build it - has his irrepressible optimism repressed by a criticism or two. As Leo hasn't yet hired a PR firm to polish his every word, you get pretty direct statements from him that reflect how he's feeling.
It can sound a bit offputting, but it is mostly unrelated to how well Symbiostock is working - and there are 170+ sites up and running with 235,000+ images, so I'd say it's doing well for a new project.
If you look at all the griping about agencies here on MSG, it'd be a miracle if there were no griping about Symbiostock! Given that this is so very personal to Leo, I think he has a hard time hearing complaints and letting them run off (like the proverbial water off a duck's back).
I think the most recent specific issue was some suggestions that symbiostock.com be focused not on contributors considering building a site but on buyers; Leo had just spent a bunch of time working on revamping the site and ...
This is all just my take on it - others may see things differently - YMMV (you get the idea) 
That is basically my take on it, too. I just hope that Leo finds a healthier emotional distance to his brainchild Symbiostock, the community of site owners using the theme and sometimes hostile outsiders. This and his work - life balance as far as Symbiostock is concerned seems to be biggest issue right now. I really, really hope that Leo manages to work it all out for him and his family. So he can stay being a (major) part of Symbiostock and the success that Symbiostock, I have no doubts, will be with or without him.
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