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Messages - Hannafate

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Shutterstock.com / Re: The picture gallery is not complete
« on: February 04, 2016, 22:43 »
Do you have safe search on?  Or some other filter?

Adobe Stock / Re: Images with qoutes not accepted
« on: February 04, 2016, 22:40 »
Fotolia aims at a different market.  The don't think your image is good for their market.

Don't sweat it, just move on. 

Photo Critique / Re: Photo rejected multiple times at SS
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:08 »
Just for everyone's information, people have started multiple resubmissions to SS because their review process has become seriously flawed.

Their sales are still good enough that contributors are still willing to make the effort, but I don't know how long that will last.

This particular image, though, I think isn't quite good enough to be worth the effort.  Just not *quite* sharp focus, not *quite* good exposure. 

I don't blame you for not believing the SS reviewers, though.

123RF / Re: Images in "pending" forever...
« on: January 03, 2016, 13:19 »
When I upload to 123, I always send them a message saying I have done so. 

It's based on Fotolia's  model.

With this easy entry, many new submitters will wind up with very small portfolios.  Even with the reduced minimum payout, this will mean long periods of Shutterstock getting to keep the royalties for a long time.

Let's face it, punters who can only get one out of 10 will be thrilled to have a few puny sales.  "Look, I'm a professional now!"

DepositPhotos / Re: Newbie at a disadvantage....
« on: February 24, 2013, 13:30 »
There's only one way to become a seasoned pro yourself...

iStockPhoto.com / Wikipedia entry
« on: February 03, 2013, 18:20 »
Someone ought to update istock's wikipedia page, to include its recent history.

Anyone feel up to that?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Image Deactivation Tally for iStockPhoto
« on: January 22, 2013, 19:14 »


That doesn't keep people from doing it, of course.

Off Topic / Re: Nasty Personal Email- Send Unknown
« on: January 20, 2013, 14:26 »
I like that!

I don't see why anyone would be mad at someone who is sticking with iStock.  It's a difficult situation, and hard to know what is best to do.  Some people stand to lose more by bailing out. 

As individuals, while taking the good of the whole into consideration, we still have to do what we think is going to be best for our own situation.  Good grief, we're Creatives, we don't herd.

Shutterstock was my first stock site (many years ago now, wow...) and I have always been happy with them.   The upload system is easy to use, and payments are always on time.  There's a forum where people new to the site can get critique from other photographers on their images before submitting their application, which is really useful.

DepositPhotos / Re: Newbie at a disadvantage....
« on: January 18, 2013, 15:56 »
I think the idea is that someone with 10,000 average (but sellable) photos is more serious about stock than someone with just a few really good photos.

Someone with just a few photos, no matter how good, may be picking the accidentally good images out of their thousands of unsellable vacation and family photos.  Just a punter who thinks they can make a few bucks off of the pictures they have taken anyway, without having to put much effort into it.

Adobe Stock / Re: Is FT rejecting everything?
« on: January 14, 2013, 20:36 »
I've been selling at FT for a while, and they are incredibly picky.  I get more rejections there than anywhere.  They have a particular "style" they like, and anything else has to be just incredible to get in.  They have plenty of images, and are trying to only add new ones very slowly.

I think the initial drop caused by so many free images hitting the market is tapering off.  I'm starting to see a little more action on all sites.   Once everyone has a copy of the free stuff, sales ought to pick back up.

But, I'm afraid it will take a while...

Anything involving "innovative".

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Image Deactivation Tally for iStockPhoto
« on: January 14, 2013, 15:49 »
200 gone, 283 to do.  I'm waiting for a payout before I delete the best sellers.  Be dammed if I let them keep my money!

Newbie Discussion / Re: Some help for a noob illustrator
« on: January 13, 2013, 11:52 »
It's like a job interview.  Show them your very best, and give them a good idea of what you can do.  Stay fairly close to your main style, so that you aren't misrepresenting yourself, but otherwise, show off as much as you can.   There's a forum for discussion, and you can get critiques from other contributors in the Illustration section, before you submit, if you like.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Another new, but old
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:34 »
It's safe for work.  I called it that because the culture I grew up in thought that figure studies were porn because the model was nude.  I don't know what sort of weirdo would think a twenty minute study of a model bored out of her skull is sexy, but that's what I had to deal with.  There is no actual nudity in the comics. 

Newbie Discussion / Another new, but old
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:22 »
HI, another new to the forum, but not to selling art and photography.

I think the best way to introduce myself is simply to show you these comics I did about growing up artistic, among the unimaginative.


Like most stock sites, there are some dubious things about them, but nothing scary... like some sites we've been discussing.  So, I keep uploading there.  I like them all right.

Illustration - General / Re: Shutterstock terminated my account
« on: January 11, 2013, 19:08 »
If, as you said in your very first post in this thread, you submitted something that had someone else's watermark on it, you were just plain stupid.

There is no reason whatsoever for that other person's work to have been in your vector in the first place.   There are plenty of ways to use a photo for inspiration without importing it.  The best way though, is to USE YOUR OWN PHOTO or YOUR OWN SKETCH from a photo. 

I have trouble believing it was "just an accident", but even if it was, I don't see how you could have missed the raster in your eps when you did a final check before submitting.

I don't know what you think the people here can do for you, you screwed up and suffered the consequences.  If I did something that dumb, I would expect the same results.  And, I wouldn't whine about it being unfair, because it's not.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your work, in case you get "inspired" by some of my work. 

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