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Messages - Morphart

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Nice my sister lives there too (Gatineau/Ottawa).

I understand what you aimed for when having your name tagged along your image, so that someone who is looking for your specifics files has the chance of buying it directly from your site instead of on a stock sites... good thinking!

For the domain if you don't want it anymore i'll buy it off you, or try to resale it on the domain name market. You can sell premium domaine name on ebay.

I thought it would have had a greater value but you can evaluate it here:

As most of you are aware, good, concise, precise keywording has always been a strong factor in getting your images found by image buyers.

As I am still a recent  stock photo website owner with no prior experience in promoting and marketing one, I quickly realized the importance of having all of my images well tagged with proper keywords. I have discovered that it is much more important when it is your own website.

At the early stage of an image website, Google index all your gallery titles and image keywords. Needless to say Google is your best friend to have if your image keywords and gallery titles are well thoughout.

If an image buyer search from the google search engine instead of an image agency, your site keywords will compete with all other similar keywords under the "Google ranking system".  It is the same principle as competing with similar keywords within an agency, but the big difference is you are competing under Google algorithm not an agency own brand of algorithm.  

Interestingly, I did a few Google searches of my images to see how my website ranked amongst others.  Obviously I needed to be fairly descriptive in my keywords and included my name denis pepin to have results readily available.

Firstly I searched the following keywords: denis pepin toronto building photos.

Not surprisingly, the resulting first line is a Shutterstock link leading to my Toronto buildings, the next one is leading to depositphotos and the next one after, to my site page where some of those buildings are located at

The next lines after that are Fotolia, Veer, 123RF etc. all leading to those same buildings with the same keywords.

My site came in third while other big agencies fall behind.

Of course hardly anybody will search images with my name attached, and obviously my photos will not come up first without it, but it does show that Google does a good job at finding your own site specific images if they have proper keywords.

I believe that once all the basics of having a beautiful image site is met, getting better Google ranking with less keywords to type in the search field can only come with a promotional strategy and time.


Hi Denis,

One MAJOR factor which placed you 3rd in line for this search of denis pepin toronto building photos. is that you had denis pepin in the name of you .COM domain.

Having a domain name which have the keywords search is a major factor for being placed first in the google search.

For example, search for keyword haircut. You will have and right after the wikipedia pages.

Search for natural stone. You will notice most 1st pages have those keywords in their domain name. You can test this for most keywords. Of course, good SEO on a website will beat any .COM name without SEO, but it does gives a major edge.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Is December usually a slow month?
« on: December 11, 2011, 16:35 »
Yes. Worse month of the year. In a couple of weeks from now the holiday period will be like a 10-day weekend.

Mine was starting really bad too this month, worst week since a whole while... but today surprised me, made a 4 ELs sales at Shutterstock gave my month a boost!

Eh I had to start this thread to have 4 EL's sales at Shutterstock today!


Was just wondering, I heard a lot of <<December is the worst month for microstock income>>.

Wanted your opinion to see if this was your reality or not?

I do not remember feeling it for the last 2 year but this year it seems pretty slow this last week?

Thanks for the output!: )

Thanks for pointing it out will have a look!
Try  here:

General Stock Discussion / December.... worst month for Microstck?
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:21 »

Was just wondering, I heard a lot of <<December is the worst month for microstock income>>.

Wanted your opinion to see if this was your reality or not?

I do not remember feeling it for the last 2 year but this year it seems pretty slow this last week?

Thanks for the output!: )

307 / Re: How do you feel about IStock?
« on: December 11, 2011, 08:38 »
After 5 loyal years, I just ended my photo exclusivity.

While I truly hope I will still stay exclusive for vectors for a long time, I have to run my own business and want to be prepared for the worst. I'm simply too disappointed with their latest decisions at the moment, so I'm gonna test the waters for photo.

If you ask me you should be able to recover most of your revenue by simply submitting to Shutterstock. Add a few more decent agencies and you will get back what you had being exclusive, and maybe more.

So you get no credit on Corbis, the image is $40 cheaper for the large size, and I assume you get less in royalties (percentage) because there is a cut for both Corbis and Getty in that deal.

In the internet age, why does this whacky model with many layers of distributors still persist? This isn't even an issue of internationalization (i.e. site in a local language) - it says quite clearly that Corbis international distributors can't have the image.
Holy !@$% ... This is starting to look more and more like an agency Orgy... and contributors are not invited.

I can understand why they do it ($$$$), but I don't find the copyright part very honest of them. I does give your images more views, but are you really getting paid what you should... not mentioning that they keep the credits for themselves...!

309 / Re: no salses at canstockphoto
« on: December 05, 2011, 18:16 »
I'm at 1,180 files and very low sales.  Very few views, even.  Perhaps it's the site; perhaps it's my portfolio.  I get daily sales on SS, though, so I think I'll continue in the direction I'm going.  I'll keep uploading to CanStockPhoto because it's so easy and user-friendly, in the hopes that one day it will begin to generate some activity.

Absolute proof in point Carl. Our ports are about same size at Canstock, but I am not on SS as my type of images are not suitable for them. I only started this year with stock so I can not talk of big sales, but I had a $56 income in October (payout in one month ever for me) and are already on $10.25 for this month (must add I do have a lot of vectors, which can make a large difference at Canstock, as they still pay proper prices for Vectors).

So, as the point above goes, even same port sizes, but due to the difference in makeup of it, I can not give you advice on leaving or staying. Your impression also of "low sales" can be my "great sales". Your own experience will determine. All I can confirm is that the site is very much alive and does have sales activity, port dependent.    


Yes pointing out a Vector portfolio might do a difference. I sometime forget that I have about 95% vector in my port, and EPS and Vector format sales surely must add up compared to image JPG sales.

310 / Re: Keywording EPS file
« on: December 05, 2011, 16:40 »
Awesome Duncan.  I shall do that then.

Thanks :)
Save as EPS10, EPS8 will not work (you'll lose IPTC data)

311 / Re: no salses at canstockphoto
« on: December 05, 2011, 16:38 »
I would not recommend people not to leave or to leave a specific site. Sales at specific sites can be very dependent on your portfolio makeup (type of pictures/images).  What work for you at one site and brings adequate income, will not necessarily work for someone else at all and might be a total waste of their time.

If your own experience is no or little sales, your port is probably not that suitable for the specific site's customer base or (if many other contributors report the same) the site just does not have enough buyers. Move on and try another site, but I will not easily withdraw form any site unless I have given them at least a 6 month's try.

It also depends on the size of the portfolio. If you are crying that you have no sales with a 50 images portfolio, it's a different story if you have no sales with a 500 images portfolio.

On small sites, size does matter, but like you say, maybe there is a different niche for different types of images.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EL Rush at SS - Is it Over?
« on: December 05, 2011, 16:35 »
Wait, what?  Constant ELs?  You missed the point.

Look at PixelAway's numbers.  Clearly there was something very wonderful happening in Sept, Oct and Nov.  My numbers look a lot like his.  There was something crazy happening with ELs for about a sixty day period covering those three months, and a bunch of us experienced it and no one has apparently figured out what it was.

My own assumption, because I haven't heard a better theory, is that it had something to do with the big push SS gave to its single image purchase offer starting in September. 

Any other thoughts.

(P.S... this morning I woke up to see 2 ELs for the day already... maybe the mad rush is continuing after all?)
Yes I understand what you mean :) Didn't put any extra thought at those numbers...

For me (but I'm a poor example as I increase my portfolio a LOT each months so it's normal to see progress over months):
May = 1
June = 1
July = 2
August = 8
September = 4
October = 3
November = 3
December (5 days) = 3

Not sure I can relate to PixelAways number, but my big EL months was August, with better months after but nothing as a spike.

December do have a great start tho.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EL Rush at SS - Is it Over?
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:01 »
Jun  - 2
Jul   - 4
Aug -  4
Sep - 17    (starting 9/20)
Oct - 18
Nov - 12    (last 11/24)
Dec -  2

Same I find constant EL every months. I am already at 3 EL for this month so seems good.

Best EL month for me has been on August, with one day I got 6 ELs on the same day (pretty surprising to see). Cheers for Shutterstock ELs! :)

314 / Re: no salses at canstockphoto
« on: December 05, 2011, 08:58 »
I applaud how easy it is to get ur photos approved however, 70 photos later, none of them have been viewed. I don't think my photos are being indexed by the search. If this continues then it's a complete waste of time no matter how many photos gets approved...

It's normal, I get roughly 1% of SS's sales on CS. By far the worst earner for me, actually next to BS (but I really just started at BS, so the comparison isn't really fair). I stopped uploading to both.

Stopping to upload to CanStock is a bad idea if you ask me. It's one of the most easy website to upload to... For my part it gives me a good 230$ per month, twice as much as Fotolia.

315 / Re: ONE cent short of this month's payout!
« on: December 01, 2011, 08:21 »
Even if you miss ... December will be a GREAT month. :o :o 8)
Aint december the worst month of the year? :p

316 / Re: iStock fails to recover ground
« on: November 29, 2011, 10:15 »
Thanks for the embedded links, they didn't catch my attention in the other thread.

This chart matches what I'm seeing at ShutterStock, explosive growth, couldn't have happened to a better company.  I  love watching IStock's demise!!!!!
+1 for me :). Thanks for adding the images it surely got my attention too. Very nice site this is to check websites growth, didn't know of it.

It's been a year since I joined iStock (been about 3 year in microstock), and after 20 images and Flash file upload I stopped uploading there. Seeing that it's getting less and less share of the market I think I am happy I didn't waste or don't go on wasting time over they ALL TOO TIME CONSUMING upload system. That's a major turn-off for me, being non-exclusive I keyword and description for ALL the other site, but for iStock I need to manually correct everything... Even tho the apparent ''good money'' in iStock was attractive, it's getting less and less interesting to upload there.

For me, if Shutterstock keeps growing and iStock falls I'll be a happy camper (that an individual comment, but I know for a lot of Exclusive photographer there it must be stressful to see their major source of income degrade slowly). Overall I wish best for iStock, for the sake of the contributors there, but those graphs speaks from themselves.

Losing 1 million... 1 MILLION out of 1.5 unique visitors... 66% of a business... This means something. Wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I TOTALLY agree with that, Bunhill.

I find it really odd that contributors should have to deal with this at all.  Wouldn't the agencies rather we be busy creating images than running around like blue-arsed flies trying to track illegitimate usage? 

As you say, all the legal nouse is on the side of the agency.  This should be their department entirely, and yes, the industry should pull the same way and act collectively.  I couldn't agree more. 

For this I do agree, but it's anyones job to report it to the agencies when he sees it. A million eyes are better than 10 000, and reporting it to the agencies takes a few minute.

I think you might feel a bit less nonchalant if it was your work being ripped off....oh yeah, and it's my job to actually be proactive in these matters. 

My work is on that site which is partly why it annoys me you promoting it.

Yeah let's just keep shutting our mouth while other people enjoys stealing copyright. GREAT PLAN. And sorry but it's not CEO it's SEO. Second, a few backlinks won't improve that much their SEO, plus, who can beat the major agencies SEO?

Sorry BHR but I find your comment a bit alienating. If you would close your eye not to advertise theft, you would do that for murder too? Rape?... My neighbor was killed by Mr. Badass, but I won't tell anyone so that Mr. Badass don't get the satisfaction of getting free advertisement for his crime... :)

Hello friends

I have started submitting to Shutterstock few months back. Unfortunately I find that most of my photos are being rejected for the following reason:
Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.

Could the experienced users here please be kind enough to advice me on what I need to do to avoid rejections for this reason?

I have enclosed 3 of my latest images which were rejected for the above reason with this post.

Please help.

Thank you

I am sorry, but they all look not quite finished. (not here to bash, but it's my honest opinion0

1st looks like a 3D image, maybe have a nice sky and different composition or framing would help it better (the simple blue fade doesn't do it for me). I think getting more environment perspective to give the effect of being on a hill, or something to fill that empty blue space would help it a lot.

The other 2 looks like you cropped and image in photoshop and just applied it on top of another one.
3rd one the house looks blurred as if it had something cloned out, upsizing or bad texturing in 3d?

I also find on the last 2 that the composition could be worked on also, too much empty space. Removing the house would help it, or make the house at least take 1/3 of the image should help the composition.

Good luck

Image Sleuth / Re: 60gb of stock!
« on: November 22, 2011, 15:47 »
the scurvy dogs ! and i thought they sold eye patches, parrots and hooks.

LOL, that's a funny one hehe :)

Made my day :p... They have  nice Pirate Woman on their home page tho.. that's a start! :)

Image Sleuth / Re: Should report or...
« on: November 22, 2011, 15:43 »
I'm not surprised you find watermarked images, at small sizes most people wouldn't even notice them.  You should report, it can't hurt.

Me neither... but is becoming annoying to be always of the same agency. Probably they should change watermark or do something about it.

I've contacted them ( at least I've learn how to write from right to left ) and will complain with hosting server. Does not matter report to the agency. because I already know what they will answer.

If it's watermarked definetly you need to report. But the link you send does not contain watermarks... or i'm blind?

Oh wow... Yes i'm blind... but the watermark on that image is really TOO subtle. You have to look at it long enough to even see it. Good catch, report it :)

Image Sleuth / Re: Should report or...
« on: November 22, 2011, 15:42 »
I'm not surprised you find watermarked images, at small sizes most people wouldn't even notice them.  You should report, it can't hurt.

Me neither... but is becoming annoying to be always of the same agency. Probably they should change watermark or do something about it.

I've contacted them ( at least I've learn how to write from right to left ) and will complain with hosting server. Does not matter report to the agency. because I already know what they will answer.

If it's watermarked definetly you need to report. But the link you send does not contain watermarks... or i'm blind?

Image Sleuth / Re: Should report or...
« on: November 22, 2011, 10:35 »
Sorry but... I don't understand your post? :)

It's a blog, who use stock imagery... What is wrong with that?

Image Sleuth / Re: Use as logo
« on: November 22, 2011, 10:34 »
I'm never all that perturbed by people using my work in "logo like" ways as long as they have correctly licensed the work otherwise and of course provided that they haven't misrepresented their rights to it by trying to trademark or copyright it.
If they don't mind that the fishing store next door can also use the same image in the same way that's their problem.

I agree to this. Some small local company will want to have a stock image and use it to represent their company as it is way cheaper than having to develop their own personnalized logo. The down point for them is that they cannot protect or copyright their new found ''logo'', so like you mention, anyone in the same busing could use the same image to represent their products and they wouldn't have any other choice than to accept it too.

Not quite sure where the line is, but a company can call an image their logo, but if don't have any rights and copyrights to it, then it's just a stock image, and I wouldn't qualify it of a Logo.

you are right but you can easily test, I have RF-Images from a comparable agency at Infinite, I simply bought two of my own Images at FT (smallest size 10 each). It was reported correctly in my statement (same amount of a few cents each) therefore I know that FT  pays 25% to their partner-agencies. It's a depressing way to reduce photographers commissions even more.

Depressing it is, thanks for testing it out for us. Still 10 EUR, 2.50 EUR for Corbis and... 0.75 for you? And on top of that you get no recognition for your work as it is under the Corbis user.

Better not think about that. Anyways there is always a bad and good side to any business... but I never saw this side before this is why it surprised me.

There is something ''wrong'' in this :(

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