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Messages - PaulieWalnuts

Pages: 1 ... 115 116 117 118 119 [120]
General Stock Discussion / Re: Wow, how cheap and tacky!!
« on: September 14, 2007, 12:35 »
Sorry Nazdravie, but you are wrong ... Last year I did a request for refund on IS. The picture in question was uploaded in 2006, but the quality didn't meet the standards at all. It was noisy, out of focus, and the background (showing a blue cast due to a wrong white balance setting) was photoshopped away (leaving portions of a wallpaper structure which the "artist" probably hadn't seen at all) in such an amateurish way that it made me asking for refund in the second I opened this picture after download. Not sure how this one had slipped through the approval process, but I got pretty angry about this particular picture.

Yes, I had to send a Certificate of Destruction via fax, signed by me and another witness. The fax, a phone call (because something went wrong at the first try to get the refund) from Germany to Canada, the time needed etc. was certainly worth more than the $5 refund. But sorry, this picture was so off from the standards that I didn't want to honor the contributor with giving him MY money.

Okay that makes sense. I wouldn't be real happy if I got a crappy quality image.  Sounds like IS wasn't always super picky as they are now.

I wonder how much of an issue this will become for some of the less picky agencies that are taking just about any image.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Wow, how cheap and tacky!!
« on: September 14, 2007, 07:39 »
Returning a picture? It couldn't be for technical quality reasons because IS is really picky. So what valid reason would a buyer have to "return" an image at IS? I wonder how many returns IS will take from a buyer before it raises a red flag.

2978 / Re: Talk about micro payments
« on: September 11, 2007, 11:58 »
Wow, what's the secret to so many downloads?  ;D

2979 / Made the Albumo front page "Featured Stock Images"
« on: September 10, 2007, 21:00 »
I was pretty surprised to see my baskets of apples on their homepage under "Featured Stock Images". Hopefully they'll hit 200,000 images (sometime today) and start marketing while I'm still featured.  ;D  They seem like they have their act together. I'm anxious to see how aggressive their marketing launch will be.

2980 / IS Description Links - Thumbnails vs. Lightboxes
« on: September 09, 2007, 14:40 »
In the IS description field I've seen people use thumbnails or lightboxes to link to other photos in their portfolio. What determines which approach is best to use?

2981 / Re: Is SS down or it's just me ??
« on: September 08, 2007, 21:45 »
Sounds like it may be a DNS issue. If you're using Windows click Start> Run> type CMD and click Ok> at the command prompt type ipconfig /flushdns and hit the enter key. This should get rid of any old records.

Also, check to see if this address works

Adobe Stock / Re: no more keywords and description on Fotolia
« on: September 08, 2007, 21:21 »
I uploaded yesterday and some of the IPTC worked, some didn't.

2983 / Re: Is SS down or it's just me ??
« on: September 08, 2007, 21:12 »
Works for me here in US. So, maybe just you.  ;D

Does IS search only look at keywords, or title and description too?

2985 / Re: newest rejection reason at DT
« on: September 06, 2007, 21:45 »
Haven't had the WB rejection yet, but I can't figure DT out. I submit two similar pictures, one gets accepted, the other gets rejected for "this is a very well covered subject". So, you mean I pushed the category over the edge with the first picture? There doesn't seem to be any pattern to their rejections which is really getting to be a major waste of time.

New Sites - General / Re: Yet another new agency.....
« on: September 06, 2007, 21:34 »
I think it looks kinda chintzy. But, if anyone is acutally buying stuff there you'd have a pretty good shot by uploading some pics.  ;)

2987 / Re: Deterioration....
« on: September 06, 2007, 21:29 »
Anyone else can't see the images?

2988 / Re: Sept Istock lightbox
« on: September 04, 2007, 07:25 »
Here's mine. Does this fit the transport category?


2989 / Re: Help!!! 2nd SS rejection
« on: August 31, 2007, 09:40 »
Some great tips, thanks! Well, since I'm at 90% rejection, anything that can help get me toward 90% success sounds good to me. I was looking into picking up a D80.

Hopefully third time's a charm.


2990 / Help!!! 2nd SS rejection
« on: August 30, 2007, 22:27 »
Okay, I've been doing microstock for a month now and I'm learning as I go.

1st SS rejection was mostly "poor framing and poor composure" type of stuff. So I learned more about stock and started taking better shots.  Technical issues weren't the problem.

2nd rejection today was all "noise and artifacts". So now I'm taking decent shots but the technical quality is off. I went from shooting jpeg to RAW/NEF so I'm guessing my RAW workflow is the problem.

For workflow I use PS Elements 5 to open Nikon NEF, convert with Adobe Camera Raw, save as PSD, and then save as jpeg. With the PSD I primarily adjust levels and color settings. I save as jpeg and then use the PSE noise filter to reduce noise. I mostly shoot with a Nikon D50 and a 50mm f/1.8 prime so that should be good enough.

So I'm wondering, what's your workflow and where in the process do you successful SS people reduce noise? With ACR, with PSE, with a jpeg tool like NoiseNinja, all of the above?



2991 / Re: BigStock Review Times
« on: August 28, 2007, 12:11 »
Hmmmm. A few minutes after my last post I received an upload status email.

2992 / Re: BigStock Review Times
« on: August 28, 2007, 11:57 »
Yep, I'm about a week and a half and still counting.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Nikon or Canon?
« on: August 24, 2007, 19:47 »
Well, scratch my earlier comment about jumping ship. The D300 announcement is keeping me solidly in Nikon.

2994 / Re: Ohhhh...ahhhh...Corbis.
« on: August 24, 2007, 13:16 »
They disabled the ability to do a right-click > save-as but I don't think that helps much.


2995 / Re: Anyone getting sales at Albumo yet ?
« on: August 22, 2007, 21:12 »
None for me. There's some sales but the most downloaded top five have 51, 51, 4, 4, 3 downloads.

Off Topic / Re: Getting IPTC Data onto JPEG
« on: August 20, 2007, 15:41 »
I use PhotoInfo and it's hard to tell in the picture on the website but there's a row of tabs at the top of the program and one of them is keywords. It's nice because you just right click the file(s) in Windows Explorer, select Photo Info, and load the info. There's no need to open the picture and resave it. I'm giving ProStockMaster a try too.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Nikon or Canon?
« on: August 19, 2007, 21:03 »
I'm pretty much an amateur and have been shooting Nikon (D50) and Olympus (E-330). The new Canon 40D has my attention and has enough of the right stuff that may make my jump ship. I do love my D50 though and really had my eye on a D200.

Off Topic / Re: Getting IPTC Data onto JPEG
« on: August 19, 2007, 20:58 »
Take a look at Microsoft's PhotoInfo. It's free and you can add IPTC data to multiple files

2999 / Re: StockXpert slowed down reviews?
« on: August 14, 2007, 12:51 »
Hi all - My first post. Sounds like they're pretty quick so I'm beginning to think I missed something during the application process. It's going on 2 weeks and my status still says "Your application is pending. It will be reviewed by the site administrators within a few days." Sounds like it's time to contact support.


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