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Messages - Hannafate
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« on: November 13, 2017, 09:27 »
Yes, I think they've made some adjustment to it to allow unlisted keywords to be marked correct. I just uploaded something else and a "mark as correct" option appeared.
Other sites have discovered a problem with that, though. People marking random typos as correct. Eventually, the dictionary becomes useless. Best practice is to have the program collect unknown words that have been checked as correct, and get someone to add the good ones to the dictionary. Of course, that means more work, and someone to pay to do it. But, it's what works best over time.
« on: November 13, 2017, 09:09 »
I haven't read all the comments in this thread, but there seems to be a lot of criticism of the new submissions page.
I have to say, I am really impressed with it. IMO, it is a vast improvement on the old one.
I like the way we are able to enter words and place names, if it doesn't recognise them we can mark as correct and they seem to be added to a dictionary.
It no longer questions every single number, such as in a date, so editorial is much easier to upload.
I can think of other sites who could take a lesson from SS.
All they had to do for that was to update the dictionary. There was no need to knacker the whole system. Curious: Do you use a mobile or desktop computer? I ask because I really think Shutterstock is trying to drive the old timers away. We make more per sale. Newbies start at a lower rate. It's a corporate move other companies have made. The combination of re-tooling the site toward mobile devices and advertising under the "gigs" section of Craigslist suggests to me that Shutterstock wants to be the Wal-Mart of stock sites. I wouldn't be surprised if they have people going around to laundromats pinning hand written ads on the bulletin boards.
« on: November 12, 2017, 21:34 »
I've stuck with Shutterstock through all this corporate crap because, in spite of their continuing descent, they have still been my best earning site.
Also, I'll admit to a little nostalgia. My first site was Shutterstock, back in 2006.
However, it looks like the diminishing returns will pass the point this year. If I can't stand to upload, I can't keep fresh stuff in the flow, and earnings will drop further.
At least they're making it easier for me to let go.
« on: November 12, 2017, 09:32 »
I think I know what the problem is.
It's designed for use with a tablet or phone.
Buyers may use mobile devices, but contributors usually use something bigger, so we can see what we're doing with our images.
No understanding of creative work at all.
« on: November 11, 2017, 18:55 »
They hate their contributors. They're hoping all the professionals will leave, and they can fill up their gallery with stuff from people who don't actually need to get paid.
I support my claim with their recent Craigslist ads, suggesting that just anybody can make money uploading pictures to Shutterstock.
« on: November 06, 2017, 09:39 »
How old are you?
« on: October 31, 2017, 22:32 »
Trademarked. Milton Bradley is fierce about protecting their trademarks.
« on: October 31, 2017, 14:08 »
How do I delete? I accidentally typed garbage, and all I can find is how to edit.
« on: October 31, 2017, 14:06 »
You take turns entering a keyword into search, and the winner is someone who can come up with a word for which every image on the first page actually applies.
Set search sort for "most recent" Pick a noun, or some other word that is not ambiguous. Since some sites use words in the description for search, terms such as "set" are going to be difficult to prove a winner.
Allow for broken phrases. If you search for "kangaroo", and see a picture of a landscape with no kangaroo in it, check to see whether it may be a picture of "kangaroo island".
Everyone takes a turn trying out a word.
If every photo on the first page of results is appropriate, you get a point, and move on to the next round. If even one image does not actually apply to your keyword, you're out.
Some sites have good keywording, others do not. The most challenging site is Dreamstime.
Helpful hint: There are a lot of people who do not know the difference between a macaroon and a macaron. You'll lose if you try that keyword.
« on: October 26, 2017, 18:22 »
I'm confused. Who are you calling a thief?
« on: October 22, 2017, 15:38 »
Sometimes a keyword will trigger it. Words like sexy, naked, bare, or underage. What keywords did you use for the flower?
« on: October 22, 2017, 15:35 »
That's not a rejection. That's a technical error with the upload. Try again.
« on: August 11, 2017, 14:02 »
Just checked your portfolio---
Is this one of your images?
wasn't this one of the ones that was pirated in the past? Hope you are the owner and not another thief coming on the MSG site...
What portfolio? I don't see one for them.
« on: August 09, 2017, 15:13 »
That's your decision. Read their instructions and follow them.
« on: August 05, 2017, 14:53 »
My lawyer says no.
« on: August 04, 2017, 10:25 »
My experience with Graphicstock was very bad. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could spit them.
Unless they have new owners, I'm not going anywhere near them.
« on: July 31, 2017, 14:18 »
We can't help you without seeing the picture, and a list of keywords.
« on: July 06, 2017, 14:49 »
You could just sell me your portfolio.
« on: July 05, 2017, 16:34 »
grainy grain
That's a good one!
« on: July 05, 2017, 16:33 »
Not appropriate for stock /Too Offensive / Improper for General Viewing
To understand just how funny this was, you need to know that I had a bunch of friends over for the holiday, and you need to know about Abuelito Carlo. Abuelito Carlo isn't anyone in particular's grampa, we just all call him that. He's a wiry little old Hispanic guy that looks like animated jerky. He has bushy old man eyebrows, and a goatee.
So, I take a break from the festivities to check my email, and notice the rejection. Someone hears me laugh, and asks what's so funny. I show them, and pretty soon, everyone knows about it, and is amused.
Someone does an imitation of the Church Lady reviewing my image. "Could that be... Satan?" Then, someone yells, "Hey, Abuelito! Did you know you're improper for general viewing?" Carlo takes a look, and starts laughing. He goes into the back yard, puts his hands to his head like horns, and starts dancing around, singing, "Improper for general viewing! Watch out!"
We all laughed our asses off. I love my weird friends.
« on: July 05, 2017, 15:45 »
Can you guess the reason? This was rejected by 123, but they accepted it without comment after I asked for clarification.
« on: June 30, 2017, 08:35 »
Yes. But, if Selma is NOT Michele, there is a problem.
« on: June 29, 2017, 15:45 »
Shelma, are you Michele Paccione?
« on: June 14, 2017, 09:40 »
Most people use their own photos to create composites.
Are you are photographer or not?
« on: June 09, 2017, 17:47 »
I'm really not sure what you're asking.
If you want to use photos on Zazzle products, buy the extended license. Most sites offer this.
If you are trying to set up your own version of Zazzle, and need pictures to use to show how your products look, an ordinary license will do, so long as you don't actually sell the products with those pictures on them.
But, you really should get the extended license. My experience with customers is that they will want to buy what they see.
If you really want to keep it simple, take some snapshots of your favorite pet, and use those.
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