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Messages - Redneck

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I don't know if this is too hard to achieve but as mentioned somewhere else, I'd love to see the "Similar Images" widget being disabled on "Collection" image pages.

Something like this just looks like total image overload and I can see it confusing potential buyers: .

Not to mention that showing lots of duplicates doesn't look very professional either.

  • Option to publish the release statuses of an image on the image page, visible to the potential customer
  • Either in "Edit" image or in the Stocl Images sub menu -> Link to Drafts (for faster editing/processing)

It just creates a database dump (backup) in the folder where the script is being executed. It doesn't copy any files.

Do you know which version your currently installed theme is?

Just do the theme update inside your WP admin area (Appearance -> Theme).
If you are on 2.6.X already then you can skip the theme update for now and just install the plugin.

Symbiostock - General / Re: updraft
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:17 »
No, it's not enough.
You should check "Any other directories ..." and then include the symbiostock_rf, symbiostock_ipn and symbiostock_network folders.


You're welcome. Give it a try and let us know if it works because I'm a little sceptical that Updraft will be able to handle a 10 to 12GB backup (like in your specific case).

Actually, today i completed my SEO, and also contact a web design company to show me how to back it up properly. I just have a very uncomfortable feeling usibg these back up programs.

Didn't you get this to work: ?
Too complicated?
If you need more assitance, I'm glad when I can help out.

Symbiostock - General / Re: updraft
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:35 »
No, it's not enough.
You should check "Any other directories ..." and then include the symbiostock_rf, symbiostock_ipn and symbiostock_network folders.

You're welcome. Give it a try and let us know if it works because I'm a little sceptical that Updraft will be able to handle a 10 to 12GB backup (like in your specific case).

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Twitter error code:195
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:26 »
Leo mentioned that this is error is caused on the side and that Twitter is working to resolve the issue. I too am waiting for an update.
If anyone is able to post an image to Twitter with the Premium plugin, please let us know here.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Complex Keywords
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:22 »
Yes, that's a feature of the Premium plugin.

Symbiostock - General / Re: updraft
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:13 »
No, it's not enough.
You should check "Any other directories ..." and then include the symbiostock_rf, symbiostock_ipn and symbiostock_network folders.

Is exporting a database to the hard drive the same as backing it up?


Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 11:44 »
No, I don't think that is right. I'm setting it to back up my entire site daily, and keep one additional version, and then separately to backup the database on a different schedule - perhaps twice a day.

I've just gone through the setup to Google Drive - it is OK if you closely follow the instructions AND open the instructions and the API to Google Drive in separate tabs (right click to do that)


Excuse me but I think you are wrong. The original image folder is not part of a Wordpress backup. If you do a complete backup, then the size of it should be significant. A Symbiostock site with 1000 images (photographs) should have a size of about 10 GB. And images can't be compressed a lot to make the size of a backup archive much smaller.
So you might want to check what size your backup archive files are.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backup Vaultpress
« on: September 04, 2013, 11:38 »

How to back up your entire Symbiostock website (in less than one hour) ➤

I'm not sure that you are completely backing up your site properly.  According to your blog, you are backing up "the /symbiostock/ folder".  But that doesn't contain everything.  See my post here for a list of directories that need to be backed up:

I have my complete Wordpress/SYMBIOSTOCK installation in the folder "symbiostock". It's backing up everything that belongs to the site.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:44 »
I've used Updraft Plus on a different site and it seems to work very well. It ties in with a Google Drive automatically. I just checked my own Google drive and I get 15G for free, and 100GB is $4.99 a month.

I'm going to set that up now and see how it goes!


But the problem is that with UpdraftPlus or Snapshots you won't get your entire site backed up. Which means in case of a crash you will have the database dump and some additional Wordpress files and folders but the Symbiostock site root folders (especially symbiostock_rf) will not be part of your backup. Which makes it useless.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:58 »
OK, understood. But it's really simple and I've just updated the step by step tutorial. If you follow it exactly, you can't do anything wrong. And it's less than 5 minutes of work.
If you're not on Mac but on Windows, then you don't have the "Terminal" app. You can use Putty instead.

I will look through it tonight. I am looking for a simple, fast way to back up, so its worth a shot. Thanks for putting the time into it!

Depending on your host, you might have to activate SSH access (and maybe create a user ID). I believe on Bluehost it's not activated by default.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Ftp backup
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:05 »
No, the database is usually not part of your public_html folder, except you have created DB backups there.

Seriously, the easiest way is to login via SSH, create a database dump, create an entire website archive and download it to a location of your choice. See .

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:00 »
OK, understood. But it's really simple and I've just updated the step by step tutorial. If you follow it exactly, you can't do anything wrong. And it's less than 5 minutes of work.
If you're not on Mac but on Windows, then you don't have the "Terminal" app. You can use Putty instead.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:16 »
I have looked at lots of different back up systems but cannot find any that suit my pocket (not spending more money till site pays for itself) and patience.

Current plan is to back up to external hard drive, duplicate back up and then redownload after changes telling Filezilla to only download/overwrite new files.  Then duplicate that and repeat.

Does this sound reliable?   I have already downloaded to one hard drive and am downloading again (with lots more images added) to another one at the moment with full backups.

This just leaves the MySql backup.   I have four of these (maybe for my three wordpress installations and a spare)  does anyone know how can I tell which one goes with my main symbiostock site?  (I also have test symbiostock site)

Why don't you just use the backup options via SSH as described here?
I'll actually update this article today since you don't even need a WP plugin to backup your database via SSH very easy and fast.

Didn't you answer the question already?
Crawling errors usually happens when a site has a down time or when links are broken.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Woohoo... first real SymbioStock sale.
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:52 »

Symbiostock - General / Re: Pricing sets
« on: September 03, 2013, 08:57 »
I'm wondering about the actual need for the collections or grouped files.

Especially in view of the fact that one of the Symbio features is the display of similar images from other sellers. In contract to conventional agencies where a buyer can easily aggregate images from multiple authors and pay for all of them in one transaction, on Symbio network he could see images from multiple sellers but would need to pay separately to each seller.

As a buyer I would rather buy the best images from multiple sellers than getting a fixed package from one. But since I am not a buyer, I'm really curious how this will work in practice.
Let us know about your experience.

I believe "Collections" are a fantastic sales tool. Every image can be purchased separately or all images of a "Collection" can be purchased as a set at a very attractive bulk rate. That's like pointing the potential customer to a better deal.
The difference to zip files is that the customer still has the choice of buying a single image or the entire set.

Imagine someone wants to write a story about pregnancy, or wants to build an entire website about it. A collection would be a perfect way to go to
1. save money
2. keep a layout
3. get enough image material

Take a look at this to get an idea:

Leo's link to the elk/moose article proves that the search results for "elk" are actually very good and accurate since we never know WHO will do the search.
In addition to that, every SYS site owner has a fundamental interest in accurate keywords because he/she is responsible for the success of his/her website. If there are lots of inapplicable keywords to be found, visitors will probably avoid the site in the future.

Bottom line, I don't see a need for moderation of textual content.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Pricing sets
« on: September 03, 2013, 08:19 »
What would be the benefit of offering zipped files in comparison to "Collections"?

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backup Vaultpress
« on: September 02, 2013, 15:51 »
Here's my theory.
If you have SSH access to your website, you could run a file/directory compression of the entire site (including database backups) creating one .zip or .tgz file.
This file could then be downloaded to your computer or directly to your cloud storage. Or both.

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Keyword expressions
« on: September 02, 2013, 09:38 »
I tested it on your site and the compound search does work great. That's maybe the difference between premium and the open source package.

The thing I don't like is the difference between the keyword "clouds" and "cloud".
On my site the keyword "cloud" doesn't find my "clouds" images and the other way around. To be found I need both keywords for every image. Strange!

You are correct, its the premium version with the updated search. But you can configure the search as you please.

It can search whole words, part words, and title and description, but you can toggle the settings as you please.

Just one note of importance: If you set it to search partial words, for example, sex, it will also return images with essex.

So if I search, with the free open source package, cloud doesn't find clouds images and vice versa. If sex returns essex this trick should work with cloud(s).
With the premium package this does work?
That is what I believe to be the case. Just wait for someone else to confirm. I dont want to give out wrong information and cause you to spend 75 dollar on something that doesnt work as expected.

I can confirm that. But I have disabled the partial word search because it generated too much noise.
When someone seaches for "asian" he will not only find asian but also caucasian.

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