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Messages - Red Dove

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No need to watch Game of Thrones to see beards and boobs running about - it's all kicked off in British politics at the moment with sackings, mutiny, backstabbing, tears, protest marches, racism, people shouting in the street at each other.

Bread and Circuses for the masses.


« on: June 30, 2016, 12:58 »
Found a workaround - if you open the email and click on forward as if you were sending it on to someone else the box and confirmation buttons are all displayed in the original mail - allowing you to click and confirm payment request.

Have advised support and they will have their tech team look into why some users cannot open the confirmation from their inbox.

« on: June 30, 2016, 05:46 »
I also experience problems with some automated e-mails from Dreamstime not received (such as the confirmation e-mail after I requested a payment). This is a recent problem and I am still in communication with Dreamstime how to resolve the problem.

Thanks for the reply - I've also contacted support and sent them the screen shot they asked for

« on: June 30, 2016, 03:42 »
Anyone else have this problem:

Emails from DT are always a cow for me. When I open them up all I can see is their banner but no content beneath it. More pertinent now since they send an email for you to confirm payment request... which of course I can't open. Tried fiddling with my email filters etc but I've missed something. Ideas/experience appreciated.

31 / Re: OMG DT does not need photos of BREXIT
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:10 »
A couple of my Brexit/EU Referendum vectors have picked up some sales since the vote took place. No sales before....Leave vote has made it global news.

32 / Re: Ever more erratic sales
« on: June 25, 2016, 08:41 »
June is my worst month since 2014.

If this continues I'll have to teach the cat to juggle so we can make enough money on the street to share a tin of tuna

I don't want to get into a debate - had enough of that already. But this morning I was in Sainsbury's buying provisions and was helped with a couple of essentials by a lovely Polish girl. I know there are various reasons and arguments flying about on both sides but I feel ashamed of what we've done and I can't shake it off.

No harm in asking - I'm sure Jon can spare a few coins for the poor.

35 / Re: Instant review
« on: June 22, 2016, 13:23 »
New game is to go and make a cup of tea or have a wee and see if they've approved my stuff by the time I get back

36 / Re: SS down again
« on: June 21, 2016, 13:28 »
SS staff live on grilled tofu and quinoa salads which makes them windy and weak. What they need is fresh meat and boxing or rugby instead of yoga. 

37 / Re: Is Shutterstock down again??
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:57 »
Down this morning in UK but up now - except that vector uploads are disappearing AGAIN and sales are 50% lower than a normal Friday.

Game of ping pong anyone?

Illustration - General / Re: JPEGS look like trash in Ai
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:26 »
You're probably right - but I needed the money for whisky

Illustration - General / Re: JPEGS look like trash in Ai
« on: June 15, 2016, 10:37 »
I had to perform a restore on my windows PC and since then couple of sites rejected my JPEG files for being "corrupted". EPS files look fine.
I checked the files along with other JPEGs created from before the restore and when I open them in Ai they appear fuzzy and are sized at 100% or more. Also the image exceeds the size of the artboard i.e. it is not restricted to the size of the artboard but fills the whole screen area in Ai. Have tried installing Ai from the loud again but no change. PC is telling me display drivers are up to date and made sure I have updated my PC on restart.
Clearly the restore has changed a parameter somewhere but  I'm struggling to find the source of this issue. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Think I fixed it - something wrong with a clipping mask - submitted for inspection to check.

40 / Re: Is Shutter Stock Down Anywhere?
« on: June 15, 2016, 09:40 »
Down in the UK but has been creaking like an old geezer for a week or more. Sales down as well - could be EU Referendum could be little green men from mars could be the twazillion new files added in past 24 months.

Had enough today - I'm going to have a cup of tea and a cornetto on the sofa.

Illustration - General / JPEGS look like trash in Ai
« on: June 15, 2016, 09:26 »
I had to perform a restore on my windows PC and since then couple of sites rejected my JPEG files for being "corrupted". EPS files look fine.
I checked the files along with other JPEGs created from before the restore and when I open them in Ai they appear fuzzy and are sized at 100% or more. Also the image exceeds the size of the artboard i.e. it is not restricted to the size of the artboard but fills the whole screen area in Ai. Have tried installing Ai from the loud again but no change. PC is telling me display drivers are up to date and made sure I have updated my PC on restart.
Clearly the restore has changed a parameter somewhere but  I'm struggling to find the source of this issue. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.

42 / Re: Income lose 2013 to 2016
« on: June 14, 2016, 07:50 »
Time for me to invest in a Yoda outfit and hang about on a pole in Trafalgar Square

43 / Re: upload does not work to SS
« on: June 14, 2016, 07:43 »
Been erratic for about a week now.

Fear not, SS personnel will attend once they've rolled up their yoga mats.

44 / Re: Uploading Issue??
« on: June 09, 2016, 09:03 »
Can't upload vectors without getting missing JPG error message. My earnings went up then went down with several previously reported sales now missing. Having the worst sales day I've had in several years.

For the amount of money they rake in you'd think SS would have the slickest operation out there but they have by far the buggiest, glitchy, effed up site going.

SS - Pull your thumbs out of your jacksie's and sort it.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Best camera for beginner?
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:22 »
Dsheppard90 posted 7 weeks ago - wonder what he/she got??

I can write - with the help of a few people on this forum and some of their work I'm prepared to produce an e-book and put it out there for $5 a copy - all proceeds to be shared equally amongst the contributors. How's that?

47 / Re: Image spam?
« on: March 29, 2016, 16:02 »
F*ck knows why I've bothered to learn how to draw again though.

48 / Re: Image spam?
« on: March 29, 2016, 16:00 »
Impact on revenue from all this crap is probably very low and subject to Law of Diminishing Returns....but this is easy money for SS and looks good on paper.

Even more reason for people to invest more time in other opportunities however.

49 / Shutterstock Computer Vision Algorithm
« on: March 15, 2016, 05:27 »
Not seen an announcement from SS on this ( maybe on the buyers side?) But this is interesting from the point of view that using "computer vision" will lead buyers to similar images that are ACTUALLY similar at a deeper level - take a look at the examples.

Kevin Lester at SS When we quicken the speed, we found that people search more, because what we did was reduce the cost of them doing the search, which means they were exploring our site more. And that in turn meant that they were more likely to sign up as customers,

They are on the Knitting Forum

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