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Messages - Morphart

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I got quite a surprise this morning when checking my Shutterstock stats...

ONE single sale image for a commission of 90.60$. I am really wondering what these licenses are, but seeing high numbers like this from Shutterstock is definetly extremely encouraging!!! :)

227 / Re: Single Image No Longer in Trial Mode?
« on: April 24, 2012, 22:32 »
I've been seeing a gradually growing number of single image sales... including a $18 yesterday... but I've noticed that the ELs seem to have dried up all of a sudden.  Had about a dozen spread out the first 13 days of this month, then none since then.  But when they stopped, the single image downloads seemed to have ramped up.  Coincidence?

I got 4 EL yesterday before my 1st 18.00$ sale.

I do not think they are related to EL

228 / Re: Single Image No Longer in Trial Mode?
« on: April 24, 2012, 16:56 »
There is also someone who got $70 a piece for two SOD's for a total of $140.

That is pretty darn good.

Must be something new going on?

Very nice. Had my first 18.00$ one also. I wonder what are those "other" license. I don't see that type of pricing anywhere on their site (only the single download at 19.00$ which should give us around 5.70$ for highest comission)

Sure can't complain about that :)

Thanks for the output everyone. Good to know the output and see the patterns :).

I am having good sales these days but I doubt I will catch up my ''loss'', maybe minimize it!

230 / Re: Shutterstock stats still weird...?
« on: April 23, 2012, 15:18 »

Anyone else experiencing issues with Shutterstock stats?

If I check total of sale for the day, it shows me 70 sales, and only 1 Enhanced download. 66.57$ sales.

If I click on the day, and check, it shows me 72 sales, and 2 Enhanced download... If I count manually, I get 95.71$ sales.

Is this just a delay in the update of the sales? The value at the top also shows me the ''lower'' results?

Congrats on great sales.

Thanks, always fun to get EL :)

Seems SS are having issues lately with those stats

Whenever I start to worry mid-month, I re-read my sig and resolve to wait until the end of the month.  Saves a lot of stress.

Yes I told myself that last week, but now we have more than 3 weeks in April. Doing a great day today, but if I check the prorata of the month I am at 800$ difference from last months... Was just wondering if there was some noticeable change for everyone depending on the months since I only have 1 year of serious data to compare from,

...but I DO hope it resolves by the end of the month... 7 day to go... ! But would have to double my daily income for that to happen so not counting on it ;)


General Stock Discussion / Noticeable slow April - Minus 30%
« on: April 23, 2012, 11:28 »
Was just wondering if April was usually a ''slow'' month, like december?

It may catch up before the end of the month, but right now I am facing hard fact that if this conitnues like the previous 3 weeks, I am down 33% in income this month, which is a huge loss compared to a constant gain for over the last 14 months.

Was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing a general slowdown?

I hope it should catch up on the following month,


233 / Shutterstock stats still weird...?
« on: April 23, 2012, 11:11 »

Anyone else experiencing issues with Shutterstock stats?

If I check total of sale for the day, it shows me 70 sales, and only 1 Enhanced download. 66.57$ sales.

If I click on the day, and check, it shows me 72 sales, and 2 Enhanced download... If I count manually, I get 95.71$ sales.

Is this just a delay in the update of the sales? The value at the top also shows me the ''lower'' results?

« on: April 23, 2012, 08:19 »
When did you start uploading to canstock?

I started last year october and now have 437 files online and only made $5 there  :-[

For my part I do Illustration (vector) and started last year. Now have a 4k general images portfolio and making 200-300$ per month there

I wonder about Do you have sells in this spanish photo agency?

2500 images there since 3 months and 0 sales....

Canon / Re: Canon 5D Mark III: Official announcement
« on: March 02, 2012, 08:13 »
Oh! Now I can buy 5Dmk2 with a calm heart!

237 / Re: What is going on with Shutterstock?
« on: February 28, 2012, 09:33 »
Already BME! Usual for SS...

Money money money!

age fotostock seems to have been in business more than 30 years and have offices in different cities of the world, obviously they may have been doing something correctly, or maybe all the photographers that work with them are a bunch of masochists. So you are wondering about matters that you dont know well.

Im one of photographers, Im not a masochist, and on top they do a pretty professional job for me and on top they have a private social area that rocks. You need to be one of their photographers though, but they respond, clarify and help technically. 

... This thread was just to state something FUNNY I found in their nomenclature, not a personal attack on you, their system or their photographer?  ??? Cheer up! We are used to be called RF in microstock, LBRF was a first for me... Repeat after me... FunnnnnnY... FUN....NY.... FUNNN!!!! :)

Im with them and while they accept DVDs, in case that they run into a senile shooter, the best option is FTP or HDs if you send a ton of images that I doubt you have.
They (Eva) required to have signed contracts send by mail along with identity proof. Upload over 32 gb of images on FTP or send the contract along with DVDs? Don't have to be senile to be stupid it would seem eh? :) Thanks for being an *, you're helping everyone understand the nice community there! :) Good thing that not every photographer on their Yammer are like you.

Of course FTP is the best way to increase a portfolio without the hassle, you're quite impressively brilliant!

I find great that they edit my images.
Your point?

This is surreal if it was not wrong. You only need to add a category when you send video clips, otherwise your IPTC only needs "Description" and "Keywords" as simple. You dont need to go your area there if you dont want to.
You  have to do this, else they will not get the final approval to get online. For your case, they might do it for you, if thats the case, great for you. This forum is to give information to people. In any case having your image set in categories is not a lengthy process, and it cannot hurt your search results.

Quote from: TheDman on January 05, 2012, 13:52 >>They recommend your camera be at least 12 megapixels, and will accept jpgs no smaller than 26 MB "saved at quality 10 or higher in Photoshop". What 12 megapixel camera produces 26 MB jpgs, especially saved at quality 10?<<

You need to read between lines. Most pros knows that 12mpx cameras yields 36MB of data once decompressed. If they require a 12mpx camera and accepts 26MB files that implies that they accept images from cameras around 8mpx but suggest to use better cameras. Not a bad deal.
Not all people here are pros, not need to laugh at them pal :).

>>The Agefotostock link that Morphart posted above. It details the requirements for becoming a contributor there. Strange requirements indeed... I wonder how anyone gets accepted!<<

age fotostock seems to have been in business more than 30 years and have offices in different cities of the world, obviously they may have been doing something correctly, or maybe all the photographers that work with them are a bunch of masochists. So you are wondering about matters that you dont know well.

Im one of photographers, Im not a masochist, and on top they do a pretty professional job for me and on top they have a private social area that rocks. You need to be one of their photographers though, but they respond, clarify and help technically. 

What he was trying to say is that they're requirements are not the standard in the microstock world, and the answer to that is that they I would class them more as a Midstock collection and a Macrostock collection, thus the different requirements, even tho Alamy don't ask that much (contract, ID proof and such).

So you are wondering about matters that you dont know well.

HEY good thing this is a forum? Great place to wonder and get answers! :) Sorry if I'm answering for the one you were bitching at, but you deserved an answer back :).

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: February 25, 2012, 22:39 »
Morphart's angel arrived today. Awwwwwwwww! 

(BTW, name your wife liked is my middle name, so another coincidence, LOL)

Haha! Yet another coincidence, starting to make many!

I loved your card, the effect, the shot and the overall look is breathtaking, great card!! :)

Canon / Re: Canon 5DX
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:02 »
I HOPE it will have the 'P' feature on the Dial... as in PROFESSIONAL!


New Sites - General / Re: Superhug sells stock images
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:15 »
Is uploading EPS files through FTP available yet or is this still being worked on?

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: February 16, 2012, 16:19 »
aha, well, now that you mention it, yes it has .. once, but only because of 'stupidity'

There wasn't a wind and I really wanted a shot (of horses chasing cows) so I was towing the kite behind the car.  I was by myself so I was driving and holding onto the kite through the window in the drivers seat.. I didn't realize that the kite had taken a swoop towards the ground (I had 2 kites attached to the line which probably caused the problems - also a big mistake).. so it crash landed, dragged my 5D MII with a 16-35 f/2.8 lens down the gravel road a bit and eventually into the ditch.  Everything came out fine though :) .. amazingly enough -   The lens has a very little scratch on the glass but it doesn't show in the images.

HAHA (funny to read but must not be funny to experience).... Amazingly creative hehe, you must get pretty nice shots with that, even tho it's a bit risky :)

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:07 »
My cards are going out today... finally!! ;)

Yes Leaf I was pretty impressed with that, it gives amazing shots! :)

SS continues to get stronger every month for me. Thanks to a chunk of EL's I'm well on target for a BME and about 60% up on Feb 2011.

Same for me, experiencing constant gain month over month on Shutterstock (but I do increase my portfolio a bit each month also)

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: February 01, 2012, 09:11 »
Mine are at the print shop, another week should get it to your mail!!

246 / Re: no salses at canstockphoto
« on: January 26, 2012, 18:18 »
Apparently you're right, Morphart.  I'm a photographer, and prior to this past December, I'd average about half a dozen sales per month.  Had twelve sales in June, one sale in July.  Had six sales in November and then... nothing.  One sale a couple of days ago.  I like CanStockPhoto, and I really hope it does well, but so far that's not the case for me.  (My portfolio there is 1,313 files.)

Yes I do feel after reading a lot of threads on Canstock that illustrations does better there then photography.

This thread here is another example of it:!/

Check with their support, I don't seem to have that issue with my Illustration. The preview looks like the my illustration even when I zoom in.

I had issues before with Bigstock because my illustrations EPS were set to CMYK instead of RGB, so the color got distorted, maybe you can check this too just in case.

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: January 25, 2012, 17:01 »
Next time I'll be going to VistaPrints reckless card came from there and maybe if people would advise where they had their done? Mine are clearly printed on the back "Walgreens Photo" I was lazy, and they also had offered 25 free prints one day. So I jumped on it.

Vistaprint I think will be good enough. but they have too large a quantity.

We could all order in a print shop together to save on pricing and get a good quality, however we would need to have everything shipped to each of you, or have the one who prints it send the card for everyone, which might not be a good idea either.

Either way, different quality, different pictures, I like the variety and styles we currently get, no use to get too fancy if we lose the Fun along the way :)

248 / Re: no salses at canstockphoto
« on: January 25, 2012, 15:38 »

Canstock automatically converts your EPS (vector) to JPG, and offer both to users.

Of my 700 sales, 300 of those are EPS format. Commission on EPS is great (2.50$ to 5.00$) so it adds up quickly. If you have the EPS version of you illulstrations, I would recommend removing the port and re-uploading as EPS (with meta data in it), you might be losing some sales there.

I have a fairly large portfolio now (3500 images), I started with 400 at the beginning of the year.

At 400 images (vector) I had around 20 sales per month, and right now I have around 100 per month.

Hope a bit of stats help you, but considering 300 EPS out of 720 sales, it means 41% (more or less) of my sales are EPS, so that is a lot.

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: January 25, 2012, 14:43 »
And you and my older daughter also have something in common for 2012, since she & her husband are expecting a baby (boy) early May. First grandchild on both sides of the family.... a (furless) model who (literally) can't say no!

Hope you'll have a chance to share baby pictures down the road, Morphart.

Congratulations to your daughter... and for the grandmonther-to-be! :)

I will definitely share some pictures, as you say, this model can't say no... yet! :)

You did figure out the rules about what goes on the card, right?   There are no rules.  ;D

Yes I did figure that out hehe :) Waited to receive a few to be sure :P

Off Topic / Re: MSG PCEX 2012 - Postcard Exchange January 2012
« on: January 25, 2012, 14:42 »
Got Racephoto's, thanks!
I ahve not even ordered my prints yet...  :-[

On my side I have just completed the graphic design for the postcards, and will be sending to a print shop today. My first thought to be quick about it was to go to Wal-Mart and print them there since that's about the only quick solution I have here in my small town, but after doing the card it would be a shame to print this on low quality material.

It might take a week more but I'm having them print at one of my printing provider for my company... will be worth the extra time to wait ;)

On my side I received RacePhoto (Thanks for the Starved Rock photo and history), Opla (wouldn't want my kids going to school next to a 90km zone road ;)), and Reckless (really awesome illustration, very talented!!)

Will keep you posted (haha) when mine are in the mail!

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