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Messages - Lina
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« on: October 04, 2018, 09:19 »
I noticed that from middle of September. My views were 2-3 times higher than usual and in October are 5-6 times higher. Sales are low as usual.
First I noticed that some of my new(er) images have many views and no sales at all, which is weird.
Poslano sa mog HUAWEI CAN-L11 koristeći Tapatalk
« on: September 05, 2018, 15:30 »
Do you know if illustrations sell much on Alamy?
No, I don't know. Sorry, I should have mentioned I am new at Alamy, started uploading photos and illustrations month ago. I haven't sold anything yet.
« on: September 05, 2018, 14:27 »
I am struggling with same question so much these days. Looking at some amazing portfolios, can't help but wondering are these people selling illustrations like crazy and if not, why on earth they are uploading great work at microstock. Earlier it was worth it, I earned very good money from just one illustration which even wasn't so complex. Lately whatever I do gets buried and unnoticed or I sell it for few cents every now and then.
So I decided to upload my new, time-consuming illustrations only at Alamy, still can't decide between RF and RM (rasters, not vectors). Maybe I won't sell them at all, but at least I won't give them almost for free. Just my opinion, keep in mind that I was never high earner on micros.
« on: July 14, 2018, 08:11 »
I guess you can't post on their forum either... If it helps at all, there is Facebook group called Passive income for designers, where members are mostly from CM. I was thinking that Dustin Lee, administrator of group, is one of co-founders, but I was wrong, looks he is one of shop owners.
Yes, it is shame that sites like that exist, I will think of removing my remaining products from there, I never thought they might treat us so badly.
Poslano sa mog HUAWEI CAN-L11 koristeći Tapatalk
« on: July 14, 2018, 04:18 »
I would try to contact them again and resolve it, at least to get your money. Their staff is usually very friendly, hard to believe that they wouldn't try to help. But it is also hard to believe what happened to you... so good luck!
Poslano sa mog HUAWEI CAN-L11 koristeći Tapatalk
« on: July 14, 2018, 02:09 »
Like it is your fault... unbelievable. Under all that nice and positive surface, some weird things are going on there, I also saw that shop owners are reporting their work is stolen and selling at other sites, but never sold at CM - turned out also something with fradaulent credit cards.
CM looked very promising to me, but after I saw it actually works like bunch of amateurs are running the site, I gave up uploading, I have just couple of products there.
Poslano sa mog HUAWEI CAN-L11 koristeći Tapatalk
« on: July 13, 2018, 13:35 »
I am wondering would I be able to get free 1-year subscription and is it worth to look foward to other promotions. I am from Croatia, in my country Adobe CC web subscription is not available, which is pretty big issue for photographers and designers here.
So my questions are: Will Adobe make promotions available equally for all contributors, even us from countries without subscription?
I found my answer in Official rules, looks like Croatia is eligible for this promotion. Sorry Mat, I haven't found that info before. Surprising but nice. Poslano sa mog HUAWEI CAN-L11 koristeći Tapatalk
« on: July 13, 2018, 05:48 »
Very nice gift from Adobe, although I don't meet criteria. Even if I meet them, I am wondering would I be able to get free 1-year subscription and is it worth to look foward to other promotions. I am from Croatia, in my country Adobe CC web subscription is not available, which is pretty big issue for photographers and designers here.
So my questions are: Will Adobe make promotions available equally for all contributors, even us from countries without subscription?
If I decide to buy subscription some day, will I be able to do it if I get Adobe ID via syncing my Fotolia and Adobe Stock account? I guess not, but it's worth asking.
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