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Messages - The Mighty Jungle

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176 / Re: Sales have tanked big time
« on: October 19, 2011, 09:33 »

we are feeding them a huge percentage of each one of our sales. They shouldn't be biting our hands like this....

and, to mix metaphors, they have smashed a hole in the hull and are ignoring this ship while it sinks.

177 / Re: Sales have tanked big time
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:07 »
If you go to the Alexa website, search on and set the chart to MAX, you will see that there was a significant drop in visitors to the website around April of this year.... it's nearly a vertical drop ... and from that point on it continues downward.

What in the he** did they do in April?

178 / Re: Sales have tanked big time
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:14 »
so who has the traffic these days?

FYI... I'm seeing the same thing as Nico_blue.... I've been a member since 2002 and my Octobers have always been up....  this year, for the first time... not so much.... and I'm uploading at a higher rate than ever.....

179 / Re: Sales have tanked big time
« on: October 04, 2011, 20:26 »
Not only does DeepMeta speed up your uploads, it also allows you to add similar thumbnails below each image.... thus a great cross selling tool.

180 / Re: Best Match Update
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:50 »
I agree.... there are now more files that have already proven themselves at the top.... but with newer files interspersed among them.....

Before the change though, for the last few days, I was enjoying some of my most recently submitted files actually getting dowloaded.... it usually takes FOREVER for a new file to catch on.....

181 / Re: Best Match Update
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:00 »
Looks like the algorithm changed again last night.... now more heavily weighted in favor of images with more downloads.......

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