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Messages - puravida
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« on: July 01, 2009, 09:08 »
Frontpage is showing something "editorial" as contrived as someone holding up a sign for Michael Jackson. And other images that are no doubt less newsworthy than many that editors used to call news unworthy. Crowds standing around, is not newsworthy. Picture of me holding up a sign for michael jackson, can be done outside my house even if it has nothing to do with me being outside Michael Jackson's wake,etc... How can DT justify this when other more related to news have in the past been passed along as not newsworthy enough. An image of M Jackson's corpse is newsworthy, but someone standing in line at his funeral, which is easily portrayed half a million miles away, is not. Has DT gone extreme over Michael Jackson's death. How about me holding up a sign for Farrah Fawcett ? would that be accepted too as editorial.
Be objective? It's editorial and I think DT has gone off the rocker.
« on: June 30, 2009, 15:21 »
Wow 7000 images online and just above 30 Euros/month?! Thats a return of below 0.005 /image/month. Thats about 0.25% of what you can make per image/month at istock with a reasonable good portfolio. So you need ~ 400 Zoonars to make the equivalent of what you can make at istock with a similar amount of images Maybe 20% is not so bad after all as much as I dislike this low royalty.. But thanks for sharing!
yes , i hate to sound pessimistic but Freezingpictures is correct. i have been estimating the returns to portfolio size, and even a poor performing portfolio with any of the Big5 should bring you 20% $/port size. in other words, 7000 images should earn you at worst with a Big 5 site $1400.
« on: June 30, 2009, 12:20 »
what attracted me to you is the headlines that you have attachments to German Telekom, or something like that. but what made me hesitate is you have commentors review and ratings. this is too flickr or amateurish. sounds too much like mostphotos. if you get rid of the ratings by people, and just stick to being a stock site, i am sure you will get more people here interested in trying. but if you are just too much interested in being another flickr, mostphotos,etc... not so good.
« on: June 30, 2009, 08:50 »
I wouldn't go that far to insist that IS and SS are the best sellers. For some it's not true. I agree that if you cut short, it should be 4 of the Big 6. It used to be 5 before StockXpert got screwed up by Getty, JUI, mess. I would say the one that you should concentrate is the one that sells for you. Asking others which one is really out of the point. Because, if I am selling really well , would I be telling you which one?
« on: June 29, 2009, 12:17 »
I'll be traveling in north india in august and I'm thinking about using the LX3 instead of my 400D, because of the awful performance of the EF-S 17-85. can't afford a decent lens before leaving. mario[unquote]
some of the best equipment, computers, HDTV,etc are never advertised. As pros used to say for Sinar, Hasselblad,Rolleiflec,etc , "..because those who know already buy them". Lumix is not the flavour of the month. You don't see them like Nikon and Canon. Like the classic Leica, it carries the tradition of high standards, and like Leica and other cameras, you don't see them splashed all over the magazines or web. The quality speaks for itself.
« on: June 28, 2009, 17:42 »
It goes to prove once again that you don't need a large piece of "Male Jewelery" hanging from you to attain super images.
rofl. photographers are after all people, many still believe that size matters
« on: June 27, 2009, 14:48 »
good points DWL. esp the part on quality vs quantity. I like the current small overhaul the Big 6 are going through these days ie. more rejection, more unhappy contributors. Am I crazy? No, not really. As DWL said, "...uploading so-so images hoping they get through, feeling upset at rejections and the so-so images not getting views, zooms or sales, so the photographer then blames everyone else" ..."if the acceptance rate is falling or low, just add or change a goal to address this, by cutting the 10 uploads a week to 5 and looking at the content or workflow more."
there is a section of contributors who believe in flooding the sites and then cheering for 10--20% revenue of the port size. instead of giving only the best images. they shoot themselves in the foot doing this. why? your so so images flood the selection with 0 dls 0 views . if you submit less images, the site has less useless or redundant images, which increase your chance as well as everyone else's to get more dls. the buyers get what they want, instead of getting one of your so so images. and this improves the business.
but most of us don't think like that. so the sites have to slash and burn. and now we see more rejections. bad news for many, but good news for those who upload less but best.
« on: June 27, 2009, 12:00 »
again still guessing, but based on the two images from Chasing Moments, one is yes, too yellow, and the other is a bit cyan (note the shoe and sock, an absence of red, and the grass, not green... ). but strangely enough, neither of them has clean white highlights on the child's cheek, but pink. if your calibration is correct or if you did not do any post processing, the highlight is usual white, as reflections are. in this case, they are both pink, like you painted on it, or did some highlight /shadow adjustment that went wrong.
« on: June 27, 2009, 11:50 »
I too did not vote because I could not see this option: I AM HAPPY but WITH SUBSCRIPTION GETTING MORE COMMON AND COMMISSIONS GETTING SMALLER, PAYOUT SHOULD BE LOWERED TO THE SAME PROPORTION. eg.. commissions used to be $1, 2, + payout = $100 but now commissions are more common to be 0.30cts. payout should be /3 or /4 = $25.
« on: June 26, 2009, 13:10 »
For isolated over white copyspace , which is the norm, I don't think it makes any great diff. I would place it in the centre portrait or landscape . Reason being that any layerout artist can crop or copy paste the isolated image to make the layer to their preference. Which explains why many sites prefer NOT to add any other elements in your product shot ,etc... as it would limit the usage of your image.
« on: June 25, 2009, 16:52 »
I don't think it has anything to do with your monitor. Some reviewers pick whatever is closest to represent their rejection reason. Vague , perharps but it's not something we are unaccustomed. I once had an image rejected because I changed the colour profile. I don't do any post processing out of the ordinary. I never touch the colour profile in camera or in photoshop. It's the same for all the hundreds or even thousands of RAW images that went through my cameras and PS. Still I do get the odd rejection with this reason. I simply don't bother with it, and write it off as one of those canned responses. No need to waste your energy on just one image. You can produce a lot more with that same wasted energy by moving on and taking more new photos for uploading.
« on: June 25, 2009, 15:15 »
The economy is in fact the main guilty for this situation.
That's because the economy exposes weaknesses in business models. To quote WB "It's only when the tide goes out ... etc"
Microstock in my view is in robust good health. My May 2009 was 29.6% up on May 2008 (which itself was 80% up on 2007) and this month is projected to be 35% up on June 2008. What's not to like?
Thanks for the post Oldhand. Interesting reading.
speaking of economy. here's something to make us all feel more depressive. i read somewhere that in each of our lifetime, each one of us will live to experience at least 3 Great Depression , ie. Market Crash where many lose jobs,etc.. Geesh, talk about bad karma . Which of our ancestors fXck it all up for us ?
« on: June 25, 2009, 13:37 »
gostwyck, she is probably a very good photographer,no doubt. also an even better business person, or else she would not have succeeded in getting a featured interview. all very excellent marketing with lots of marketing hooks, therefore the DEFINITIVE STATE , blah blah blah. like the great ubiquitous McD, "we serve XXXmillions a day" , rather than the small print hidden in the corner restaurant that serves the best dishes from the Cordon Bleu school . the point again, is just that. McD serves and sell more than that little quaint restaurant where one pay money for a chef who cooks up the best meal you can taste to go along with their best wine. McD a great success serves nothing like that. They give you generics with speed and quantity. Much like stock photography.
So, to compare stock photography with fine arts is like telling me that you go to McD for their "fine dining". If you do that, it is you trying to convince me that your taste of the great McD is as good as fine dining.
Only someone who has not tasted fine dining (no quotes this time) will think that is wishful thinking. No rembrandt, da vinci, michelangelo,etc.. not even Avedon, in micro stock. Sorry!
There is a BIG difference. I shoot for stock, I shoot for fine arts. I don't try to tell everyone that my stock work is as good as fine art.
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:23 »
Thx for posting the link, gostwyck. It's a good read. As for what I think of it? There seems to be a contradiction with the closing statements. Good stock photos as good as fine arts. Then the next breath emphasizes the importance of volume. No fine arts painter or photographer would stress on volume. In fact, they discard more than they end up showing. You cannot make fine arts with mass production factories , man or machine, and to say this is almost laughable. Well, if this is against my better judgement and I prove wrong, then perhaps my grandchildren will see some stock photographer's work at the Smithsonian. Ha! ... and I will roll in my grave
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:53 »
Interesting anecdote , tan! But some images do last forever. Only you have to be Ansel Adams, Cecil Beaton, Karsh, W Eugene Smith, Henri Cartier Bresson. You don't even have to worry about keeping them for yourself, a curator will do it for you. The moral of the story being ... If you want your images to last forever, GET GOOD, GET GREAT, GET FAMOUS.
That being said, I wonder if any micro, or any ,stock photographer will ever make it to the Smithsonian .
« on: June 24, 2009, 14:05 »
On my front page of "new images" I have now 20 pics with 0 views, except this one that's got 3 views and 1 sale: http://www.dreamstime.com/children-ready-to-race-thumb9628528.jpg
When I clicked on the keywords the buyer used, it was clear that (s)he had changed to newest first, cause the picture is nowhere to be seen on the regular search, while on newest it was no.3.
I don't know what other people should do, but I'll keep trying to improve keywords and pictures. I wouldn't mind if you all deleted all your files and gave me monopoly, but I don't really see the logic in why anybody would do that.
Well, I think I'll try to cull some of my new images to deselect them, and see if it improves my views on the latest uploads. If not, I will deselect some of those new images that sell for me on the other site very quickly. No point to upload more if it makes it worst for me.
*gaja, give you monopoly ? of no views? *tan, So new images on other site sell very quickly . Then you must have buyers watching for your new uploads. It's indication you should upload more there. Don't ignore the chances, they don't come around often.
« on: June 23, 2009, 18:31 »
I think a lot of people miss the notion that most (traditional) buyers when it comes to images under 50 bucks are not that price sensitive. So if the image is priced 4, 14, or 40 bucks it wont matter alot. Having the right image is the most important.
JOhn, you may be right. Howveer, remember Photo Shelter? They had the same vision as you did. When they closed down, the CEO said the problem was trying to break the mindset of the buyers to pay more for better images. They even took on Getty directly in their forum, which I am sure you remember as you had that on your front page as well. As we see micro getting close and closer towards free images, how do you propose to (break the mindset of the buyers to pay more) ? This is not a contradiction to your response to tan510jomat. I too wish you succeed with your own vision with Cutcaster.
« on: June 23, 2009, 14:30 »
I am thinking maybe it 's best to disable the files that have not be viewed after so long. Do you think it's a good idea.
stockastic, no, I don't mean DT disable the images. I mean myself, disable my own new images that have no views for so long
If you disable your own new photos, what difference would it make? You will still get no views. Unless they are exclusive Dreamstime files, then maybe you could disable them and give them to the other Big 5 , in hopes that they will get better views and therefore better chances of downloads. But for the non-exclusive files, I don't see the point.
« on: June 23, 2009, 11:46 »
Can I have one for my tupperware business?
LOL, why, are you gonna start making official Tupperware announcements that might be called into question?
Sean got a good business here. tupperware is unbreakable. very useful for throwing when you get a rejection for your new uploads yes, Sean, i'll take a dozen of the assorted ones. in orange if you please
« on: June 23, 2009, 10:49 »
I still have two 36 exp. rolls of Kodachrome, outdated five years ago. ....... Just don't have the heart to throw it away.
Larry, you should keep them. One day it could be a collectors item for ebay . Esp when the digital generation who does not know what film media was. i guess it does make you feel like you've lost an old dear and constant companion who came with us for many memorable hours, doesn't it? i literally "grew up" with kodachrome..
You know what Kodachrome taught us? It taught us discipline. At least for me. It was too expensive to bang away a roll with guess work. You used the sekonic incident and you made sure you got it calibrated. Aftergetting your first 5 rolls of Kodachrome back from lab to see dark slides and brown bagging for a month, you stop guessing and did a lot of homework to know your camera.
« on: June 22, 2009, 21:41 »
Kodachrome rocked for me . If only we get a digital equal to it. O well, everything comes to past . Many of my Kodachrome slides are still in great shape, outlasting the Agfa, Ekta, and Fuji -chromes.
« on: June 22, 2009, 17:24 »
where I should upload or not, I think you should keep your own business and take care about your images. Also, try not to give advices before you are asked for advice! You are truly an amusing specimen. I am not angry at all, nor will I listen to you to push the IGNORE button. As for the latter try not to give advices b4 being asked, I think you should take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and repeat that. Finally, you never seem to want to get it into your head that perharps you don't know what you are talking . Everyone is wrong and you are right, from IS, to whoever respond to your rant. What's the point of putting in your rant if you don't expect anyone to disagree with you? Maybe you should request Tyler to get you your own section with the section heading : Milinz is Always Right !
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:23 »
I don't buy your oppinion about 'different needs and culture' - that is crap! Stock Image is either good or not - No one can persuade me that there is something as LCV or 'not needed' for good stock image!
The other thing is about 'new' or 'old' images... That is crap too! Buyers will buy image they need - not the new one or old one... It is really not relevant for buyers if image illustrates what is needed to illustrate.
Well, his theory was pretty much confirmed by the email that Cathy got. They may edit their collection however they choose. If you don't agree with their editing philosophies, then perhaps they are not a good match for your efforts, and your time would be better spent uploading to an agency that accepts everything you send them.
Yes, whatalife understands what I meant by CULTURE. Milinz, I answer to you on your latest bant (banding) but I will repeat it here for your convenience: - You said you are a reviewer. I am shocked that you do not respect another reviewer's judgement for the agency they work. This is what I meant on the other site when I said - the culture of a site . It's not crap, it's what the site tells their reviewers the criteria of what is wanted and what is not. As whatalife mentioned there too, if you disagree, you can always stop uploading to IS, or Veer, and perharps, upload to the site you review. This way, you don't have to keep crapping on how everyone is unfair to you here on MSG. --
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:20 »
You said you are a reviewer. I am shocked that you do not respect another reviewer's judgement for the agency they work. This is what I meant on the other site when I said - the culture of a site . It's not crap, it's what the site tells their reviewers the criteria of what is wanted and what is not. As whatalife mentioned there too, if you disagree, you can always stop uploading to IS, or Veer, and perharps, upload to the site you review. This way, you don't have to keep crapping on how everyone is unfair to you here on MSG.
« on: June 21, 2009, 15:32 »
And exclusive. In return you get a better positioning in the search engine and instant level 5. You also get the halo effect which I was mentioning. I don't care if it's "trapped" since I have no intention to leave DT. As far as I can see, there are only 2 reasons to remove an image(s) from microstock: (a) exclusive buyout, but only DT has it, so it's not applicable, or (b) going exclusive somewhere.
THis special treatment you get only if your image wins the assignment. It doesn't mean every one who submits to the assignment get this better position, instant level 5,etc
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