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Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Wordpress 3.6
« on: August 01, 2013, 17:44 »
Good to know. Thanks!

Are there any visible differences?

Symbiostock - General / Re: A HUGE thanks to Leo & Others
« on: August 01, 2013, 16:48 »
While I've still no sales on my SYS site it is very encouraging to read others' success stories here. I am confident that my time investment in my SYS site will pay off eventually. So I join in: A HUGE thanks to Leo & Others!

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: August 01, 2013, 16:40 »
Personally keyword spamming doesn't bother me in a system where I can just cut off the connection with the spammer :D

People of course will say "OMG Leo doesn't care about keyword spamming!!!" but really the issue is that keywords are a small part of what bring customers to you at this point. Regarding the network and everyone sharing the load though, I'd hope blatant disrespect and self-promotion could be avoided.

I agree with Leo. However, I can see that keyword spamming might create a problem for those of us who run a hub site. One idea to deal with it could be a system where image searchers/buyers can easily "flag" what they think is keyword spamming. Image owners and hub site owner could then be informed of those flags. It'd help hub sites to recognize possible spamming and help everyone else not intentionally spamming to pinpoint and correct issues.
That said, I am aware that DT has such a system implemented, which I believe is just a PITA and doesn't help much. But that's just my limited view as a contributor. So I might be wrong.

Interesting thought. I'd be curious about the results of such an experiment. However, with zilch sales so far I doubt I can contribute statistically relevant data... - That's why I tend to answer your poll with "no" while it would probably be a "yes" if I was in David's (Stompstock) shoes.

I would like to know what some of the visual changes entailed might be.  However, I would be ready and willing to move forward as long as it is stable.

OK. At least I understand what we are talking about now  8). I am with Chris. Stability is my main concern. Beside that I'd be ready moving forward, find out what visual changes it brings. If I don't like certain things I'd be ready tweaking CSS in my child theme until it looks "right" again.

There's no need at all to use hard coded terms such as "microstock", "royalty free", etc in the SYS theme. If someone wants it for whatever reason it is easy to include in individual design, text, license.
That said, I still believe it would be of great advantage if we could all agree on a basic set of license options to avoid buyers have to wade through a mess of license legalese that's different on each and every SYS site.

Symbiostock / Re: Questions about page layout
« on: August 01, 2013, 15:53 »
Basically Symbiostock's a finely tuned truck with some horsepower. It would be wrong if you didn't take it off-roading and get it dirty a bit

LOL - I love this one! Don't break an axle, though  ;D

What is Bootstrap 3? Where is the attached poll? OK, there's the poll, I replied too quick  :) - Can't answer, though, because I am one of the clueless. :(

I can't wait for the premium plugin. I believe it will sell like hotcake...

I have been away for only 3 weeks and find it quite amazing how Symbiostock developed in such a short time span. It is still a long way to go and many issues need to be dealt with. But that is to be expected for a project of this scale. Big 4 (on the right) watch out!  ;D

Symbiostock / Re: Questions about page layout
« on: August 01, 2013, 13:40 »
You could try to find out how it looks on smaller screens.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: August 01, 2013, 02:36 »
I am with cascoly here. While an image's caption should as accurately and precisely as possible describe the image, keywords are to help image users finding the best image for their purpose. I doubt that even half of potential ape/monkey image buyers are aware of the academic differentiation. We should also take into account that there are a lot of buyers that are not native English speakers. If a buyer cares to read my monkey image's caption found with keyword ape, this image would never make it on a cover if that buyer really wanted an ape.

In any case, when I look at the keywords that buyers used to find and buy my images on DT I find that roughly one third used keywords that are more or less off. I take this as clear indication not to be overly dogmatic on this issue. If I really p!ss off buyers like shudderstok, so it be. - Just show me one stock collection from many contributors that is free from "keyword spamming" issues when you see it as strict as shudderstok? Yet, it seems buyers are still happy to use such collections in ever increasing numbers.

My 2 cents! 

No message here. Is it a secret? I love secrets  ;)

Symbiostock - General / Re: Symbiostock- Critical Mass?
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:25 »

Has anybody given some thought to how QC might be imposed?

yes Leo has, both with the rating system and the ability to not have people in your network, I do look at other people's work and if I came across a site I thought was listing sub-standard work - in my opinion - I would have no hesitation in removing it from my network.  It would still appear in other peoples lists unless/until they also remove it so I think we do need to spend some time looking at other's work.

On a side note - did anyone get a message from me via Leo the other day as I have had no response whatsoever ?  Am just going to start a fresh thread about it elsewhere

Meaning if agencies point out poor images they actually do us a favour as we don't have to do that part of QC ourselves  ;D

Symbiostock - General / Re: Symbiostock- Critical Mass?
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:58 »
However, I also believe with the potential also comes the risk that many contributors will join while not maintaining the quality of content. Which could be damaging to the entire idea, IMO.

I have that same concern. It's fine to accept anybody with a collection of images when the concept is new and you're trying to build critical mass, but if there's no quality control the entire effort will ultimately implode.

Not hard to imagine how the big agencies will fight back as Symbiostock grows: they'll just point to poor images & portfolios in our network.

Has anybody given some thought to how QC might be imposed?

So far it is a lot easier to point out poor images on the agencies. Just look what IS is doing right now  ::)

Symbiostock - General / Re: Symbiostock- Critical Mass?
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:00 »
It is a number game as long as we depend on google and our SEO to suck in buyers. The more niches we cover on search page 1 (think 'lonesome bengal cat' in another thread) the more visitors/buyers we get. 

Thanks for the answers. That's a pity though. I feel like we're not using the full potential of our products and our site.

You're right, thanks god. Imagine a software product not even 3 months old that had already reached its full potential!
So let's keep exploring potentials. There will be more bug fixes and there will be more (paid) plugins to expand into those potentials.
Isn't it just amazing how far this project developed in such short time?

Wait: what happen if I stay "no" but set the filter "red"? I shouldn't get all the unrated dogs but I should get Steve's yellow rated statues, right? But I do get nothing when searching for liverpool. Not even an empty box for Steve. I get an (unexplained) empty box, though.  ;D

So the unrated/rated tick box might work correctly, the color ratings don't...

I have my site still on "Yes" to unrated content as to my understanding it'd let unrated content through but should block yellow and red rated stuff since my filter is set to green. Am I wrong?  :-\

When I change "No" to unrated content I don't see Steve's liverpool statues any longer. However, when I search for dog I see not even one animal not even my own single dog photo. So I think this is not even a work-around.  :(

I go back to "Yes" to unrated content.  ;)


There are two places to change the filter so I will try and get this the rightway around just in case anyone has not discovered both yet
Network page sets what you see on other sites
Author options page sets the default for images on your own site

Hmm, I don't think Steve and I are missing something here. But I'd sure love to see a (test) filter setup that actually works!  :D

same here. processed about 100 photos to draft. A few 60MP panos among them. Everything worked like a charm (v2.5.5 on Blue Host). I didn't push it, though, and processed in batches of 20 to 25 at a time.

But hosting and php.ini (memory setting, imagemagic image processor ...) still make all the difference. There must detailed info on that on

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Visitor behavior
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:17 »
There is a wealth of info available if you link your website with google analytics and webmaster tools (all free)

Yoast WordPress SEO is a must-have WP plugin and the Wordfence plugin is neat to watch real-time what happening on your site.

Be prepared for a steep learning curve, though, if you're a newbie to all this like I was just two months ago  ;)

I did a compound keyword search on my own site and noticed that my network partner listed more of my images than my own site.

So my question is, does have a better search engine than individual SY sites?
Obviously compound search terms deliver poorer results on my SY site than they do via the networking hub. Any explanation for that?

Yes, compound search on our sites doesn't work (correctly) because of limitations to the WP database. That's the point where Leo had to call it quits for now. He wrote a code snipplet for the Genetic Lab to automatically add the 'uncompounded' keywords to your images as a temporary work-around. doesn't have that limitation because it works off its own database.

Steve, I have my SY site still on GREEN filter but your liverpool statues still show up when searching for keyword "liverpool" (which I don't have). Guess it is safe to say that the rating/filtering systems doesn't work/has bugs  :( - Not that we can't live with it for now  :)


All I can say is that Leo did a fantastic job on SEO!

Yes, it is quite amazing. Much better even at this early stage than Photoshelter, Zenfolio and other more or less pricey subscription online stores.

I guess it is worth mentioning in this thread that when updating the SY theme you also loose all uploaded but not processed (to draft or online) images. A little nuisance that everyone not having updated yet should be better aware of.

I managed to update the site, and it seems to be fine, however one thing is messed up and I put a tremendous amount of work in, which seems to be gone now.

All my images are no longer sorted on date/time published. Its all random now. Which basically comes down to 3 weeks of work gone.

I understand this is actually a feature of the updated version. I find it kind of sad loosing the ability to influence search order by tinkering with date/time. But I think there is hope that this can be turned on again without touching the new ranking mechanism. But for now Leo enjoys his well deserved time off. So let us relax a bit, too. It's summer, after all  :D

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