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Messages - dbvirago

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New Sites - General / Re: Storyblocks approved images
« on: October 19, 2017, 09:46 »
Mine still not showing up. Deleted them all this morning. Don't have time for another part time agency, especially one hiding domain registration info

New Sites - General / Re: Storyblocks approved images
« on: October 18, 2017, 15:04 »
I uploaded a few just to see what I thought. Same problem. And no communication. So far, I'm not impressed.

MicrostockSubmitter / Re: Depositphotos can't upload ?
« on: October 15, 2017, 09:40 »
I've had problems uploading there via FTP for many months. Several emails to support were ignored. Stopped uploading there a few months back.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Refund emails from Dreamstime
« on: October 12, 2017, 15:23 »
Got one today. First time in a while. Must have been a fraud case

Alamy.com / Re: Getting glaciers accepted?
« on: September 16, 2017, 14:30 »
I've got 8 or 9 on there of Hubbard Glacier.

I was shooting early morning under cloudy skies from a moving cruise ship.

Not sure which specific images were submitted and accepted, but all images shot that morning were either ISO 100 or 400. Shutter speeds were all over the place, mostly dependent on lens and focal length, but the slowest was 125th. I had more issue with sharpness than noise but ended up with quite a few keepers.


Thanks for coming by and responding. I actually thought about most of what you said and don't disagree with any of it. You guys can't afford to do it for less than will turn a profit. But from our perspective we have to weigh the value to us and I think for many, there is a gap between what we are willing to pay and what you are willing to charge. I really hope you get enough subs to keep it going as it is an excellent product.

To give you my perspective, I really liked the product and used it several times a day. Looking at it from that way, it's worth what you are charging. But, prior to becoming a tester, I only spent a few minutes a month tracking sales. When I first started in this business 12 years ago, I tracked every image, every acceptance/rejection and every sale. As much as I liked having those stats, I realized that the time I was spending did not correlate to any revenue so I quit.

Enjoyed working with you and wish you the best of luck.

Great response, Gary. Yeah, I think they really missed the boat on the value the beta testers could bring. I have sung its praises on several forums as well as on their Twitter and FB page. Now, not so much

I too have been a beta user for quite some time and like the product, but the price is too high. It's not a matter of what I can afford. I can afford to pay $100 a month, but that's not the point, It's how much value does it provide me. It gave me interesting stats that I stopped tracking because it was too much trouble, but I haven't missed them and won't miss them again. It doesn't provide any real value. I haven't made any business decisions based on the information it gives me. I haven't made any more sales based on the information. The Android app is worth $10 a year to me. This is maybe worth twice that, not 10 times that.

Over $100 a year to track sales? I don't think so.

As others have said, I wish the developers luck and when this trial balloon deflates, I hope they price it at what the market will bear.

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